Introduction to what matters - 'need to know'.
This diagram below is a depiction from ancient knowledge of a Star Grid. It shows one Star Grid - the one that Earth is aligned into. The only knowledge on this is from the ancent Jewish mystical sources. The Star Grid which Earth belongs with was altered by those who 'rebelled against True Source' so that they did not have to obey. That Grid was under the Tree of Eternal Life Earth Command Source
Those who rebelled and chose a different Grid now practice Luciferianism. They allied to a different Source - Osiris/Isis - Lucifer.
The 'Tree of Life' Star Grid is not this Star Grid! But this does show what a Star Grid is.
It's a bunch of stars (and multitudes of planets) which all belong to the 'energy stream' of a Command Star Light Energy Source.

If you just see the usual picture, it shows only one 'energy stream'
which always follows a continual same view of 'upwards' in 'consciousness' to the same 'god'(s) of that energy stream. There at the top must sit 'god'.
But it is not one energy stream going 'upwards' to what must or should logically be 'god'.
The Tree of Eternal Life is a completely different energy stream and it is NOT a straightforward journey 'upwards' or 'higher' or whatever it seems to be.
Everyone in this world is born into and onto the 'left-hand path' which is the false path and false Tree.
It is the consiousness of duality. It is also called 'sin' which is the Latin word for 'left'. That is why everyone has been born in the 'original sin'.
It is not particularly difficult to understand, and yet for some inexplicable reason, is!
This is the wrong energy stream - if you hope to get to 'Eternal Life' that is - but it does take a higher level of conscious awareness to get recognize this.
Above all else this work explains that the Way Out of this very real entrapment,
is to be a GOOD person, who has HIGH MORAL ethics,
is KIND and CONSIDERATE to others,
does not sit in judgment
- but you can have opinions and use discernment.
Be POLITE and well mannered to others,
and if in conflict with any aggressive biased responses then WALK AWAY (turn the other cheek)
Be a person who does not try to sexually seduce others, or cheat them, or lie to them, or make another look bad to advance your own career.
Be a person whose 'WORD IS THEIR BOND' who lives in an HONOURABLE way.
That is the type consciousness and behaviour that is recommended.
Other than that, this work is presenting INFORMATION, at a high level, that is intended to be HELPFUL!
* Please note that this page is still being edited.
Information : the Two Suns and the Eternal Life Star Grid.
This planet is caught between 2 suns,
..............................2 different Energy Streams
.and because of this has people from two opposing realities.
People who really should belong on two different planets!
A 'Tree' is a 'Star-Grid'.
There is the 'Eternal Life Tree' (Star-Grid) and there is a False Creation fake 'star-grid', caused by a 'cosmic accident' and also the 'misuse of technology and knowledge' in the 'days of Atlantis'.
The off alignment 'False Star-Grid' aka 'Tree of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil' et cetera, was created via the 'lesser light' that is Lucifer.
But the True Reality is a Real Reality where the Hu-mans live as was intended by the True Creator Source and they do follow that 'Law'. It is not some kind of 'pure consciousness' that exists without a form to it. It is a real world with a much higher frequency and vibration, with real Hu-mans who exist in real bodies but they do have a more 'pure consciousness'. This is not at all how people live in this world. And the 'spiritual path' is not about getting to only a type of 'consciousness'..
In fact if the planet's coming Activation went as it should do, some people could pretty much walk out of this reality and across into the 'True Reality - which is the True 'Star-Grid'.
It is being in the correct and real Star-Grid that matters.
The trigger for the ACTIVATION was the return of a star, the star you know as the
'Star of Bethlehem'.
It doesn't matter that it was called by that name. The important factor is that a star from the Eternal Life Star Grid finally returned into contact with this planet.
That star is from 'our' Tree of Eternal Life' - those of us who are from that side, that 'sun' and the Eternal Life TRUE Grid.
