Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
NEW August 14th 2024 Updated Aug. 30th & Sept. 3rd. . .'Spoiler Alert'.
The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King.
Earth's imminent Ascension takes the planet to the positive side and that inevitably means the bloodlines from the 'Children of Light' side - of the Path of Duality. This is the story of the child of the 'King' - good side - thrown out of Egypt 3,500 years ago. Interesting story. Not relevant or connected to the Christ connection to the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The story is interesting. The reality is 'get your priorities right' there is not much time left to understand this.
The story is this. The Atens and the Amuns.
Long ago in Ancient Egypt, which was not known by that name at that time, it was ancient Khemu (which later became known as Camelot) there were two bloodlines who believed themselves to be the 'royal lineage'. One was the Amun side. The other was the Aten side. The actual country where the famous Pyramids of Giza are, was also inhabited by a different people closely linked to a very Ancient Greece the works of which went back to the pre-diluvian world 12,000 years ago but resurfaced as 'Ancient Greece' a few hundred years before Roman times. But the high level knowledge of mathematics, water displacement and so on were in reality much older than that.
So it is 'Ancient Egypt' around 3,500 years ago and there are two 'royal bloodlines' One is Amun, which had gained control, and the earlier one which was Aten. When Pharaoh Akhenaten became King he wanted everything back to the 'Aten' lineage which is also known as the 'Children of Light'. He had gone along with being an 'Amun' but immediately changed when he became the king.
He had a dud wife Nefertiti, not reliable (always shown with the 'one eye') and there were also battles with Tutmoses (or Kamoses) a prince said to have been found in the bullrushes. When 'everyone' was kicked out of Egypt, the Aten king was removed, but so was the Amun side. They were all kicked out of Egypt. The country appears to have returned to its 'old religion' status (priests of Amun) and yet these are the ones kicked out of the country. They were also a serpent bloodline and there had been attempts to end that lineage. (The 'Passover' had been intended to end the serpent lineage but something went wrong and they were 'passed over'.)
It is possible that Ancient Egypt (Khemu) may have returned to its status under the Greek Therapeutae, but this is not likely. If anything, these were the most vulnerable and most threatened of all people. They did have to flee Egypt.
There was a very strong reason for the 'Thera' people to need to flee from Egypt as they were clearly of Greek origin. By the time of Akhenaten the Thera lineage had been long replaced with Amun kings and queens, and earlier with Aten ones. So something had happened with the original people there but 'Aten' supported those people.
It was the 'other lot' who were continually causing trouble because as the 'Children of Cain' aka the Amun side, they continually insisted that the Cain side had been given the right to 'rule the Earth'. But Khemu was originally under a very obvious Greek connected people who appear to link to the original humans before 'Adam and Eve' produced from Cain (but that will continue elsewhere.)
Of those, the ones which became known as Essenes, or the ones who at least had their records, were also kicked out, and were the Amun side. This is why it looks like those who ended up as Essenes in Palestine and the 4th largest sect there, were in fact those who had the records of the Therapeutae but were not the Therapeutae (which obviously is a Greek name).
However, the scriptures they had, which included writings on the 'Children of Light' and the 'Children of Darkness' belonged to the Therapeutae and were taken to the new 'Promised Land' by Moses at the time of the Exodus. Moses had previously been known as Tutmoses (or Kamoses) and became known as Moses. That was the Amun side. Unfortunately the exodus of both sides was a bit messy. Consequently there has been a great deal of confusion about who was the Aten side and who was the Amun side, although they themselves did know. The Romans hid the existence of the 'Essene' scripts in the Vatican Archives because their books showed that another people had also existed in Egypt.
The lineage of the 'king' from the 'Children of Light' side went to Palestine. They were kicked out of Egypt when it was under the Pharaoh Akhenaten who went against the 'Amun' side. It seems he had gone along with being 'Amun-friendly' then when he became king, he had declared he was the Aten side.
Both the Amuns and the Atens went to Palestine. Both claimed 'Kingship'. The Aten side is the 'Children of Light' and the Amun side is the 'Children of Darkness side. Everything is deliberately confused. The ones currently restoring the Aten bloodline could be the 'white hats'. This is the ongoing bloodline of the Aten side, right down to today, which until recently has been under the control of the Amun side which is the 'Children of Darkness'
It later involves the journey of Mary Magdalene and the heir of the lineage,
firstly to France (where Madelene and 'Our Lady' - Nostra Damus and Notre Dame - are such a big thing) then on to England and then there are claims this family went to the Americas. This was from 70 AD. They were kicked out of Palestine by the Romans because the son of the bloodline lineage of the 'Children of Light' was saying he was the real King. This again is the same fight continuing between the Atens and the Amuns. .
