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People automatically ASSUME that once they are 'out of the body' they are in a 'true' 'spiritual realm'.
This is not how it is. You are in the Luciferian realm. Lucifer (means light) was once a 'beautiful angel'.
When Earth 'fell' it left its True 'Light Stream', wandered for a bit, then a new light source called 'light bringer' appeared. This planet latched on to that.
That 'Light Bringer' also called 'Light Bearer' has a name, and you already know what that name is!
In fact Earth is now always in that other 'energy stream', the replacement one, and the one which produced Genesis.
Earth does not move out of that 'energy stream' even when it ASCENDS. Nor do you ever move out of it when you leave the body.
The good news is that it does overlap with the Original 'Energy Stream' or True Light Stream which was and is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
The amazing energies into this planet which began with the 'Star of Bethlehem' are the opportunity those trapped in this reality waited for.
The teachings of Jesus Christ who also arrived then AND provided the information for HOW to get to the Tree of Eternal Life when the opportunity came with the Earth's Ascension, are also amazing.
All you have to do is KNOW HOW to get OUT of this 'energy stream'! (And this energy stream is the name you already know.)
It is quite a big job to get the amount of information into small, easy to read' sections. Mostly we have achieved that but sometimes the link may lead to a section that has not yet been fully edited. (This section above, is also on the intro info page.)
Reference for more on the Luciferian 'Energy Stream'.
The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets, inhabited planets, and suns in its network.
This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.
You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid.
Where did all the WITCHES go?
In the 1600's or thereabouts, Britain used to send all its convicts, and witches, to what is now 'America', to the USA.
This should not be underestimated although it is largely forgotten. When the 'bigger picture' is made known, Britain and Europe were very highly developed civilizations - societies with high levels of civility, as well as arts and culture. Britain, all of Europe, like France, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, Spain, and Russia, and so on. Kind of the opposite to what we see in the world now, which has been under the 'mirror reverse'.
However, there is a different perspective from the usual view that those shipped off to the colonies were just 'convicts'.
Amongst that highly developed civilization were persons who were not from the original gene pool. This would equate to the 'P. Diddy' level, and also the 'Epstein parties' level which includes those who were doing the exploiting of children. They were also practicing Luciferians, and witches and those in that level of consciousness.
The citizens of a developed Christian civilization did not want these 'others' - in much the same way as Germany kicked the 'bankers' and 'userers' out of Germany with the intention of letting them have their own country in Madagascar ( that's another story).
The point is, the developed high level civilizations of the modern world, even though that was 400 to 120 years ago, wanted to keep their countries at a high level. The 'convicts' were all sent to what is now the USA, or North America. It is well known that Britain sent these derelict criminals to Australia. However, they were originally sent to the USA. It is also the case, apparently, that 'pilgrims' went there on the Mayflower. Apparently so, and that gives the impression that it was all about 'good pilgrims' going to 'America'.
The full article is here Continue.
*Briefly, at that time in history there were a lot of conflicts in England between Protestants and Catholics. but Catholics were, of course, aligned to the Roman Church and that as we have seen before goes right back in time to Ancient Jerusalem and being on the side of the 'Amun'. In relation to the convicts sent to the British colony in America, many of these practised witchcraft. They were witches. The world has now seen that witchcraft is a very real thing, and is linked to Luciferianism and also links to the Talmud (which believes in human sacrifice particularly babies and children, and more is covered elsewhere). There was a lot to do with witches in America in those times. Like Salem. Even today the Americans celebrate Hallowe'en which is 'all hallows eve' the day and night of witches. Britain didn't ever celebrate Hallowe'en.
The Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot which took place on November 5th 1605 was a failed Catholic plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament. In the UK this was celebrated with a big bonfire and lots of fireworks. A big community gathering. There was 'guy' like a scarecrow made from straw etc which was burned on the bonfire.
Now the image stands for freedom, justice, and revolution against oppression.
V for Vendetta (2005) - V on TV Scene. Watch 3 mins.
