Introduction to what matters - 'need to know'.
Above all else this work explains that the Way Out of this very real entrapment,
is to be a GOOD person, who has HIGH MORAL ethics,
is KIND and CONSIDERATE to others,
does not sit in judgment
- but you can have opinions and use discernment.
Be POLITE and well mannered to others,
and if in conflict with any aggressive biased responses then WALK AWAY (turn the other cheek)
Be a person who does not try to sexually seduce others, or cheat them, or lie to them, or make another look bad to advance your own career.
Be a person whose 'WORD IS THEIR BOND' who lives in an HONOURABLE way.
That is the type consciousness and behaviour that is recommended.
Other than that, this work is presenting INFORMATION, at a high level, that is intended to be HELPFUL!
Where did all the WITCHES go?
In the 1600's or thereabouts, Britain used to send all its convicts, and witches, to what is now 'America', to the USA.
This should not be underestimated although it is largely forgotten. When the 'bigger picture' is made known, Britain and Europe were very highly developed civilizations - societies with high levels of civility, as well as arts and culture. Britain, all of Europe, like France, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, Spain, and Russia, and so on. Kind of the opposite to what we see in the world now, which has been under the 'mirror reverse'.
However, there is a different perspective from the usual view that those shipped off to the colonies were just 'convicts'.
Amongst that highly developed civilization were persons who were not from the original gene pool. This would equate to the 'P. Diddy' level, and also the 'Epstein parties' level which includes those who were doing the exploiting of children. They were also practicing Luciferians, and witches and those in that level of consciousness.
The citizens of a developed Christian civilization did not want these 'others' - in much the same way as Germany kicked the 'bankers' and 'userers' out of Germany with the intention of letting them have their own country in Madagascar ( that's another story).
The point is, the developed high level civilizations of the modern world, even though that was 400 to 120 years ago, wanted to keep their countries at a high level. The 'convicts' were all sent to what is now the USA, or North America. It is well known that Britain sent these derelict criminals to Australia. However, they were originally sent to the USA. It is also the case, apparently, that 'pilgrims' went there on the Mayflower. Apparently so, and that gives the impression that it was all about 'good pilgrims' going to 'America'.
The full article is here Continue.
*Briefly, at that time in history there were a lot of conflicts in England between Protestants and Catholics. but Catholics were, of course, aligned to the Roman Church and that as we have seen before goes right back in time to Ancient Jerusalem and being on the side of the 'Amun'. In relation to the convicts sent to the British colony in America, many of these practised witchcraft. They were witches. The world has now seen that witchcraft is a very real thing, and is linked to Luciferianism and also links to the Talmud (which believes in human sacrifice particularly babies and children, and more is covered elsewhere). There was a lot to do with witches in America in those times. Like Salem. Even today the Americans celebrate Hallowe'en which is 'all hallows eve' the day and night of witches. Britain didn't ever celebrate Hallowe'en.
The Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot which took place on November 5th 1605 was a failed Catholic plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament. In the UK this was celebrated with a big bonfire and lots of fireworks. A big community gathering. There was 'guy' like a scarecrow made from straw etc which was burned on the bonfire.
Now the image stands for freedom, justice, and revolution against oppression.
V for Vendetta (2005) - V on TV Scene. Watch 3 mins.
The 'Black Nobility' Families.
The controllers of the world's financial system
are now threatened by 159 countries who have signed up for an alternative. Who were the controllers? Families like the Rothschilds, the 'Black Nobility' and Jewish Zionists. How did they get control? By the practice of usury and by by blackmail - which is where the P.Diddy and many similar operations across the world come into the picture. It is how they do it. It is their modus operandi and 'business skill'. In turn, these people follow and worship demonic forces and dark energies to enhance their power.That is why there are the rituals and sacrifices.
The World Banking system has been the means for planetary control.
However, those who had been controlling the world are not allowing themselves to be removed easily. They will take out the entire world if they can.
Who are the 'Black Nobility' Families?
They are also the lineage called the 'Children of Cain', and the Luciferian Bloodlines.
They are family bloodlines who have kept strict records of their lineages since the beginning of Genesis. Briefly, as the 'Children of Cain' they are the lineage that was born from the 'false light', which reached Earth after it had been damaged in a cosmic accident called 'worlds in collision' apparently from an exploding star nearby, which hurled debris the size of planets through this solar system. Earth was knocked off its axis and away from its true and correct 'Star-Grid' then from the time of Genesis this planet had wandered into a second Star-Grid' also called a 'Tree' which placed the Earth under the light of a star source called LUCIFER. That is how these people were born on a planet which was not their planet.
Maybe that is a complicated answer to who they are, but they began thousands of years ago. They believe the Earth should belong to them, and that they are the 'chosen' of some kind of 'god', but that 'god' is Lucifier. Most of us who are from the 'Higher Realm' are from the 'true' bloodlines before that cosmic accident happened, and the Earth was our planet.
*Genesis is the gene of Isis. That is the 'Children of Cain'.
The Venetian Black Nobility and Baroque - ROBERT SEPEHR
Video Watch 21 minutes. The dance form they are showing is in the 18th century, the 1700's. It originated in the courts of Europe but taken from the information brought back from explorers who went to China and the east and witnessed the feats of martial arts and qi gong. Explorers of the 'far east' like Marco Polo. It later did develop into ballet.
The documentary is useful although calling the 1700's the 17th century is a significant lack of research and knowledge, It still has to be checked whether he meant the 15th century when he said 14th.