And yes, those from the 'Tree of Eternal Life' System do say that there are many persons on this planet who are NOT from that side, and many who do not belong there. Those who wish to accept True God's 'Law' can be accepted onto the 'Tree of Life'. People can choose that.
***There is a very significant and important point to add here, which we just realized.
As said, the appearance of the 'star' was the first time the planet accessed the True 'Tree of Eternal Life' star-grid, and it happened 2,000 years ago.
That brought the energies of the Christ, and the means that would make possible the Resurrection of this planet which is also called it's Ascension. Only the True Source Christ energy has the power to lift the planet out of its 'pull' into the 'false' star (the 2nd sun).
Those energies, and the True Eternal Source star-grid, were not there in any form before that time and it was not 500 years later, or whatever, that it happened. The event of 2,000 years ago was when the 'True Source' was finally reaching Earth again. That is why it is important to note.
The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets and suns, and people in its network.
This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.
You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid!
Pretty much all people assume and believe that once they are 'out of the body' that they are in a true 'spiritual realm'.
This is not how it is.
You are in the Luciferian realm.
In fact you never leave the Luciferian universe. Because Earth has been pulled into the '2nd energy stream' which is the false path (Grid).
This is why it all important to know how to get OUT of this reality (OFF the 'wheel of rebirth') and to the Tree of Eternal Life (the True Star-Grid',).
The person known as Jesus Christ, came here 2,000 years ago - from the 'Tree of Eternal Life -
specifically to show people the Way to get OUT of the 'realms of Illusion' that are the 'false reality' aka the fallen 'Star-Grid'.
It was the preparation phase for the time that is approaching and known as the Planetary Pole Change (Shift) and Planetary Activation.
Around 2,000 years ago the energy leading to the change for this planet began.
It was initiated by the return of the 'Star' which belongs to the True Star-Grid - that is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
At the same time NEW TEACHINGS were provided so each individual could choose between the two Star-Grids aka Trees.
The two different energy paths (streams).
That is, the Christian Teachings given were a wake up about not doing the spiritual practices and activations which are part of the Sirius Star-Grid.
This time of change has been the chance to get out of the false 'energy stream' and false cycle of the planet (called the 'Wheel of Rebirth') and be 'marked' for the Tree of Eternal Life.
The Wake Updates pages usually include observations and comments, but also the actual 'need to know' information about the different 'Trees'
which are Star-Grids,
i.e. the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem heralded - was the beginning of - the return of the True Star-Grid - and therefore a massive opposing force to the false star-grid Earth has been pulled into.
That means that regardless of what practices were done before, from after that time THINGS CHANGED.
Back to the 'pulled into', that has been a 'dark operation' to take this planet. Steal this planet.
Those doing this do not need the human race, but they do need some for farming purposes as they like to eat foetuses and they also need people for sacrifices.
It is not about a person who is going to be a 'Messiah'. It is the 'Tree of Eternal Life', also known as the 'Book of Life' which is returning.
Good people carry out the work, that is all. Getting to the correct 'Tree' that is a Living Stream 'Tree of Eternal Life' is what is important. When the Star of Bethlehem finally appeared, it was the return of the True God Source Star Grid.
A star is also a sun, and probably the ancients wrote about the appearance of this Star as the
Star of God and Sun of God.
The Book of Life and a Tree of Life are about the Living Waters - 'life streams'.
They are about LIFE.
They are not the dead ones.
'I am the Light and the Way, not that other sun'!
In Ancient Palestine, the Romans were allies with the major Jewish sect of the time.
When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered after WW2 and those books described the existence of the 'Children of Darkness' it was the Roman catholic scholars and the Jewish scholars who made the 'official' translation - which made the 'Children of Darkness' seem something quite tame.
There were 4 major sects in Ancient Palestine, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealaots. Essenes were a different group from the original Therapeutae in Egypt but they had all the gospels and books of the Therapeutae (which is a Greek word and name). The ones in Palestine were also considered 'healers' or assaya, and they did have the books which taught them those skills from the Greeks and from the world before the Fall, but they also operated significant schools of education, one of which the Apostle Paul attended.
