Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
JESSIE CZEBOTAR, a former 'Mother of Darkness', born into a Lucifer-worshipping hierarchy family,
now working for the 'white hats', is an important source of information on the entire existence of the Satanic Government which has existed alongside, throughout thousands of years on this planet, and inside this planet. She is credible and presents the information with detachment and intelligence.
HOWEVER, she also discusses the types of occult things that people just can't stop themselves wanting to find out about.
Occult things, and fascinating 'skills' like transforming the body so it can pass through walls, so called magical skills, and 'sovereign' (Luciferian) government projects like Looking Glass, and Voice of God.
All these fascinating things are what attract people onto the Luciferian Path, and then they cannot get out of it. This is how it works! It is how the 'dark side' do it. Please be aware of this!
Having someone from within the system, actually explain the Luciferian System, is a significant help in understanding what each of us, and this planet, has been up against.
This content, and how those thrown out of Egypt went to the Americas, are now on the page Luciferian Government actual structure and agenda. From former 'Mother of Darkness' Jesse Czebotar. The page includes the 'Spells/Code/Witchcraft' link Code, Witchcraft and Spells
The Luciferian 'occult' - which is the false path, false energy stream - offers alien contacts, psychic skills, healing energies with a few magic powers added. And it offers more worldly things to get people that way. Power, Money, Fame, exploits Vanity, Ego, Lust and so on.
The Americas was actually set up as the new land for the Canaanites who were thrown out of Egypt over 3,000 years ago.
They are the 'Children of Cain'.
The Americas has always secretly been 'Israel'. It has always been inhabited - by them - since the time these Luciferians were thrown out of Egypt. People who are worshippers of Satan. This work has covered, long before 2020 when more information came out, it has always covered how these people went to the Americas thousands of years before the 'official' discovery and play act of setting up a free America. (See the Tartaria and Khazarian section a little further down on this page.) The Knights Templar used to trade between the continents during the first millennium after Christ, also taking people across to move there.
As you know, the 'Deep State', the secret government, literally had its offices set up underneath Washington DC (and all across America, and the world!!) It was set up to become the 'new kingdom' after the world apparently supported Israel's current war, with Israeli soldiers on TikTok laughing at killing Gazan babies and children. In fact, most of us know that the Hamas attack was staged and have seen the Israeli soldiers standing by, doing nothing. It is very possible that Salt Lake City in Utah, which is considered to be the real 'Jerusalem' in the Mormon scriptures, is actually the real 'Jerusalem'.
How the System which has been Running this Planet is Structured.
Watch Video 16 minutes. When it gets to the song it is just the usual ending of these vodeos.
Jesse is an excellent source of Luciferian information. No question about that. She has also stated that pretending to be 'good' and God, and other experiences associated with channelling and 'galactic fleets' etc are THEM fooling you. Jesse has said that.
There is an issue that some people will want to find out about the 'gateways' and portals and things to do with that system - and that means they start to learn and get into that energy stream.
This work suggests you let any desire to do that go. It does not matter. This work has already told you that exiting this body via even the highest 'gateway' of the Luciferian knowledge system, takes you straight into their reality. Astral Projection is the main example, or shamanic journeying. With all due respect from what he has said, David Icke has taken this route. Sorry but that is a fact. It also shows how difficult it is not to get caught.
FYI 'gateways' are taught in the Chinese 'chi kung' system, so we know what they are. Its not important! Work towards the only 'exit point' that gets you to True Eternal God Source. We have always taught that.
Mentioned (by Jesse) of interest. The way Luciferians choose people for certain roles is very similar to how they choose high roles in the Tibetan system, which is based on the ancient religion and not so much actual Buddhism. She also describes the Tarot and some other forms of divination as 'witchcraft'. She describes that there is a Light Side and a Dark Side to the System. The Golden Dawn is the light side of the System, and the dark side is called the Phoenix. The Order of Melchizadek is above both of them. It is the false Order of Melchizadek which did include the Nazis.
Beyond the 3rd degree (recruiting levels) of the Masons are speciality groups, such as magic groups, the Rosicrucians which founded Findhorn in Scotland, and many other named groups like Elks, 'Tall Trees', Hibernians etc and in these circles they are taught either white magic or black magic or grey magic. You also have to be aware of the 'grandmothers' who come forward now. All of it is the same system, and is the false reality. All of it!