The hidden story is that the wife of the heir of the bloodline safely escaped from Ancient Palestine during the violent troubles which led to the Diaspora of 70 AD. This can be lineage from king Akhenaten. It can also be the lineage of the original 'True' humans who preceded the existence of the 'Children of Cain' or of Seth. We use AD which correctly means 'The Year of Our Master'. The satanic side replaced this with the use of CE for Common Era.
There are claims that Mary Magdalene was the wife of the Christ and was the pregnant wife who escaped from the country in 70 AD. Jesus was 33 when he was crucified, and born in 1 AD or even before that date. The pregnant lady and her family was not the Magdelene married to a Jesus, but could have been a descendent.
In the records of this kept by certain 'elders' in the Americas, the wife was pregnant. The child was born when they reached England and was given an Anglo Saxon name which converted into a known name of a 'King' in the Americas after they reached there. (The name was given but we had to find it. We have now found it.)
The name was Woden for the 'royal lineage' and in the Americas it became Votan.
The point was that this became part of a known 'royal lineage' in the Americas. However, Votan was a king of a 'death cult', the drinking blood from skulls thing. In Britain where the name Woden began, it also referred to the blue dye, woad, they used to make their skin blue.
But of interest is that the ancient Indian scripts always showed the original 'royals' as 'blue skinned' and there was also the original 'blue-bloods'. The ancient Brits are always represented as axe waving savages with blue war paint, including Queen Boudicea of the Iceni people (pronounced Boud a - sia, not Boud A sha) as she went into battle but 10 years earlier than the Diaspora and the escaping 'royal bloodline'. It is extremely unlikely the 'royal people' were acting in that way, as we know they went there in ships, via France, escaping a sophisticated society in Ancient Palestine with schools and universities similar to the more ancient Greek style, and with the ladies referred to as 'My Lady'.
According to a source of Native American knowledge handed down through a white lineage (apparently) Woden was the name of the royal child who went to the Americas and then became known as Votan. As you know, in the Americas that was part of a 'death cult.' In Britain the name referred to the people. In Britain, which includes England and Wales. the name became 'Weeden'.
It is also a point that this was the child born from the time 'Our Lady' escaped Palestine,
because at the time she was pregnant, and it is always said that her husband had been killed for claiming that he was the rightful king. That had happened around 37 years earlier than 70 AD but possibly some of that remaining family did escape much earlier? Perhaps they were connected to Boudicea?.Perhaps those ones known as the iceni tribe were in fact connected to the Essenes as the name is similar?
In other records we are told that 'Our Lady' the wife, who escaped at the time of the Diaspora (and whose title may have been Mare, not a given name) had four children, so we must assume the first 3 were girls. The heir who was recorded as the next king to be, was male.
Obviously those years from the beginning of the '1st millennium' (AD, Year of Our Master) was not the time for the real 'King' of any ancient royal lineage to regain his throne. It would be a crazy misreading of ancient texts, to step forward in the totally hostile environment of Roman-Jewish run Palestine and claim kingship!
However, it is the year the Source of the Eternal Life Light returned.. It is very possible that some people then did have the scientific records which said that the planet began its 'awakening' process then with the return of what we know as the 'Christ'. Those are scientific records.
It also has to be considered that the person who claimed the 'Kingship' was the reason the Year 1 AD began then.
But it is the year the planet began its very subtle 'awakening' that 1 AD. There were people of that lineage who had the records and knew, and undoubtedly taught amongst their followers that the planet's awakening had begun - and that Awakening was called Christos. This of course is a Greek word.
However, even the person who claimed to be the 'King' is recorded as having been born a few years earlier than that the date of 1 AD. Even in those ancient times, they did in fact keep very detailed registers of births, so it definitely is known exactly when these people were born.
It is also a point that by 70 AD and with a pregnant wife awaiting the birth of the heir to the lineage, the person would have been about 70 years old. For this reason the family smuggled out was probably the next generation on.
