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...DISCLOSURE. FORBIDDEN & REWRITTEN HISTORY >> ....The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King. ... . Earth Under the True Mastefr ... . .Wake Updates Current Month >>

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But first, this page has the basics ........

No matter how perfectly all the 'conscious thought' on Earth may create the reality here after the Ascension -

the planet will still eventually be pulled into the orbit of the Dwarf Star

- and that is a different energy stream , or 'path'.

The one missing jewel of information is introduced on these pages.

Once you understand what was not told to you, and what that really means, you will then be able to set a spiritual course to get to the "Tree" of Eternal Life.

The links below, are the more important sources of information which relate to understanding why Earth is caught on the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and its people not returning to the Eternal Life System,


Earth's Axis and an Ancient Accident in this Galaxy.

Best intro. Short and easy to read. Continue


The consciousness of the 'Children of Cain' is sometimes described as the 'Trickster'.

The energies for this planet's ASCENT out of the dark side of 'Path of Duality' began with changes to the planet 2,000 years ago. It brings the planet into alignment with the Light side of the '2nd path' in the Garden BUT it also begins an overlap with the lost path of the 1st 'Tree' the 'Tree of Eternal Life' or Living Water Energy Stream - which is a different energy stream, and is Eternal Life.

Because that HIGHER energy began 2,000 years ago, the planet can now pull out of the 'evil' and the Cain alignment (which is dog and the reverse of God) and move to the positive side at the time of the Planet's Polarity Change/Shift. This is the AWAKENING.

That energy stream, called Christos/Christ is what has made the difference. The only Teaching was given 2,000 years ago with the incoming energy. That Teaching is and was to ensure you would not align into or create energy ties into the 2nd path, even the positive 'Children of Light' side of that energy path. The aim of that, from that side, is to TRICK you into taking that path. Do you get it ?


"Best example of an actual 'spiritual' person is those who live as a 'Good Samaritan'.

Hypocritical 'spiritual' people are negative, and can be encountered anywhere. Bullies are this. So are people who 'sit in judgment of others' which is also bullying."



***The LOST Spiritual Path is the Tree of Eternal Life.

A lost and missing knowledge, and also the Way to get there.

There is another, completely different and separate path of 'Light' and it is the one the planet is aligned into as it goes through its current Ascent out of the 'realms of darkness' - the negative. The light is Positive and it is Good, but it isn't the Eternal Life System. There was a narrow 'window of opportunity' when people on this planet could break the ties with that other path.


These are important links that are related to understanding the Eternal Life System and the need to get off the 'Wheel of Rebirth'


This star and magnetic force, is causing Earth's '2nd path'

Dwarf Star....

Long Ago in this Galaxy, a 'Collision of Planets' Took Place.

This is what ;knocked' Earth towards the '2nd Path' (of Duality, Good and Evil et cetara.

'Collision of Planets' .

.. Earth's Change to a Higher Frequency

Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm

The coming changes to how the planet is run is first on the list. The planet's actual physical Ascension may or may not tie in with it, but is a separate thing and very important. The planet begins to align into the 'Tree of Life' BUT also is still connected to the '2nd Tree/Energy Path'. If the individual continued with the practices JESES taught NOT to do, then that individual still has energy ties into the 2nd 'Tree' and that is what brings a soul back on the 'Wheel of Rebirth'.




The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King.

Earth's imminent Ascension takes the planet to the positive side and that inevitably means the bloodlines from the 'Children of Light' side - of the Path of Duality. This is the story of the child of the 'King' - good side - thrown out of Egypt 3,500 years ago. The story is interesting. The reality is 'get your priorities right' there is not much time left to understand this.

The story is this. This story appears to be something that is a thing. The lineage of the 'king' from the 'Children of Light' side went to Palestine and then involves the journey of Mary Magdalene and the heir of the lineage, firstly to France (where Madelene and 'Our Lady' - Nostra Damus and Notre Dame - are such a big thing) then on to England and then these people, went to the Americas. This was from 70 AD.

Obviously this is some 37 years after the crucifixion when Jesus was 33 years old and his birth was recorded as 1 AD or from some sources a few years before that. So an escaping, pregnant Mary was not the wife of the crucified Christ. They were all kicked out of Palestine by the Romans because the son of the bloodline lineage of the 'Children of Light' was saying he was the real King.

Now we have to hope there isn't any plan to proclaim the person of that lineage today, 'king of the world' especially aftgo to the Americaswhihich is wer the Planet's Activation!

Because it looks like some 'revelations' are leading to that! So did the royal family bloodline of the original True humans before Adam and Eve produced from 'Cain' then 'Seth' really go the Americas - or was it another group who did?

In our current world we are awaiting the EARTH'S ACTIVATION

The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King.


There is nothing 'wrong' with religion, particularly the Bible.

The western world particularly has been the target of MIND CONTROL. Very sophisticated and subtle undermining of values important to a the survivial of a high level civilization. They have been undermined in subtle ways, such as part of 'new and more enlightened' teachings when they are in fact Mind Control.



The Illegitimate Star Grid



An 'out of body' experience does not prove you have eternal life.

.....It proves you continue to exist outside the body.

. .......It does not show you whether where that is, is a good place or an ultimately bad place

.........../..There are two energy streams. One is 'Eternal Life'. The other is 'Life and Death'.


When Earth changes polarity to positive it is still on the Path of Duality.

It is the 'good' side and the side of Light. But still Duality.

Be aware, because that is what people miss. It isn't actually the '5th Realm'. You still have things you have to know about and to do to get there! It is many thousands of years more before the Earth lines up with the other energy stream which is Eternal Life.


This reality whether the Earth is in Ascent or Descent is ALWAYS the 2nd energy stream which is the Path of Duality..

......Reincarnation does not prove 'Eternal Life'.

............ It proves you are reborn into this world. It also proves you had continuing existence after leaving the body at death.

.................... BUT it does not prove that where the soul went to was the Eternal Life System.

....................................There are two energy stream recorded in Genesis.

....................................................This one is the Path of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil.


The please continue with the next new page Continue.

This will link to the page on more Disclosure.

Nazi Tech was the tech from the pre-Flood world 12,000+ years ago.

The records of these were kept in the Secret Societies of Austria. The Nazi's had the maps into Antarctica Ancient Bases. This was greatly wanted by the 'cabal' side because they needed to locate the pre-Flood bases that were located there.

Their maps showed a hidden passageway, deep below the ice of Antarctica, which led to where the pre-12,000+ years ago Ancient Bases were located.

Antarctca Ancient Base


Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' . : . Magical Mexican Maya Dream Spell . : . Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : .


Earth is Caught In the Path of a Dwarf Star

General topics, Ancient Civilizations, Antarctica etc

that were previously on this page'


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