Oct. 5th added an additional scene from the 2005 film V for Vendetta showing a plot here just for the UK.
But what if this idea was applied to the entire world? Watch
There Exists in the World a strong culture of VOODOO and Black Magic
that came from the African continent.
"The Day of the Dead is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember amusing events and anecdotes about the departed." From Google.
This 'celebration' is of Voodoo / Black Arts origin and is not a celebration of life. That is a way of presenting it so that a voodoo or satanic ritual will continue without people knowing what they are participating in.
There is no-one in the world who remembers the people they have loved as skulls and skeletons!
But it is what Black magic is about.
The Path of Black Magic and Dark Arts relates to the Diddy parties because they are part of recruiting and conversion via 'hypnotic experiences', and othe realm contacts without it being obvious that that is what it is about.
Any out of body experiences is automatically considered 'spiritual' -
but nothing is ever explained about which 'energy stream' anyone has accessed as that 'spiritual world'!
The Path of 'Dark Forces' is about out of body experiences and hypnotic drum beats to access 'other states of consciousness' related to the energies 'of the Dead'.
This particular time is a 'once off' time, and special. We are definitely waiting for the 'shutdown' but also a Planetary Change.
There isn't really an indication of when the 'world situation' will escalate, despite the missile retaliatory attack from Iran on October 1st. There is just the knowledge that it will.
However, a good indication for possible dates does happen to be the dates given for the 'Celebration of the Dead' because they are all important dates on the
SATANIC calendar.
These are -
October 31st and through to November the 5th or the 6th.
These dates mark the time this planet was taken from the Higher Realm and caused to fall towards its ultimate death.
Getting people to celebrate this time, adds energy to the overall Luciferian goal to steal this planet.
These dates are when the 'Dark Forces' aka Satanic Forces come to take the souls of those they have captured.
The next big satanic day after that is the Winter Solstice.
It was reported that the actual Dividing of the Ways where people choose to either remain trapped in the 'realm of the Dead' or get free of the 'realm of Illusion' and return to, or get to, the 'Higher Realm', began on November 6th 2023.
Getting free of the 'Dark Forces'.
Existence in this 'energy stream' - which clearly is not the 'good' energy stream' is still a reality which most people are born into and then live a 'life time' in that body to the time one 'dies'. Then they reincarnate in a different body. That is not the real reality.
This reality is a 'fallen Star-Grid'. Once fallen this world accesses a different 'energy stream' which people are converted further into, but ultimately it is the Realm of the DEAD, there are Dark Forces' and entity possession involved, and eventually the 'real person' cannot get out of it.
As said, all people think they are doing some kind of 'spiritual process' and out of body 'spiritual contact'.
The P. Diddy 'parties culture', shows the way that people are drawn into conversion and possession by demonic forces. But the parties are simply what are set up to happen everywhere - for that specific purpose.
Getting to a True God Realm is not how it is for people caught in this 'energy stream'. They do have a 'spirit body' which exists after this life, or as an out of body existence but they are STUCK in this 'energy stream - which is the 'energy stream' of the 'Dead'.
Right now, at this specific time ONLY, there is a chance to get out of being trapped in this.
We think the timing for everything connects into the expected Earth Pole Reversal. This creates a Division between those on the Path of Black Magic (whether they know it or not) and those who can get to the Higher Realm of the 'True' Star-Grid' mentioned below in the 'Black Nobility Families' section.
The religion in the Talmud led to witches and satanists who have repeatedly been thrown out of countries for 3,500 years, and have repeatedly gone to America.
Here in the older of two Jewish books, the Talmud, they do write about some people - 'gentiles' - being 'sub-human;'
It is true, there are people who are 'sub humans', but most decent people consider that it is those who do and believe in the practices listed here who are the 'sub-humans' and 'animals'.
The 'Black Nobility' Families.