Nevertheless, the family of the 'royal bloodline' was successfully smuggled out at that time and went to France, then England, then questionably on to the Americas. Despite the Diaspora there were still people who were fighting about this, and it was this that led to the Romans, who were allied to the Amun side, to establish the Church of Rome.
*** This work began covering this topic over 20 years ago and found that the original Greek Therapeutae in Egypt - and that is a Greek name - may not have been the same people who became known as Essenes in Ancient Palestine. They had some of their records but also those records included information they did not want to be known. Their identity is also questionable, for the reason that their base at Qumran near the Dead Sea was a military base.
We also dropped words like Therapeutaue or Ashaya (healers) because the parasite groups took up the information we gave and then started doing what the parasites do. Now as the planet approaches its Activation (hopefuly!) this will separate the 'wheat from the chaff'.
The Romans created the church of Rome by taking the story of the 'King' lineage AND blending it with the actual scientific details of what happens to the planet as it reaches its ASCENT Phase
The Romans created the church of Rome and they were aligned with the 'Amun' side. That makes sense of why they ended the Knights Templar some 800 years later. Yet both sides seem to have had the ancient 'maps of the sea kings' from before the Flood, and the later named Mormons were amongst the ones who went to the Americas 3,500 years ago. A current day Mormon was Mitt Romney who was the cabal side. It means both the Aten side and the Amun side went to the Americas 3,500 years ago, as well as after 70 AD.
The Roman Church (linked to the Amun side) was created by taking the story of the 'King'
(whose remaining family they kicked out in the Diaspora of 70 AD) AND blending it with the actual scientific details of what happens to the planet as it reaches its ASCENT Phase - which actually did begin 2,000 years ago. It is two sources of information blended into one.
After some time in Britain, the 'Magdalene' family then sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas - in the year following 70 AD - because the others of their lineage had already gone there 3,500 years before, and they had had access to the ancient sea maps from thousands of years earlier in the pre-diluvian world over 12,000 years ago. However, the culture which developed in the Americas does seem to still be dominated by the one of skulls, drinking from skulls, and a great deal of human sacrifice.
The source of all the ongoing trouble, those kicked out of Egypt and then much later from Palestine, was always about was which of these 'god' had given the 'ruership of the earth' to. It looks as if both sides of 'Light and Dark' went to the Americas.
Yet there is an earlier group of people who were once the only humans on the planet when Earth was fully under the 'Master'
(before the 2nd 'Tree' even appeared in the Garden.) These were the original 'True' human lineage which existed before the biblical Adam and Eve story where Eve produces 'Cain'. There was an 'Abel' first from whom 'Cain' usurped his birthright. Or usurped the birthright of that lineage, which then ceases to be mentioned. These ones, who existed first were associated with the earlier 'Greek' connection in 'Egypt' (both of these names were not used at that time) but the 'Greek' original rulers of 'Egypt' were those from 'Taira'.
These ones are always described as the original 'True' lineage of humans and specifically described as being fair skinned, with blue, grey or violet eyes. They became the original Anglo-Saxons, the 'real' English (Angel-ish) and they were in fact the lineage race of the 'Master' - the same 'Master' which began a return in energy in 1 AD - Year of the Master. (This picture is from the painting of the 'Lady of Shalott'.)
Britain has many great castles like this, This castle was built aroung 1200 AD..
The members of this 'Royal family' remained in Britain. The earliest English chronicles from the 8th, 9th, and 10th centuries claim he was the father of the Anglo-Saxon peoples. Woden refers to the royal lineage of the humans before the Children of Cain!
Ancient Britain was founded on FREEDOM.
Freedom from the 'Children of Cain' and their systems of enslavement. Free from the Amuns and the Romans in the 'Holy Land'. These British 'Angel-ish' people were described as 'angels' but it was pronounced in the German way of Angles with the hard 'g' sound. They were called the Anglo -Saxons. The song 'Rule Britannia' is a song of Freedom. The words state 'Britain, never, never, never will be slaves'.
Also of interest if considering the Anglo-Saxon connection to Germany, is this :
"The earliest written record of Woden is found in a runic inscription of a 7th-century brooch located in southern Germany. His next mention comes from Bede in the 8th century where he is claimed to have been the father of the Anglo-Saxons, whereas Paul the Deacon claims that Woden is revered by all the nations of Germania." This is most definitely about the original pure race of the Master. and their escape after the the AD. 'Year of the Master'. Much more to follow on this.
