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According to the Christ based detailed information sources, such as the 'Book of Revelation'

but existing as a separate source of knowledge and completely different people than the wrongly claimed origin in Judaism, this planet is about to go through a major change, a major activation wherein it moves out of many thousands of years of being 'asleep' and in the 'Dreamtime'.

However, there is very little information about what this means and what is needed being made available. Plenty of people trying to discover the 'secrets of the universe' on popular youtube channels etc, but not information from the source which provided the information about the planet's expected to be soon ACTIVATION.

It is understood that it doesn't work to simply pass on the newsletter 'Wake Updates' or give links to family members and friends, but the information does need to be made known, because it isn't being made known. Adding a recommended link on Facebook pages or in similar ways, would assist with clarifying what is needed to know before whatever the ACTIVATION may bring, happens.

The energies for the planet's RESURRECTION out of the current 'bandwidth' it is in, began 2,000 years ago.

Specific instructions were also provided

and thereafter everything possible was done to block and disguise that knowledge.

One extremely important human quality required for this change is KINDNESS and 'GOODWILL' to others.

This is why we had the practice of sending Christmas Greetings, and at other times such as sending cards to Congratulate, or Sympathy cards when people were hurting through grief. This is the reason.

It is far more important than knowing about a 'star-grid' structure, or knowing about 'hidden knowledge' in fact. It is very much about the quality of human you are, and about being able to understand how other people feel - and to care about that.

No spiritual work should be so much 'defending' that organization or dealing with 'tiresome' letters to the 'Master', in a way that forgets those essential principles of compassion, empathy and understanding how people feel.

There is a story of an old lady in an Aged Care facility saying a heartfelt "I have no one to talk to" and the person who was there, in some capacity to talk to her said in a fairly dismissive manner, "I am here talking to you". No. You are not! That poor lady did not have anyone to talk to.

This work has explained for over 20 years HOW the planet went into the current 'bandwidth'

and also showed and explained how it comes out of it, and what it means. 'The 'awake' comment on how the 'sheeple' only follow the news sources they accept, such as with the jab mandates from governments and their media.

Yet it also has to be pointed out that those who follow the new 'youtube channels' and the so called 'spiritual works' also only pay attention to these sources of information - BUT these sources are just as easily providers of false information as the mainstream ones!



Although we are equating the 'shutdown' with the time of the EARTH's ACTIVATION, the timing for that is not known.

IF the ACTIVATION has not happened but the 'shutdown' and world system change HAS, it means the world is still under the Anunnaki 'lesser' light.

Keep in mind, a 'sign in the sky' can be faked, and be a holographic image. An ILLUSION.

It is expected by 'Christ' sources that the ACTIVATION will be much more significant than a 'sign in the sky' - so we must still stay awake!


It is anticipated that a great many things currently expected about 'the future', even after the 'shutdown', but specifically the EARTH ACTIVATION, may be very different from what is believed will happen.

It is also clear that even the 'alternative media' sources do not know much, despite it seeming that they existed as a 'voice' for what was happening. This is because of the EARTH's ACTIVATION. 'Revelation' basically tells us there will be a 'CLEAN SLATE' level of new beginning. Not as cavemen, but something else.





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