We know the Roman-Jewish created Roman Church made alterations to the writings of those who recorded the actual events of the time. The new Roman Church did appear to personify the appearance of the 'Star' - but we do now know that it was the Star of Bethlehem which brought the energystream of the True Source, the 'Tree of Eternal LIfe Star Grid.
So what we look at here is that star-sun metaphorically 'saying' pay attention people, 'I am the Light and the Way, not that other sun'! What is that 'other star'? It is Lucifer/Sirius.
The Earth has been existing in and travelling through the Demonic Realms,
also called 'dark forces'. Pop star concerts are part of taking people through a portal into the Demonic Realms. This has also been called the 'vallay of the shdaow of death' the 'realm of the dead' and the Left Hand Path which is the meaning of the Latin word Sin.
Original Sin
The Left Hand Path is the fallen star-grid, and the 'false path'. As humans are born into this world, their origin is in the Left Hand Path which is Sin.
We will provide missing details then you can work it out for yourself.
Sit back and TRUST God. ALLOW God to take care of it!
Behave and live your life in the Way that Jesus taught and ALLOW God Source from the Eternal Tree, to do what is necessary.
Choose WHICH 'Path' you are on. A 'path' is an 'energy stream'.
An 'energy stream' refers to which one of the two 'Trees' you are on.
Your decision has been whether you choose GOD'S WORLD and GOD'S WILL.
It is not a blind obedience but it is unthinkable, inconceivable not to follow GOD's WILL!
You can choose otherwise though, and if you do, it isn't GOD's WORLD.
The True 'Tree of Eternal Life' is GOD's WORLD.
The 'Tree of Eternal Life' Star Grid is not part of the 'Ages'.
Even with the Ascension and getting rid of the evil on this planet, the planet still takes 12,000 years to line up with the 'Tree of Life'. Of course there may be something else that steps in, otherwise there is not so much of a 'dividing of the ways'. But after 12,000 years the planet continues with the Ages of the Zodiac, and that is the next fall.
More on the 'energy stream' this planet is in, added further down.
People automatically ASSUME that once they are 'out of the body' they are in a 'true' 'spiritual realm'.
This is not how it is. You are in the Luciferian realm. Lucifer (means light) was once a 'beautiful angel'.
When Earth 'fell' it left its True 'Light Stream', wandered for a bit, then a new light source called 'light bringer' appeared. This planet latched on to that.
That 'Light Bringer' also called 'Light Bearer' has a name, and you already know what that name is!
In fact Earth is now always in that other 'energy stream', the replacement one, and the one which produced Genesis.
Earth does not move out of that 'energy stream' even when it ASCENDS. Nor do you ever move out of it when you leave the body.
The good news is that it does overlap with the Original 'Energy Stream' or True Light Stream which was and is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
The amazing energies into this planet which began with the 'Star of Bethlehem' are the opportunity those trapped in this reality waited for.
The teachings of Jesus Christ who also arrived then AND provided the information for HOW to get to the Tree of Eternal Life when the opportunity came with the Earth's Ascension, are also amazing.
All you have to do is KNOW HOW to get OUT of this 'energy stream'! (And this energy stream is the name you already know.)
It is quite a big job to get the amount of information into small, easy to read' sections. Mostly we have achieved that but sometimes the link may lead to a section that has not yet been fully edited. (This section above, is also on the intro info page.)
Reference for more on the Luciferian 'Energy Stream'.
From the moment you are born, you also begin to die.
This is for a reason, but a reason that should not exist.
There is an area inside the head called the 'cave' also known as the '3rd Eye'. It is also where the master gland Pituitary is.
So we are looking at the mysterious 'death hormone' in the Pituitary, which was also written about in ancient literature.
In ancient literature - from a time which in fact had a very highly developed medical system that included hospitals and surgery - but in the ancient literature it explains that inside that 'cave' is a multi headed dark parasitic energy which is part of the 'Energy Stream' which is NOT the Eternal Life Stream but the Stream of 'LIfe AND Death'. It is an ever present dark energy, but there for a reason.