We can take for granted that the biblical version created by Rome and the 'Council of Nicea' quite a long time after the events, changed the identity of 'Mary Magdalene' into being a whore, and that she was the wife of the person who claimed to be 'King' - but who would have done better to have kept quiet about it. It definitely was not the time to reveal that their lineage still existed.
It is claimed that the 'royal family' eventually went to the Americas after England, and they were taken by the 'sea kings' but there is certainly room for questions here for the reason that 'sea kings' and their flag of the 'skull and cross bones' (known as the pirate flag) may have been those connected to the Phoenecians who later began the Freemasons.
So there are some questions.
The escape of the very real 'royal family' of the original humans (not the Aten lineage which were the Light side of the 'Light and Dark' duality) ) may have been changed. The actual 'royal family; may not have been those who went on to the Americas and whose son named 'Woden' became 'Votan'. Votan is, not surprisingly since the Americas had a 'Death Cult', the 'God of Warfare and Death'.
The legends of the origins of 'Votan' as the 'royal lineage' were handed down through the ages and made known by a woman from that lineage which we did research. In fact we had read her work many decades ago. However we listened to a recent video interview with her and her perspective is clearly about sexual energies particularly in connection with some kind of 'power surge' which some menopausal women experience (because of hormonal imbalance ) and an interpretation of it being related to the 'freeing' of 'sexual' energy. Maybe, or apparently they do feel some kind of 'power' with it! But it is about older women, and some kind of hormonal process that happens in many aging women of a type you will often see flocking to some creepy kind of idea of 'spiritual'.
However, we know that the 'True' royal lineage stayed in Britain, because the story of their lineage was handed down through the generation too. There is no evidence of specifically 'fair skinned' blue, grey or violet eyed people forming the civilizations of the Americas.
It was the 'Amuns' and the 'Atens' who went to the Americas with their lineages.
This is backed up by the fact that the practices of those who were established in the Americas included human sacrifices. It also includes all the 2nd Tree practices even on the Light side which were not about human sacrifices as they were the side which wanted to restore the original 'way of Aten' (which btw relates to the name Athens.).
The Knights Templar were almost completely wiped out when their Grand Master Jaques de Molay was captured and executed around 800 years ago. However, the remaining ones escaped in their ships from Marseilles in France. They also went to England but they were almost wiped out. It is extremely likely that their real identity was usurped (stolen) once again by the Amun side so that it looks like they became the Freemasons.
This shows that some of those escaping were the side of the 'Children of Light' so although they preceded the establishment of the Freemasons, they probably became hidden Orders again, like the Knights of St. John and so on. All that is necssary to know is that the side that was the 'Children of Light' the bloodline from Aten, is one of the teams giving out information now, however, it is very obvious that some of these sources of 'records' are clearly teaching the 2nd path . That means it is a little more difficult to locate the true sources of the original human lineage.
The royal family did not go to the Americas but remained a protected lineage in Britain.
Those who did go to the Americas probably included the legitmate line from Akhenaten. They may be connected to today's 'white hats'. Some of the people who have NDA's (non disclosure agreements but referring to the RV) are now indicating about the 'royal family' which went to the Americas, and that there is a child of that lineage today with allusions to the fact that it may be the same 'soul' as the person who claimed kingship in Palestine.
Now we have to hope that there isn't any plan to proclaim this person 'king of the world' especially after the Planet's Activation!
There is a possibility we might be told it is the actual same soul as Jesus. Let us hope not!
It is being made known now that the 'Shroud of Turin' which is the cloth which covered the crucified Jesus has now been found through blood analysis to be the shroud from that time period and the blood matches another relic kept elsewhere which was the face cloth used. The shroud has been linked with being in the possession of the Knights Templar at the time of the Grand Master Jaques de Molay. It does appear to have been the 'royal bloodline' and quite possibly, if one of today's groups' is going to pronounce the existence of that bloodline, they will use the blood tests. It does look as if the revelation of the 'royal lineage' is part of what is going to be made known.
As for the group which was teaching that the planet had begun its very first stages of the 'Christ' (the Light from the True Master) that is a different topic.
That was about the return of the Light from our Master which did indeed trigger the awakening of this planet around 2,000 years later. It wasn't about a bloodline king. It is unlikely that it was the 'Essenes' because they actually had big schools and universities that were part of the status quo of the time. Those teachings would have been given to very selected people.