The Controllers of the World's Financial System
are now threatened by 159 countries who have signed up for an alternative. Who were the controllers? Families like the Rothschilds, the 'Black Nobility' and Jewish Zionists. How did they get control? By the practice of usury and by by blackmail - which is where the P.Diddy and many similar operations across the world come into the picture. It is how they do it. It is their modus operandi and 'business skill'. In turn, these people follow and worship demonic forces and dark energies to enhance their power.That is why there are the rituals and sacrifices.
The World Banking system has been the means for planetary control.
However, those who had been controlling the world are not allowing themselves to be removed easily. They will take out the entire world if they can.
Who are the 'Black Nobility' Families?
They are also the lineage called the 'Children of Cain', and the Luciferian Bloodlines.
They are family bloodlines who have kept strict records of their lineages since the beginning of Genesis. Briefly, as the 'Children of Cain' they are the lineage that was born from the 'false light', which reached Earth after it had been damaged in a cosmic accident called 'worlds in collision' apparently from an exploding star nearby, which hurled debris the size of planets through this solar system. Earth was knocked off its axis and away from its true and correct 'Star-Grid' then from the time of Genesis this planet had wandered into a second Star-Grid' also called a 'Tree' which placed the Earth under the light of a star source called LUCIFER. That is how these people were born on a planet which was not their planet.
Maybe that is a complicated answer to who they are, but they began thousands of years ago. They believe the Earth should belong to them, and that they are the 'chosen' of some kind of 'god', but that 'god' is Lucifier.
Most of us who are from the 'Higher Realm', as discussed for the 'Higher Self' person'
are from the 'true' bloodlines before that cosmic accident happened, and the Earth was, and is, our planet.
*Genesis is the gene of Isis. That is the 'Children of Cain'.
The Venetian Black Nobility and Baroque - ROBERT SEPEHR
Video Watch 21 minutes. The dance form they are showing is in the 18th century, the 1700's. It originated in the courts of Europe but taken from the information brought back from explorers who went to China and the east and witnessed the feats of martial arts and qi gong. Explorers of the 'far east' like Marco Polo. It later did develop into ballet.
The documentary is useful although calling the 1700's the 17th century is a significant lack of research and knowledge, It still has to be checked whether he meant the 15th century when he said 14th.
This article will be on this link. ... Dark Forces and Witches.
Christmas does coincide with the Winter Solstice.
Nevertheless, the energy for how and why Christians celebrate Christmas is because of the 'spirit of goodwill to everyone' and of course the birth of the Christ - actually the return of the star and the Christ energy.
The Winter Solstice is a Luciferian celebration
as it celebrates - and sends energy to - their successful damage to this planet, which then took it into their realm of control..
If the Earth was in the correct 'energy stream' there would not be any solstices and equinoxes. They are the result of the damage.
It is okay to celebrate Christmas. It reminds us to be good people.
It is NOT okay to celebrate or give energy to solstices and equinoxes. That is Luciferian!
Most people assume and believe that once they are 'out of the body' that they are in a true 'spiritual realm'.
This is not how it is.
You are in the Luciferian realm.
In fact you never leave the Luciferian universe.
Because Earth has been pulled into the '2nd energy stream' which is the false path (Grid).
The cycle of the planet goes through a 'good' side and also an 'evil' side which the Earth is now moving out of.
But it is always in the 'energy stream' or 'light stream' of Lucifer.
It is the wrong Star-Grid, the network of stars and planets Earth does not belong with. So it is always tied into that 'energy stream'. Always.
This is why it is all important to know how to get OUT of this reality (OFF the 'wheel of rebirth') and to the Tree of Eternal Life (the True Star-Grid',).
The person known as Jesus Christ, came here 2,000 years ago - from the 'Tree of Eternal Life -
specifically to show people the Way to get OUT of the 'realms of Illusion' that are the 'false reality' aka the fallen 'Star-Grid'.
It was the preparation phase for the time that is approaching and known as the Planetary Pole Change (Shift) and Planetary Activation.
A time that is the most significant event to happen on this planet.
It is also unique and separate from all other functions. It was and is specifically about being able to get OUT of the fallen reality which is the 2nd 'energy stream'. That energy stream is always the light of Lucifer.
