Those who behave in ways that assuredly don't accommodate higher frequencies.
We of the human family do need to be aware of the consequences of 'sitting in judgment' of others. At school that may be someone who is different, but it also takes place in grown up relationships, like families, and very much so in the workplace. Curiously, when I looked for artwork on the internet that indicated 'sitting in judgment' which is basically 'bullying' it only covered being at school unless you specified workplace. The other big bullying place is online. But it is very prevalant in the workplace! In fact those awful 'assessments' they do can go right off into bullying although it should be remembered that not one of those people 'assessing you' is likely to be qualified in psychcology. Yet there they are, 'labelling' you as this, that, and the other. That is just an example of where it can get out of hand. There is probably an entire demographic of 'people types' who spend a lot of time 'sitting in judgment' and then meting out the punishment. Usually it is because you are different from how they are and that, to use the Australian vernacular (because Aussies's are really big on doing this) is usually interpreted as being "up yourself". The certainty that some have that they are right about what they see as the 'diva' attributes in another, to the extent that they may need to bring that person to their knees because of it, may be the attributes that are actually in themselves, not the other person. Or if not labelling someone a 'diva' then whatever it is that some people think they see that then drives them to destroy another person. Or to hate them, or cut them off, or any other number of truly terrible, hateful things. When Earth 'Awakens' there may be billions of people on this planet who are 'marked' negative. Obvious things like selfish and unkind behaviour, vanity in a way that 'walked over others', tricking people for your own benefit and so on may not measure up to an AWAKENED planet. Truly, I think I have relatives and in-laws who do fit into that category, as well as those in the workplace and other aspects of everyday life. Because people do push themselves forward over others who may be bullied into being driven out of their jobs, or to commit suicide. As someone who struggled with an injury disability (to my head) I can 100% vouch for how real that is,and that ordinary, everyday people who think they are 'good' do do it, and they do it from a place of wrongful judgment and hate. The pain and embarrassment they cause is excruciating and can destroy the lives of those they do it to. I have unfortunatey had more than my fair share of people 'sitting in judgment' leading to similar outcomes to above (which was a situation that drove me out of the workplace and I had to go onto a disability pension, purely because of hate, bullying and misjudgment.). But the reality is that I will have this injury for the rest of my life anyway, and it will continue to be interpreted as something else. Here is another thing that happened. When someone I dearly loved became ill and was very depressed, I invited him to come to stay with me where I was living south of Thailand. It was a very nice place. I paid the airfare and I covered all his expenses because he was ill and not able to do that. But I could then see that something else was wrong, and I did not know what it was. It turned out he was taking sleeping tablets all the time, although I had warned him of the danger and didn't think he was doing that. I would find him passed out asleep by the swimming pool, and things of that kind. I was worried out of my mind, afraid to leave him even when I went shopping for food or medicine. I became something like his carer. I thought he was doing a protocol that would have made him well. I expected him to get well. I didn't know he wasn't doing that, but was taking the sleeping tablets instead. When I could, I would take a break and go next door to the guest house for a meal and to quietly gather my thoughts. I needed time to centre myself and relax. There were a handful of English and American people in the nice apartment block I lived in, although I had nothing to do with them and didn't know them. Besides looking after my friend, I was trying to write a book and continue my work. Next door to the condo was a very nice guest house I sometimes went to, run by an Australian woman and her ex CEO South African husband. Then my friend very suddenly and unexpectedly died. During that awful time, I then discovered that these people were all under the impression that I was my dearly ioved friend's girlfriend and my checking on him had been interpreted as being about me 'bossing him'. Going through this death meant I was in terrible shock and grief yet these people were actually nasty to me, and I had to go through this bereavement entirely alone. As you might expect, the relatives I had, did not care at all. and did not express the usual 'sympathy' no cards, not even an email. As for the people in this very nice condo I didn't know they had had any opinions at all, but after I happened to mention that I had bought his flight to visit and I was a friend looking after him, I then discovered what they had thought - but they still did not change how they were to me. I had animousity all around me during this experience. I was so heartbroken with all that had happened I decided to leave and look for another country where I could mostly avoid this kind of 'westerner' which was becoming so much the norm. As someone with an injury disability from birth,and as someone who has experienced responses like this throughout my entire life, I know very well what real hate and bullying is. It isn't everyone who does that, but there are always those people who do. After I discovered my injury (when I was about 32 years old) that was when I realized it wasn't something bad about me as a person, it was an actual disability. Unfortunately I had been through those same types of responses from relatives, with being at school, mostly from the school principal, with my career and also go through the many times of devasted distress that developed from those experiences. At 32 I was able to rectify some of the injury which made a huge difference because some of it was a very deep depression which lifted the instant my head was carefully moved back to sit on the top of the spine where it is suposed to be. Much as I hoped that had cleared it all, it hadn't. The area was damaged but manageable By then I had forfeited my career which I had loved because I was a dancer and I loved to dance. My new 'career' was meant to get me through, until I felt well enough to resume my real work. But it actually did so much damage that I was driven out of the workplace and basically out of life. In fact, I was very good at my new career which I began in London, my only problems showed up later, and were that sometimes the hours invoved, working through the night for exampe, would be very hard on my body. As a dancer, our work hours were not hard for me, nor was that kind of work on the body. It is a very different thing. It was mainly that some witnessed the difficulties I physically had and wrongly judged it to be that I thought I was some kind of 'diva'. That is a little bit similar to the western people in Cambodia who decided I was 'bossing' my sick friend (who was doing something that was making him dangerously ill.). . So in fact, that was slander of me, and it was repeated to others who then simply followed in the same way. Just as it had been in the workplace situation. It has also been the case with some of my own family relatives. In this world it is not everyone who behaves like this, but there are a lot who do, and it is things like that which probably do not measure up to a higher frequency.
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
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