But the teachings to live in kindness, forgiveness, gentleness, and moral and sexual integrity, would have been taught widely. .There was a group called Assaya which is a word for 'Healers' which linked to the Therapeutae who were in Egypt (called Khemu and Khemalot at the time) and it was very much part of an earlier Ancient Greece, even from 12,000 years ago.
Camelot and the tales of the Knights of the Round Table, Lady Guinevere, King Arthur. Sir Lancelot and the sword Excaliber are romantic tales of a 'lost kingdom'.
Some ancient records have connected 'Camelot' with the Tolmecs of ancient Mesoamerica, with a slightly different spelling of Tolmecs being a reverse of the spelling of Camelot. Tolemac. This is a blend from Olmecs and Toltecs, but these records used Tolmecs.
The Olmecs carved massive stone faces similar to those on Easter Island, and they began around 1600 BC or 3,500 years ago - when the first of those thrown out of Egypt would have arrived there.
The Aten and Amun sides were from the time of the final stage of the Fall, 6,000 years ago. Akhenaten is 3,500 years ago. This is definitely a duality time. There is also a lineage of humans from before 'Eve' was attracted to the 'serpent', before that energy stream interacted with this planet, and before that even appeared in the Garden of Eden'. That automatically means from before the Earth began to access the Astral Universe aka this galaxy. (So, no 'space brotherhoods' et cetera.)
That 'Tree of Life' lineage is the side the Aten's wanted to restore. It does not mean that Akhenaten was of that original human lineage himself, it meant he wanted to align himself with that side. This also brings into the picture that those amongst these ones who escaped, included some of the original humans who existed when there was ONLY the Tree of Life. This is different from the 'royal bloodline' and it relates to those whose 'Names are in the Book of Life'.
The story is interesting - and it definitely is - but it must be separated from the spiritual path of getting to the 'Tree of Eternal Life'
and getting off being trapped on the 'Wheel of Rebirth'. When the not so good 'Roman Church' created their blended story, they did not leave out the actual information on the Resurrection of the planet out of the "valley of the shadow of death" and how you can do that.
As said, when the Roman Church created the collection of writings that made up the New Testament - and the Catholic Bible is different from the Protestant St. James Bible -
they blended the ancient scientific records which charted the Earth's journey through the fallen frequencies up to when it would Ascend upwards and out of those lower energies, and combined it with the story of the 'royal bloodline'.
In our current world we are awaiting the EARTH'S ACTIVATION
not waiting for a bloodline 'king' to come forward.
The Activation does move to the positive side which includes the 'Children of Light' and it removes the 'Children of Darkness'. This is the actual 'return of the Christ' because the planet has returned to its correct Christed status. During the process of the planet ACTIVATING - which is AWAKENING - the entire effect will be 'seen in the skies', and Earth will look like the Earthstar it has been described as being.
In fact, according to written texts the planet should return to its original people. The gentle, kind, genteel people.
The journey through the 'Fall' allowed and enabled 'inter-dimensional beings' into the planet, but they would be incinerated if they remained here for the Activation. Their option was to keep the planet from reaching its Activation. The 'white hat' operation saw an end to that, and they will be the side in charge of the planet after the polarity change. The mix of 'secret societies' that ended up in the Americas is messy, as is their Constitution when they decided to 'discover' America and allow an official 'colonization' of it. Most of the world had no idea the American continent existed. That is why they taught the "Earth was flat".
The positive side of the wrong path, overlaps with the energy stream of the 'Living Waters' that are the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.
That is the difference.
'Eve's' attraction to the wrong Energy Stream.
Around 12,500 years ago is the time when 'Eve' was attracted to the 2nd Tree and began a creation with the 'serpent'. So there is a first creation which is still the 2nd path (not the Original Tree of Life) because Earth had fallen from its true axis. The good side of that continues until about 6,000 years ago when Earth entered the negative reverse. However, the good side is not the Tree of Eternal Life. It is still part of this planet caught on the 'wheel of rebirth'. Earth is still caught on that path and energy stream.
* You can see here that the original 'Aten's' came from the lineages born from Adam and Eve, but preceded the linages from Cain. The cabal side who built all the phallus obelisks which honour Osiris consider themselves the 'Children of Cain' (which is the Amun side.)
Those from the 'Tree of Life' existed before the 2nd Tree ever entered the Garden.