Around 2,000 years ago the energy leading to the change for this planet began.
It was initiated by the return of the 'Star' which belongs to the True Star-Grid - that is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
At the same time NEW TEACHINGS were provided so each individual could choose between the two Star-Grids aka Trees.
The two different energy paths (streams).
That is, the Christian Teachings given were a wake up about not doing the spiritual practices and activations which are part of the Sirius Star-Grid.
This time of change has been the chance to get out of the false 'energy stream' and false cycle of the planet (called the 'Wheel of Rebirth') and be 'marked' for the Tree of Eternal Life.
Sit back and TRUST God. ALLOW God to take care of it!
Behave and live your life in the Way that Jesus taught and ALLOW God Source from the Eternal Tree, to do what is necessary.
Choose WHICH 'Path' you are on. A 'path' is an 'energy stream'.
An 'energy stream' refers to which one of the two 'Trees' you are on.
From the moment you are born, you also begin to die.
This is for a reason, but a reason that should not exist.
There is an area inside the head called the 'cave' also known as the '3rd Eye'. It is also where the master gland Pituitary is.
So we are looking at the mysterious 'death hormone' in the Pituitary, which was also written about in ancient literature.
In ancient literature - from a time which in fact had a very highly developed medical system that included hospitals and surgery - but in the ancient literature it explains that inside that 'cave' is a multi headed dark parasitic energy which is part of the 'Energy Stream' which is NOT the Eternal Life Stream but the Stream of 'LIfe AND Death'. It is an ever present dark energy, but there for a reason.
In ancient literature - from a time which in fact had a very highly developed medical system that included hospitals and surgery - but in the ancient literature it explains that inside that 'cave' is a multi headed dark parasitic energy which is part of the 'Energy Stream' which is NOT the Eternal Life Stream but the Stream of 'LIfe AND Death'. It is an ever present dark energy, but there for a reason.
It was given descriptive names in ancient literature, like Hydra and Medusa the Gorgon. In the modern world it is called the 'death hormone'. It is what makes this chakra a dark colour instead of the Light it should be.
It is there because Earth became caught in the Energy Stream of a different 'Tree'. That means the 'streams' of energy which bring and sustain LIFE, so generally this work uses the term 'Energy Stream'.
That dark parasitic energy always exists there even when the planet switches to the positive side of the duality Energy Stream. When you try to remove it, more heads and/or tentacles immediately grow back.
This Energy Stream - aka the 'Tree' of Life and Death - issues from a 2 star system which was the 'King' and the 'Queen' of a network of related stars and planets, and the Queen and the King of that network were known as
Isis and Osiris.
It is why there is a King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid and a Queen's Chamber,
from the time when the pyramid system was actively harnessing energy for the planet from the stars, which produced a kind of rainbow halo around the white limestone outer surface of the pyramids.
It sounds romantic but that energy was eventually discovered to be a 'black poison' also known as the eitr.
They were accessing the 'Energy Stream' of the 'Tree' of 'Good and Evil', of Isis and Osiris.
The master gland Pituitary is divided into 5 sections.
It is reasonable to surmise that there is a segment for the Queen Star and one for the King Star - Osiris - except that for an untold length of time, the King Star has been a 'Dead or Dying Star'.
This work does aim to provide as much on what this really is, and sometimes this may conflict with established perceptions. Sorry!
***Sometimes, if one hasn't read some of the introductory material or understood about HU-mans and the Tree of Eternal Life, and then 'mankind' and the "false 'Tree' of the 2nd sun". it is possible for what is written to be viewed out of context.
NEW content added futher below.
A 'Tree' is a 'Star-Grid'.
A 'Star-Grid' is a network of related Stars (suns).
The fallen Star-Grid includes the 'Black Sun'.
The potentials that Earth had is a topic that will be covered further.
The Earth has always had the chance at this point in time, to return to the Energy Stream of the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. It would lead to the rapture experience and also a harsher 'judgment' on others, a true 'Division of the Ways'.
