Their maps showed a hidden passageway, deep below the ice of Antarctica, which led to where the pre-12,000+ years ago Ancient Bases were located.Nazi Tech was the tech from the pre-Flood world 12,000+ years ago.The records of these were kept in the Secret Societies of Austria. It is also well known that ancient drawings exist of the Vimana craft technology found in India. However, the most significant records were in the Austrian secret order libraries. They did have, and successfully built a Stealth fighter jet. They were finalizing the creation of the 'A bomb' when the war went against them. It was the cabal side which won even if that wassn;t obvious at first! The Nazi's had the maps into Antarctica. This was greatly wanted by the 'cabal' side because they needed to locate the pre-Flood bases that were located there in order to steer this planet through 'wormwood' also called 'the Destroyer' which is the nearby 'black hole' portal. However, the Nazi's got there first. The Nazi's would have prevented the 'cabal' getting control of the bases and doing what they were trying to do. Admiral Byrd is famous for his mission to Antarctica shortly after WW2 officially ended. Admiral Byrd was a Freemason. It is said they encountered flying craft based on different principles and were driven out. That was UFO tech and the Nazi's had successfully built these small craft, which also appeared to WW2 bomber and fighter crews as 'foo fighters'. Was in 'alien technology'?None of the technology is necessarily overly phenomenal but is and was well within the abilities of the descriptions kept in the Ancient Records (from before the Earth began it's 'Fall (descending phase which began just over 12,000 years ago.) However, the Antarcica hole there, has enabled what are described as interdimensional beings to get into the Earth. The video on Phil Schneider's experience is very compelling. Shortly after this lecture was given, he 'fell out of a train' and died. The WW2 Germans of the National Socialist Party called Nazi is a national form of socialism which gave the wealth of the country back to the people. They received bonueses from it similar to Gaddafi's system in Libya. Their maps showed a hidden passageway, deep below the ice, which led to where the pre-12,000+ years ago ancient bases were located.Unfortunately, although they did win the initial battles with the cabal to take over those bases, the control of the bases went to the cabal. That is why you have heard of John Kerry going to the Antarctica Base at the time of the 2016 US elections, and others visiting that base. It was in cabal hands. It is nw in 'white hat' hands. But after WW2 and the years that followed, it was the cabal which took over that base. The Nazi's were not taking the planet through the 'portal'. They were still establishing the base, building high tech craft and also creating a new gene pool of 'Aryan' people which means not with the reptilian DNA. These ones evacuated to South America. It is true that the Dutch Queen Maxima came from South America and was the cabal side, and that the Dutch Royal Family were the worst of the satanic royals but that was still a cabal operation which appears to have been to make it look as if the Nazi's were doing what the cabal in fact was doing. There is far more research that needs to be done before pointing fingers. The video lectures of David Irving are also very helpful. Advanced Nazi Technology ..... WW2 'Foo Fighters' ..... Antarctica ..... Videos Forbidden History
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