"There is also a lineage of humans from before 'Eve' was attracted to the 'serpent', before that energy stream interacted with this planet, and before that even appeared in the Garden of Eden'.
That automatically means from before the Earth began to access the Astral Universe aka this galaxy. (So, no 'space brotherhoods' et cetera.) "
The Romans occupied Ancient Palestine at the time of the Christ and then later Diaspora in 70 AD. The Romans were allied with the 'Amun' side of those who left Egypt at the time of the Exodux. Amun is also written as Amen.
The Romans formed the basics of the Catholic Church. The Christian prayers remained the real thing, but they added 'Amen' on the end of the prayers. By adding Amun/Amen on the end no doubt changed the 'god' the prayers are for.
It is believed that this soon to happen planetary event when it happened last time, is how ancient cities like 'Sodom' and 'Gomorrah'
and all the inhabitants, were destroyed when this same event happened long ago. These two cities were the same as the current day Western world. It is believed the people were out and about living their lives the same as today, listening to rap music, probably exactly the same music in fact, and also watching football, and soccer and the same kinds of sports, but also there is plenty of evidence that a global high tech war took place. This time however, there won't be the war and there will be a shutdown.
The ancient form of sea navigation using the sextant (navigation by the stars).
It measured the distance of the stars from the horizon which varied because of the Earth's curvature, and that is how they always knew their position.
NEW. These maps exist from the pre-diluvian world, the world before a great Flood which happened because the Earth listed off its axis. The Earth then went onto the energy stream path of the 2nd 'Tree' in the garden. This happened around 12,500 years ago.
We have mentioned that 'Eve' was attracted to the serpent and life took place on Earth from a false source of light, after around 12,000 years ago as the Earth listed off her "True Light Stream Path" (the Tree of Life'). That different light sources, from a different star was the light which activated a second stream of life and mankind on this planet. It took a few thousand years to start producing mankind - from the good light, then creations from the opposite of God which is Dog and that is what Cain means.
That different light source, which was not supposed to create life on this planet was called the 'Dog Star' which also has the 'dark star'. The different light source which reached this planet and produced life was Lucifer, 'light bringer'.
It is all of the creation of mankind covered in Genesis. It discusses the creation of the children from Cain, the 'Children of Darkness'. Later there is the creation from 'Seth' considered the 'Children of Lght'.
This leads to the Cain side's interpretation that they had the right to 'rule the Earth'.
Before any of these there was the race of HU-mankind born of and created by the 'True Light' before 'Eve' wandered off.
The True HU-mans are those who have rulership over the Earth, it is their planet. They were created before the Earth ever listed over and overlapped into the other light source. Since that time, this planet never returns to the True Light, but it does overlap with it.
After the Cain creation there is the Seth creation which has once again lined up with the overlap with the original Tree. So it actually is the 'good side' of the Path of Duality. These would be the 'Children of Light' who were amongst all groups kicked out of Egypt around 3,500 years ago. (Then later went to the America.)
The 'Children of Light' are still part of the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and continue to reincarnate here. They are the ones who reincarnate back here on the mission to channel energies and do 'lightwork' which is still part of the ongoing false cycle of this planet. The planet never returns to the Tree of Life, it just overlaps for th next 12,000 years. To get to Tree of Eternal Life you still have to keep clear of everything that even is the side of 'light'.
The guidelines for accessing the HIGHER REALM 'TREE of ETERNAL LIFE'
are to live in kindness, gentleness, goodwill towards others, moral and sexual integrity, and ALLOW ETERNAL GOD to lift you out of entrapment on the 'wheel'.
The "around 12,000 years ago" always refers to the time within the planet's 25,000+ cycle. When 'Eve' went off and produced with the second form of light (the 2nd path in the 'Garden') it was perhaps a million or more years ago. Various sources of Records, especially ancient Freemason ones, indicate at least a million years ago. This planet was never given to the progeny of those who came from 'Eve's attraction to the 2nd energy stream.
The planet began its energy changes for its Ascent or Resurrection from the 'realms of the dead' 2000 years ago.
That was the Year 1 AD which means 'The Year of Our Master'.
This is slightly different from the Latin, but this is the actual meaning.
It had everything to do with the 'Star of Bethlehem' and absolutely nothing to do with the birth of a child.
NEXT : The Earth of Our Master ....
Bloodline of the Master Lineage ......