People automatically ASSUME that once they are 'out of the body' they are in a 'true' 'spiritual realm'.
This is not how it is. You are in the Luciferian realm. Lucifer (means light) was once a 'beautiful angel'.
When Earth 'fell' it left its True 'Light Stream', wandered for a bit, then a new light source called 'light bringer' appeared. This planet latched on to that.
That 'Light Bringer' also called 'Light Bearer' has a name, and you already know what that name is!
In fact Earth is now always in that other 'energy stream', the replacement one, and the one which produced Genesis.
Earth does not move out of that 'energy stream' even when it ASCENDS. Nor do you ever move out of it when you leave the body.
The good news is that it does overlap with the Original 'Energy Stream' or True Light Stream which was and is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
The amazing energies into this planet which began with the 'Star of Bethlehem' are the opportunity those trapped in this reality waited for.
The teachings of Jesus Christ who also arrived then AND provided the information for HOW to get to the Tree of Eternal Life when the opportunity came with the Earth's Ascension, are also amazing.
All you have to do is KNOW HOW to get OUT of this 'energy stream'! (And this energy stream is the name you already know.)
It is quite a big job to get the amount of information into small, easy to read' sections. Mostly we have achieved that but sometimes the link may lead to a section that has not yet been fully edited. (This section above, is from the intro info page.)
The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets, inhabited planets, and suns in its network.
This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.
You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid.
The person known as Jesus Christ, came here 2,000 years ago - from the 'Tree of Eternal Life -
specifically to show people the Way to get OUT of the 'realms of Illusion' that are the 'false reality' aka the fallen 'Star-Grid'.
It was the preparation phase for the time that is approaching and known as the Planetary Pole Change (Shift) and Planetary Activation.
A time that is the most significant event to happen on this planet.
Obviously the 'dark forces' have worked tirelessly to sabotage it! And to stop you accessing this opportunity.
A 'Tree' is a 'Star-Grid'.
There is the 'Eternal Life Tree' (Star-Grid) and there is a False Creation fake 'star-grid', caused by a 'cosmic accident' and also the 'misuse of technology and knowledge' in the 'days of Atlantis'.
The off alignment 'False Star-Grid' aka 'Tree of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil' et cetera, was created via the 'lesser light' that is Lucifer.
But the True Reality is a Real Reality where the Hu-mans live as was intended by the True Creator Source and they do follow that 'Law'. It is not some kind of 'pure consciousness' that exists without a form to it. It is a real world with a much higher frequency and vibration, with real Hu-mans who exist in real bodies but they do have a more 'pure consciousness'. This is not at all how people live in this world. And the 'spiritual path' is not about getting to only a type of 'consciousness'..
In fact if the planet's coming Activation went as it should do, some people could pretty much walk out of this reality and across into the 'True Reality - which is the True 'Star-Grid'.
It is being in the correct and real Star-Grid that matters.
The trigger for the ACTIVATION was the return of a star, the star you know as the
'Star of Bethlehem'.
It doesn't matter that it was called by that name. The important factor is that a star from the Eternal Life Star Grid finally returned into contact with this planet.
That star is from 'our' Tree of Eternal Life' - those of us who are from that side, that 'sun' and the Eternal Life TRUE Grid.
And yes, those from the 'Tree of Eternal Life' System do say that there are many persons on this planet who are NOT from that side, and many who do not belong there. Those who wish to accept True God's 'Law' can be accepted onto the 'Tree of Life'. People can choose that.
***There is a very significant and important point to add here, which we just realized.
As said, the appearance of the 'star' was the first time the planet accessed the True 'Tree of Eternal Life' star-grid, and it happened 2,000 years ago.
That brought the energies of the Christ, and the means that would make possible the Resurrection of this planet which is also called it's Ascension. Only the True Source Christ energy has the power to lift the planet out of its 'pull' into the 'false' star (the 2nd sun).
Those energies, and the True Eternal Source star-grid, were not there in any form before that time and it was not 500 years later, or whatever, that it happened. The event of 2,000 years ago was when the 'True Source' was finally reaching Earth again. That is why it is important to note.
The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets and suns, and people in its network.
This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.
You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid!