Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
More information is being released about the real (and forbidden) history of this world. This topic is something we have been looking into also. The bombing of beautiful and historic city of Dresden by the Americans and British.was a noted crime. Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess's Mysterious Flight to ScotlandThe Reason the Historic Perspective of the Altered History is Presented is that it identifies the Kazarian cabal in WW2,and who the Bolsheviks were who overthrew the Russian government and established the Marxist-Communist Soviet Union. There are a number of videos which show you a different and 'Forbidden' History which led to the Zionist control of the world in our current era, and made it possible for them to go for their New World Order. It is important to know about the recent past, to see who was involved with the 'black hat' agenda, alongside the important developments that are suggested for the coming Awakening and higher consciousness world. Watch Video. *It looks as if the British royal family was controlled by the cabal from some point in the reign of George V, around WW1, perhaps even from 1914, George V was the father of Edward V111 who had to abdicate and his brother who then became King George V1 father of Elizabeth
ADOLF HITLER DIDN'T START THE BOMBING OF CIVILIANS"Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war," Churchill said," was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the
THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD (FULL DOCUMENTARY) THE TRUTH ABOUT ADOLF HITLERWatch Video Documentary. This is presented in about 25 episodes covering 6 and a half hours. HIGHLY RECOMMENDEDBritain's Winston Churchill was in fact the half American son of Randolph Churchill and American Jenny Jacobson, daughter of a New York "Financier" She was brought up with the Zionist ideology and had a snake tattooed around her wrist. Churchill's father's social circle was made up of "financiers". The two figures who acted on their own without parliamentary consent or even informing parliament were Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt. It was Chirchill who ensured that Britain would not accept peace with Germany and it certainly appears that the goal was to advance the Illuminati Agenda for world control! Currently we are seeing questionable attacks by Hamas against israel and also learning that Hamas was created and funded by Israel. The objective appears to be to garner support to bomb the oil fields of Iran. The US financed the Soviets, just as they financed and created Iran under a non-Iranian Ayatollah Khemeini. Before that, Iran, as Persia was a very modern and progressive country. There are parallels in the strategies used to ensure wars erupt and globablist outcomes are achieved. HITLER VS ROTHSCHILD5 mins. Watch Video I TALKED TO HITLER BY DAVID LLOYD GEORGE former British PM 1916 to 1922Watch Video 5 mins. *The 'bad people' he is referring to (in the freaky beginning German words) are the 'globalist elite' who had a stranglehold on Germany and were stealing all the money. This is the same as they have been doing to the entire world; these people simply set up again after WW2 but on a greater scale. This was until it was stopped and the stolen gold bullion returned to the 'good side' in 2020. We all know the image we are supposed to know about Hitler, but what he did when he became Chancellor of Germany is exactly the same as the 'White Hat' operation has been - he kicked out the cabal. With these videos we suggest noticing the body language of everyone, and look at the eyes. Next. This is also who the Germans were kicking out of Germany and the reason why. NEMOS RADIO INTERVIEW CALLING OUT THE TUNNEL RATS - DUSTIN NEMOSRadio interview on the Blood Drinking Rituals of the Talmudic Jewish death cult. Graphic information, Horrid but should be known. Watch Video 16 mins. April 11th 2024. THE SHIP WRECKERS - KILL YOUR TVWatch Video 3.45 mins song.
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