Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
This Nephilim lineage sounds unreal, and yet it is real. Somewhere back in the "Garden of Eden" more than 'Adam and Eve' happened. For the record, there was a race of true humans. There was a race of 'fallen Luciferians' and they created a slave race using human DNA and monkey DNA. Somehow, Eve bred with one of the 'fallen Luciferians' who do have a predominantly reptilian DNA. Even today, humans do have an ancient part of the brain called the 'Reptilian Brain'. The satanic rituals appear to activate that!! Higher Level Humans exist in all races. But not so many are Higher Level Humans because the bulk of the population is from a nephilim engineered creation of monkey+human DNA and they are NOT as developed but are the ones that the cabal has made the majority voice. The purpose of this, and the insane immigration policies, are to wipe out HUMANS. (The genetic engineered monkey+human DNA creation were granted by 'Higher Up' the right to evolve to a higher status.) Many of the 'celebrity stars' make the 'deal with the devil' that they make (often giving over their soul and signing the contract in blood) then they turn out to have a predominance of reptile DNA. They lack discernment, lack higher values, were willing to sell out for their own fame and fortune. We know this because some have given interviews describing what they did - Bob Dylan, Katy Perry etc. For me, I know Katy Perry, not Bob Dylan, but you get the picture; it spans decades. Big name legends we have all generally admired, have engaged in things you would rather not know about. That includes Mick Jagger and David Bowie - legends and characters of the pop world whose celebrity status endures for decades. Most of what is gradually being revealed is so horrible and disappointing that it is hard to take. Like with my British Royal Family! I stood up for them and what they represented until the evidence was too obvious and I had to accept the reality. Recently announced that 'King Charles' has Cancer.But also mentioned is that Kate, Princess of Wales was operated on for endometrial cancer, indicated to be from the jab and to keep in mind that her name is on the 'list' as having been tried and removed.
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