In ancient literature - from a time which in fact had a very highly developed medical system that included hospitals and surgery - but in the ancient literature it explains that inside that 'cave' is a multi headed dark parasitic energy which is part of the 'Energy Stream' which is NOT the Eternal Life Stream but the Stream of 'LIfe AND Death'. It is an ever present dark energy, but there for a reason.
It was given descriptive names in ancient literature, like Hydra and Medusa the Gorgon. In the modern world it is called the 'death hormone'. It is what makes this chakra a dark colour instead of the Light it should be.
It is there because Earth became caught in the Energy Stream of a different 'Tree'. That means the 'streams' of energy which bring and sustain LIFE, so generally this work uses the term 'Energy Stream'.
That dark parasitic energy always exists there even when the planet switches to the positive side of the duality Energy Stream. When you try to remove it, more heads and/or tentacles immediately grow back.
This Energy Stream - aka the 'Tree' of Life and Death - issues from a 2 star system which was the 'King' and the 'Queen' of a network of related stars and planets, and the Queen and the King of that network were known as
Isis and Osiris.
It is why there is a King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid and a Queen's Chamber,
from the time when the pyramid system was actively harnessing energy for the planet from the stars, which produced a kind of rainbow halo around the white limestone outer surface of the pyramids.
It sounds romantic but that energy was eventually discovered to be a 'black poison' also known as the eitr.
They were accessing the 'Energy Stream' of the 'Tree' of 'Good and Evil', of Isis and Osiris.
The master gland Pituitary is divided into 5 sections.
It is reasonable to surmise that there is a segment for the Queen Star and one for the King Star - Osiris - except that for an untold length of time, the King Star has been a 'Dead or Dying Star'.
This work does aim to provide as much on what this really is, and sometimes this may conflict with established perceptions. Sorry!
***Sometimes, if one hasn't read some of the introductory material or understood about HU-mans and the Tree of Eternal Life, and then 'mankind' and the "false 'Tree' of the 2nd sun". it is possible for what is written to be viewed out of context.
Quick reminder.
As a damaged planet being pulled into a different, and lower astral system, your 'spiritual goal' is to get OUT of this reality,
which is getting off the 'Wheel of Rebirth'.
The life after leaving the body, the 'spiritual realm' or 'afterlife', is still part of the 'False Reality' or 2nd energy stream.
If it was other than this, no-one would be reincarnating back into this reality!
If it was as easy as the 'next life' is all okay, people could be born in this world and do whatever they like. Oh, wait a minute. They do. That's the Luciferian belief.
Information : the Two Suns and the Eternal Life Star Grid.
This planet is caught between 2 suns, 2 different Energy Streams
....................and because of this has people from two opposing realities.
People who really should belong on two different planets!
Those who are part of the 'Tree of Eternal Life'
.................................................................................... and those who are its opposite.
Earth cycles between both realities, and for the last quarter of that 25,000+ year cycle, the Satanists/Luciferians have had control, with this current time being their final push for FULL control.
In the beginning, these two groups of people agreed to live separately in their own lands on this planet. There were those who were the high level original Hu-mans - from the Tree of Eternal Life' and there were those who were a lower creation, generally called 'mankind', born from a different source of light. But both able to be on the same planet - because the planet moved. (between the two suns).
Then those who were born from the 'lesser light' (Lucifer the 'light bringer') decided they wanted the Earth for themselves.
At times throughout history, they somehow managed to form communities amongst the Hu-mans, then there would be times when they were rounded up and again banished to lands that would be for them - and their religion - only.
At this time, they have infiltrated and flooded the civilized, developed planet.
Just to be clear on this :
'They' exist on several levels from the all out, evil Satan worshipping monsters and all that that encompasses, to those who range from half way towards that, and to generally bad. In easy to understand terms it refers to those who go to the P. Diddy 'secret' phases of his 'freak off' parties which involves ritual sacrifices, blood drinking, actual satanic (and voodoo) rituals, ritual murders or snuff killings, orgies, beastiality, cannibalism, and mind altering drugs which include the 'schizo juice' Adrenochrome.