But that only happens if the people of the planet CHOOSE the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The people did not choose that.
They stayed with the positive side of the existing 'Energy Steam' which is the Tree of Good and Evil, Light and Dark', 'Positive and Negative'.
It is possible to still wait to see if there are signs of any significant difference with the planet, but at the moment with the no election fraud issues blocking the success of Donald Trump to become the 47th president, the outcome does not look more than a change for the better.
It does seem that the evil that was the cabal has been removed and the world WILL be going into a much better, positive phase for around another 12,000 years before the planet's cycle begins to fall again into the negative. No-one is taking away the benefit and good that that is. The planet is and perhaps has resurrected out of the negative frequencies.
It means that those who want to get to the 'Tree of Eternal LIfe' Star-Grid still have to do the work themselves to achieve what is required.
There are a lot of videos on the advanced architecture attributed to Tartaria in the US
- which by all accounts is the cabal who did indeed live in and develop America from around 3,500 years ago after being thrown out of Egypt.
However, those making these videos seem to only be aware of the 'wild west' image that America still was - at least in the movies - during the 1800's. The rest of the civilized world was very developed, with sophisticated architecture. Britain had an underground train system long before the World Fair in Chicago came about, and they did have electrical power sources, just not available to everyone.
Nevertheless, our research shows there probably was a very sophisticated society living in America and that the so called beginning was not the 'pilgrims' and new colonists going there in the early 1600's. That is the story. It was easy to keep these people in wild undeveloped areas, while the cabal elites still lived in developed cities. But it no doubt was necessary to demolish those buildings otherwise the masses would discover that 'America' and its "beginning" is NOT a true history.
Tartaria seems to be the 'eastern' (Khaszarian) origins of the cabal.
There clearly are connections to Ancient Greece - which did have a Luciferian 'gods' cosmology, as did ancient Rome.
It appears that these ancient empires set up after the 'Fall of Atlantis'
- an accident caused by the 'misuse of technology' - which caused Atlantis in the Atlantic just out passed Gibralter and the Canary Islands, to sink. In our timeframe we would look at 12,000 years ago, or around the time recorded by Plato who obtained his information from a priest in Egyot named Solon. But it could have been at the same point in the Earth's cycle, from the time before that. There were still two warring factions in very ancient times associated with Greece, which included land in Egypt which was in fact part of 'Greece'.
The people do appear to be an RH negative blood type and they had blue or grey or violet eyes and very often fair or 'strawberry blonde hair. They went from Atlantis to today's Europe and to Ireland (Taira).
Atlantis was not a God World civilization. It was one which had developed technology against what the God Worlds had decreed. Most likely it was made up of God centred people, and those with the same Marxist ideas of this current world which is that they could do God's job just as well. That ancient world had the pyramid system which used the 'black poison' the etre which is the energy they were warned NOT to use/harness. This looks like it led to a blow out in the core of the planet so significant it did sink Atlantis. Evidence of such a blast exists in the Great Pyramid of Giza, but does not mean it was the source of it, just a recipient.
However, the biology and DNA of the people was from before the Earth was as it is today, with DNA altered people. These ones are not the biology of the cabal elite though, even if they did revere Ancient Greece.
The website pages are to keep relevant information in focus. We don't have an online 'show' where we have to keep creating content. We don't have to keep creating content because we don't have to do it. We are waiting to see how things are after the Planet Activates. The pictures are to links and to short articles.
Each month we are adding content NOT simply for interest, but as part of an unfolding assistance/teaching to understand about the 2nd 'Path' (energy stream, and a 2nd 'god'.)
This work uses AD 'Year of Our Master' not the cabal alteration CE for 'common era'. It is important to know the realities about WW2.
Previously -
Earth cycles between two realities (Trees) and for the last quarter of that 25,000+ year cycle, the Satanists/Luciferians have had control, with this current time being their final push for FULL control.
In the beginning, these two groups of people agreed to live separately in their own lands on this planet. There were those who were the high level original Hu-mans - from the Tree of Eternal Life' and there were those who were a lower creation, generally called 'mankind', born from a different source of light. But both able to be on the same planet - because the planet moved. (between the two suns).
