The Planetary SHIFT.
As covered, it is expected that the planet is soon to shift into a higher frequency as part of its 25,000+ year cycle.
As covered, this planet's rotation tilts off alignment from its original North-South Poles alignment. This is because of damage to the axis.
The planet's rotation does begin its off alignment tilt about 12,000 years ago, or as recorded by Greek philosopher Plato who mentions this happening some 9,000 years before his own time of around two and a half thousand years ago. Projections using a computer analysis of the planet's 25,000+ rotation, show the tilt beginning about halfway through the cycle from its starting point of correct alignment. That works out at around 12,000 years ago.
At around the 6,000 years ago mark, in the Age of Taurus, the Earth descended into the negative polarity of it's overall life system.
This was a lower frequency and in reverse. All records of the beginning of human life on this planet relate to that time. However, it does not mean that the cycle has not repeated many times before with the same beginnings of human life (i.e in the 'Garden of Eden') all happening at the same 6,000 year point of the cycle. In fact, 780,000 years ago there was a major pole reversal which may indicate the starting point of this.
As the planet tilts off its axis, you can understand that this action causes one side of its structure to significantly disconnect from its original alignment. This is because it is no longer 'upright'. This is always described as the 'left hand path' which describes the existence mankind has within the 6,000 years that the planet travels through the reverse.
Now the planet is 'straightening up' again. So too, are the energy channels through the human body, mainly meaning the spine and the two channels either side of the spine, and the nervous system. Put simply, the channel that was mostly disconnected leads through the human heart.
The disconnection is from the Original Life System and relates to the human HEART.
It leads to a world where the people have less compassion, or empathy, less caring for others and are selfish and other negatives to various degrees depending on the person. Those who became more this way have more difficulty returning to the original frequency, which is higher, and that is why there may be issues to do with the HEART.
And just to make this even more complex to follow, Earth's tilt leads exists because it is magnetically attracted into a second 'energy path' that is a different 'star system'. This is the second path covered in Genesis that is the Tree of Life and Death, Good and Evil etc, which means DUALITIES. It is also called the Lesser Light.
This is the energy path that most of the people keep connecting into. It has a positive, so it can and does blend in with the Earth's coming polarity shift back to positive. The problem is that the energy ties to that second system mean the person has to return to this planet when it 'falls' again, on its continuing 'Cycle of the Ages'. Unfortnately, this is always what most of the people on the planet do throughout however long this problem has existed, and it will only be the few who return to the Eternal Life Source.
The purpose of this work, which began as the planet first began its Ascending process change of energies, was to help people understand how not to make this mistake. As the planet is now at the point of making the change, breaking the ties with that other 'star system' (the Dwarf Brown Star) had to be undertaken as far in advance as possible.
So long as you kept to the basic teachings of Christianity - regardless of what intrigues went on with the church - then you will have broken those ties to a false 'life system'.
The basic teachings were always to be caring and compassionate, not selfish and egotistical but forgiving etc, but also not to do certain practices which activated energy paths, and not to engage in channelled stuff or 'energies' because those sources were all about assistng you to align into the 'new system'. The 'new system' is the Dwarf Brown Star. As long as you have energy ties into that, then you are forced to continue reincarnation on this planet when in fact the goal is to help soul's trapped on this 'wheel'(cycle) get off this planet and return to the Eternal LIVING System which is a different 'Tree' and another inhabited planet where the soul who has managed to get out of this reality, can then live on.
It is not possible to get away from this planet either by Astral Travel, out of body travel, near death experience, or by some kind of space travel, or spaceship from a 'friendly federation' taking you to a different planet. This is the wrong universe anyway.