A small step down from this level, or a stage along the way to that level, is orgies and degradation of self or others..How many fit that category?! Today that is considered 'normal' partying. In a modest Irish book by Maeve Binchy written in the early 2000's she describes the general youth on an almost annual puilgramage to Italy or Ibiza or wherever and makes it clear that the holiday experience is for as many sexual encounters as possible. In another book the author describes, as indirect to the actual storyline, how there is a Full Moon party that takes place on a beach in Thailand every month and in the author's description, it is filled with mainly Australian girls "crazy Aussies" who are having sex with as many people as they can. So the next level beneath all out satanic rituals is that.
The level below that is very bad, to bad, maybe levels like bullying and hatred for others, and arrogance and your own self importance over others, then lesser elevels of bad, if you get the picture. Currently, the once civilied world is flooded with that.
'People are made into 'celebrities' because people then make them their idols and basically worship them! Then these celebrities are used to further the agenda.
Accepted' and admired people of today's society, whose names are on the list of regular P. Diddy party goers such as David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Adele, Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams, and all the usual suspects! Sports stars, Popstars, Film stars, Models, 'celebrities', and now also 'influencers'.
However, all of this could be classified under the heading 'mankind' whereas to make things easy to understand, those who are the opposite of this type of things are the Hu-mans, those originally born from the True Light of the Original Star-Grid. Also, be very clear that this is not about ethnicity or race. It is about whatever consciousness is inhabiting the biological body.
Sit back and TRUST God. ALLOW God to take care of it!
The Energy Change which began 2000 years ago
was for the most significant Planetary Activation and Resurrection of the Earth in the entire cycle.
After the planet goes through its 'change' then we will have a better idea of what that 'change' has done.
Sit back and TRUST God. ALLOW God to take care of it!
The planet began its energy changes for its Ascent or Resurrection from the 'realms of the dead' 2000 years ago.
That was the Year 1 AD which means 'The Year of Our Master'.
This is slightly different from the Latin, but this is the actual meaning.
This work has provided basic information on the reality of this reality,
which clearly shows why there was a Teacher as Jesus was, who came here to show the Way out of the problems. We have also provided guidelines for how to do that. When the 'end game' is over we will provide more in the way of resources to help get to the True Eternal Living System.
......Reincarnation does not prove 'Eternal Life'.
............ It proves you are reborn into this world. It also proves you had continuing existence after leaving the body at death.
.................... BUT it does not prove that where the soul went to was the Eternal Life System.
....................................There are two energy stream recorded in Genesis.
....................................................This one is the Path of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil.
The planet began its energy changes for its Ascent or Resurrection from the 'realms of the dead' 2000 years ago.
That is when new Guidelines were given.
It is why it was marked as a new time, not because of a person but because the Christ energy from the Eternal Father Source (Father means positive) began their activation then. The Guidelines were given so that people would not be 'tricked' into other things which tie them into the 2nd energy stream. But more importantly that they will be able to handle the upsurge in electrical frequency. That is because there are many things that are negative charged.
A Higher Realm civilization must live in kindness, humility over vanity, see a 'bigger picture' to the consquences of their actions,
not sit in judgment, but be polite, and so on.
No-one fulfills this by any other way but being these. There are highly developed ways which educate from the beginning of a person's life HOW to live in this way.You must BE these qualities.
Important RECOMMENDED topics :
The Illegitimate Star Grid continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. ) The Creation of the Roman Bible continue. (Updated Sept. 11th. ) The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King. .... . Earth Under the True Master . ... . Dark Forces and Witches. ... The Agenda for Conversion of Humans into the Status of Non-Human'The Fall of Atlantis'. Continue.September 21st. ... Being Human . .... . Where did All the Witches Go Continue. . ... . Desiderata