Then those who were born from the 'lesser light' (Lucifer the 'light bringer') decided they wanted the Earth for themselves.
At times throughout history, they somehow managed to form communities amongst the Hu-mans, then there would be times when they were rounded up and again banished to lands that would be for them - and their religion - only.
At this time, they have infiltrated and flooded the civilized, developed planet.
Just to be clear on this :
'They' exist on several levels from the all out, evil Satan worshipping monsters and all that that encompasses, to those who range from half way towards that, and to generally bad. In easy to understand terms it refers to those who go to the P. Diddy 'secret' phases of his 'freak off' parties which involves ritual sacrifices, blood drinking, actual satanic (and voodoo) rituals, ritual murders or snuff killings, orgies, beastiality, cannibalism, and mind altering drugs which include the 'schizo juice' Adrenochrome.
A small step down from this level, or a stage along the way to that level, is orgies and degradation of self or others..How many fit that category?! Today that is considered 'normal' partying. In a modest Irish book by Maeve Binchy written in the early 2000's she describes the general youth on an almost annual puilgramage to Italy or Ibiza or wherever and makes it clear that the holiday experience is for as many sexual encounters as possible. In another book the author describes, as indirect to the actual storyline, how there is a Full Moon party that takes place on a beach in Thailand every month and in the author's description, it is filled with mainly Australian girls "crazy Aussies" who are having sex with as many people as they can. So the next level beneath all out satanic rituals is that.
The level below that is very bad, to bad, maybe levels like bullying and hatred for others, and arrogance and your own self importance over others, then lesser elevels of bad, if you get the picture. Currently, the once civilied world is flooded with that. 'Accepted' and admired people of today's society, whose names are on the list of regular P. Diddy party goers such as David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Adele, Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams, and all the usual suspects!
However, all of this could be classified under the heading 'mankind' whereas to make things easy to understand, those who are the opposite of this type of things are the Hu-mans, those originally born from the True Light of the Original Star-Grid. Also, be very clear that this is not about ethnicity or race. It is about whatever consciousness is inhabiting the biological body.
Psalm 37:5
"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act"
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding"
Isaiah 41:10
"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand"
Various previous highlight topics.
The potentials that Earth had is a topic that will be covered further.
The Earth has always had the chance at this point in time, to return to the Energy Stream of the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. It would lead to the rapture experience and also a harsher 'judgment' on others, a true 'Division of the Ways'.
But that only happens if the people of the planet CHOOSE the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The people did not choose that.
They stayed with the positive side of the existing 'Energy Steam' which is the Tree of Good and Evil, Light and Dark', 'Positive and Negative'.
It is possible to still wait to see if there are signs of any significant difference with the planet, but at the moment with the no election fraud issues blocking the success of Donald Trump to become the 47th president, the outcome does not look more than a change for the better.
It does seem that the evil that was the cabal has been removed and the world WILL be going into a much better, positive phase for around another 12,000 years before the planet's cycle begins to fall again into the negative. No-one is taking away the benefit and good that that is. The planet is and perhaps has resurrected out of the negative frequencies.
NEW. Sept. 17th.
The Earth's Resurrection is written in ancient texts
but is not being mentioned, by the 'alternative' or any other media, and almost not covered and prepared for at all. This is what the 'Awakening' is, it is not about the online shows giving out information! Most 'alternative media' sources are now struggling to come up with new shows. David Icke says the 'alternative media' has been hi-jacked, which is very possible. People who began as giving out helpful content or informed reasoning on the situation, are now trying to discover the 'secrets of the universe' and present that! Way too late. There is about 5 minutes left to the actual PLANETARY ACTIVATION, and a massive agenda in place to keep people unaware. ..
What is expected with the Planetary Resurrection is not written as a 'nice entertainment' happening in the sky.
