. Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.



Previous intro spiritual news page . : . Front Page . : . Brief description of the UN's 'Agenda 21/30' ... WORLD NEWS read here . : . Restoring a Higher Civilization . : .
NEW : 15 Minute Cities . : . . : . "Taking the Piss" . : . The USA does have a 'Space Force' . : . Sheep for the 'Sheeple' and the 15 minute Cities. NEXT PAGE >>


The Maya 'Dream Spell'.

Maya means 'Illusion'. Entering the 'dreamspell' (covered further below) means entering ILLUSION.

Earth is about to change polarity. It is currently negative. The positive polarity rotates clockwise. The negative polarity rotates anti-clockwise - left to right.

As the Earth prepares for this change, the shields around the planet which protect it from allowing in too much heat and cosmic rays etc, reduce to a very thin protection, therefore the Earth experiences far more heat. That shield is called the Magnetosphere. The increased heat and changed weather patterns are only 'climate change' because of the reduced shield. After the polarity changes to positive, the shield rebuilds very quickly to its normal state. Of course, not providing this information can be used to suggest it is something else causing the heat, which can be used to the benefit of some and detriment of others.

Around 6,000 years ago, in the Age of Taurus, indigenous cultures report that the Earth stood still for 3 days and nights, and then began to rotate the opposite way. The way it currently rotates. This is what the Australian aborigines describe as when Earth 'entered the Dream Time'. Most of the indigenous cutlures in their legends, say that this time now is when the Earth comes out of that 'Dream Time'. The time when the Earth awakens again.

The planet does go through a 25,000+ years cycle and this change in polarity is expected and being monitored by today's science. This is why it is thought we are approaching a time when, as that polarity shifts from negative to positive, the planet may stop its rotation remain stationary for maybe 3 days and nights, and may then begin to rotate in the clockwise direction. This is generally what is thought may happen with a Polarity Change. After this, the shield around the planet will very quickly rebuild to its former strength within about 100 years.


In Native Mystical Teachings you are Living in a 'Dreamspell'.

In the teachings of the Australian aborigines it is called the Dream Time. Same thing. This has been a time when you and most have been "under a spell" and "in a dream". It has been an Illusion.

At this point in time, the planet is moving out of that 'Dreamspell'.

In all the mystical native teachings, the planet is about to change. However, I have not used these mystical native teachings, but the same knowledge comes from other sources, including the most sophisticated current day science which is monitoring this change happening in the planet!

Part of being caught in the very real "Dreamspell" is that an equally very real bad agenda has been able to be set up right in front of those who have been in the "dream".

Earth as this planet has been travelling through the 'Astral Realms of Illusion' and it is very possible for demonic spirits to take the planet. This has been happening, yet for those caught in the 'spell' it is invisible.

The native teachings are fascinating but the reality is that you actually don't want to do any journeys into the Astral Universe. No 'out of body' herb induced travels, even though these other realities exist. It is the wrong universe.

Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Brown Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' . : . Magical Mexican Maya Dream Spell . : .


We mostly all know there was stuff going on with the Roman Catholic Church but there were many groups which broke away from that

and did their best to preserve the correct teachings as they were intended to be. The Anglican and Protestatnt Churches also broke away. certainly altered history tells you that a king did that soley so he could divorce his wives instead of killing them, but the reality was, that is just a story. There are many others who separated themselves from the Roman Church. Obviously these have been infiltrated and corrupted, but mostly that was recently.

Planetary Shift and Health.

Although various explanations and descriptions about what all that is, are included further on, right now this work is going to recommend taking care of your cardio-vascular system.

That is, the heart. It is very reasonable to expect that the heart may be challenged by this coming 'shift' so from a well being perspective we are looking at 'heart health'. One of the first things to consider, is make sure you are doing some kind of strength training with free weights, hand held weights and simply include a few sets and reps of that. This work will cover more on the 'health' topic in another section.


RECOMMENDED Videos Forbidden History etc . : . Mother of Darkness Jesse Czebotar's videos. . . RECOMMENDED ... Zeppelins and Hidden History . : . Code, Spells and Witchcraft


You, and we all, have been lied to.

Next is just a 5 minute intro and of course there is far more evidence and excellent credible research available - and we do recommend the work of the 'rebel' historian David Irving who is a very entertaining speaker.

There are some important things to know. Everything to do with diversity, homosexuaity, women's lib, and that type of thing is to pave the way for the acceptance of pedophilia. It is also paving the way for the eventual acceptance of human sacrifce.


Watch Video 5 mins. *The 'bad people' he is referring to (in the freaky beginning German words) are the 'globalist elite' who had a stranglehold on Germany and were stealing all the money. This is the same as they have been doing to the entire world; these people simply set up again after WW2 but on a greater scale. This was until it was stopped and the stolen gold bullion returned to the 'good side' in 2020.

We all know the image we are supposed to know about Hitler, but what he did when he became Chancellor of Germany is exactly the same as the 'White Hat' operation has been - he kicked out the cabal. With these videos we suggest noticing the body language of everyone, and look at the eyes.

Next. This is also who the Germans were kicking out of Germany and the reason why.


Radio interview on the Blood Drinking Rituals of the Talmudic Jewish death cult. Graphic information, Horrid but should be known. Watch Video 16 mins. April 11th 2024.


Watch Video 3.45 mins song.

(More videos.)


Forced jabs and lockdowns are finished and life seems 'normal' but in reality the systems for Agenda 21/30 are being set up across the world making travel more and more restricted.

This is in preparation for the eventual 'need' for 15 Minute Cities and permission, requesting a permit, to be able travel beyond a 15 minute journey from where you live.

This is being set up quietly and almost unnoticeably unless you happen to be someone who was living in a country that was not your own, and now have deal with new conditions in place. This is why I am in Mexico, because at least they let you be here for 6 months, and within that time it is hoped the world will get to the shutdown and the various reset agendas removed.

The UN Agenda 21/30 is being set up across the world right now.

What it is goes right over the heads of the average person who is deliberately kept occupied with pop culture, music and so called celebrities, and with sport, so that they do not take notice of what is being done. Given that those mega rich sports stars, like popstars, actors, celebrity chefs etc ONLY get to be the superstars they are because they make the contract with 'the devil'.

It is quite easy to keep people's attention diverted, and the things mentioned above are MIND CONTROL.

It is the same kind of thing as not noticing the glitch in the matrix that would have a 'Grim Reaper' suddenly walk by in the background at 'King Charles' coronation. Watch Video 20 seconds.

Agenda 21 Explained in 2 Minutes -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08IXIu0arOI


Royal Replacements . : . Earth's Missing Teachings . : . Earth's Missing '5th Direction' . : . Earth's 4 Directions. . : .Ancient Legends . : . Children of Cain' . : . Pole Shift, Luciferian Government . : . New Videos 2024 . : . Earth Poles . : . Christ's Teaching . : . How Do You Choose the Christos Eternal Life Reality?.,The True Source Energy Stream . : . RECOMMENDED Videos Forbidden History etc . : . Mother of Darkness Jesse Czebotar's videos. . . RECOMMENDED ... Zeppelins and Hidden History ... Playboy Mansion in LA "5D people and 3D people."
Also .. British Royals ... "Taking the Piss" ... A REMINDER OF WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST ... Climate Change, The Great Disaster Cycle, Atlantis & More | The Culture War with Tim Pool Watch Video 2 hours and 11 minutes. Advanced Nazi Technology ... WW2 'Foo Fighters' ... Antarctica ...The Controversial Project to Restore the Original Human DNA

Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets'





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