The Book of Revelation' tells us that it is actually something they describe as a 'Judgment' when people will experience something that relates to how they are 'marked'. BTW ''marked' means whether they were marked on the 'left hand' or the 'right side of 'God'.
For some it should be a 'glorious experience', but for others it is a harsh 'judgment'.
So it is expected that there will be a significant division of people at the time of this 'Dividing of the Ways'. We will have to see! As such we are waiting until the event happens and completes to see what the result is to be.
Replaced By Clones Watch
Gary King (Of The Humans) Meets The Galactic Network | The World's End |
The important information links for September are the two new sections added here, and the 'Royal Bloodline' sections.
The Cabal Side and the 2nd 'Tree' - Sun.
which is this Astral Universe (which can be infinitely huge and called metaverses, multi universes with multiple dimensions and as big as can be to the point that your imagination just can't comprehend it) does have very detailed teachings on this. Such as the Kabbalah, and an array of variations of these Records, as well as the Ak-ashic Records which are a kind of recorded data base so people do get replays of things played back. They have details of structures of star grids, and they have details of battles between Light and darkness aligned people. People are attracted to join the Orders which present these secrets because of the knowledge. Then they do the initiations. Light side or dark side. Still the Duality. It is believed that those who are 'darkness' have for millions of years been out in the galaxy stealing planets. Just as they have been trying to take this planet. However, one point to remember is that 'millions of years' involves the existence of Time. The Tree of Life is not that reality. There is no Time. It is called Timeless. In fact the planet goes into its Ascension because of the time. Even accessing the Photon Belt required being this time. But why was this planet not already in that Light?
The Illegitimate Star Grid continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. )
The lineages from Genesis, have been the cause of battles on this planet since Genesis. All lineages that are chronicalled from after 'Eve' discovered the 2nd Tree in the 'Garden' are not the original humans. All of Genesis is from when the planet's axis became damaged. So why was this the first Book included in the Roman created Bible?
The person known as Christ and the real Christian religion were not Jewish in any way. Christianity did not 'come from Judaism'. These people were from the 'Greek' lineages who had occupied and run Egypt before it was known by that name. They all left in the Exodus but even the language in what they claim was 'Jewish' Palestine was not just Aramaic, but a slang version of Greek. The Jewish thing, despite forming the first 5 books of the Christian Bible, was not the source of Christianity. This is a topic covered in detail elsewhere. The Roman version of the religion was because the Romans who occupied the 'Holy land' were in partnerships and deals with the Jewish community, not the other groups. This is why there were so many conflicts happening.
The Creation of the Roman Bible continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. )
'Marked on the left hand'
More will be added on 'being marked on the left hand' because a great many on this planet would seem to be so 'marked'. It did not mean a micro chip in the left hand. It means the 'left hand path' which this work has discussed for many years. Some of these might find themselves going off into an AI reality of meetings with the 'Galactic Alliance' as an example. However, as far as can be determined, the planet's resurrection out of the 'death realms' includes 'resurrecting' those on the positive side (or light side) of the second energy stream, which is the 'lesser light' also fallen, and still the Sirius Grid but the positive side. Then these ones remain with the ongoing cycle.
The next steps from this lead to the breaking of the 'silver cord' connection with True, eternal, biological life'.
Where Did All the Witches Go and the Earth Command (main points from the October updates.)
Important RECOMMENDED topics :
The Illegitimate Star Grid continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. ) The Creation of the Roman Bible continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. ) The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King. .... . Earth Under the True Master . ... . The Agenda for Conversion of Humans into the Status of Non-Human'The Fall of Atlantis'. Continue.September 21st. ... Being Human . .... . Where did All the Witches Go Continue. . ... . Desiderata . .... . Where Did All the Witches Go and the Earth Command (main points from the October updates.)
Previous for September - October continue >>
We do try to reveiw these linked pages when able so they can be updated.
NEW Continue to the next new page >> NEW July 20th There is now a new page which covers Fake News from the 'Alternative Media' sources. >> <<
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' .... Wake Update newsletter 2024 Continue click on the link on that page for the next part of that.