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Always up for some controversy!
Best to relax and listen to the music first and gaze upon the beautiful Alain Delon
Then back to business. We do recommend reading through the short new additions for September first. Today we came across this video with someone reading from what someone else had written. Two points to add before going to this link. This work DOES find that the first 5 books of the Bible were taken from the Torah (one of 2 main Jewish holy books) and it discusses the entire birth and creation of the 'Children of Cain' as from the 2nd and fallen light which came to Earth after the fall. The second thing is that because of excellent videos by David Irving, and also some excellent books we have researched for about 15 years, we have not yet formed conclusions about Hitler. It is obvious that the cabal won that war WW2. That is how they, the cabal, were on track to bring in the NWO. So, if you are okay with keeping an open mind instead of buying into what we have been told, you may enjoy the perspective of the next link. Continue. (Added Sept. 13th)
We have some info sources quite smugly revealing some of the hidden history particularly of the 'bloodline of the 'Children of Light'. As the story is already known and was made known sometime in the 1980's generally, here is a basic overview of it.
The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King.
There has long been knowledge that the True humans from before Genesis (gene of Isis) eventually escaped safely to England. They were described as fair skinned and with blue, grey or violet eyes, and golden, chestnut or strawberry blonde hair, They were famous as the gallant Knights and genteel Ladies of the stories of 'King Arthur'.
(added Sept. 5th)
Just to add, in Palestine at the time of the Diaspora the Romans who occupied Palestine were on the Amun side. They later created the Roman Church - part factual info but also partly fashioned into a story. Amun is also written as Amen which is said at the end of prayers. The Christian prayers were the real thing, but adding Amun/Amen on the end no doubt changed the 'god' the prayers are for.
- So, it is okay to say the beautiful Christian prayers, just leave off the 'Amen'.
- It is also okay to do Yoga or Qi Gong physical exercises. just don't do the additional practices.
After the world goes through its 'change' then we will have a better idea of what that 'change' has done.
If the change has been the fair election in the USA that is a good thing for the planet but it does not look as if anything significant is actually happening or going to happen to the physical planet.
Sorry I was not able to answer the emails we received before the last Wake Update. Will be using that account very soon and hope to answer them then. We really appreciate your support. Thank you.
Just a quick reminder that those of us who have chosen to follow the teachings of the Christ have done so for spiritual reasons. We are awaiting the Planetary Change of Polarity which is part of its Ascent out of darkness. We are not overly concerning ourselves about waiting for the RV or trying to make money out of the stock market events in play. Of course, having a new financial system that is fair for everyone will be good. It is nevertheless the spiritual goals which matter, that we can get to the 'Tree of Eternal Life' and not be caught again on the 'wheel of rebirth'.
"It has been a long and hard journey wandering through the wilderness of the 'underworld' while Earth has been 'asleep'
.............................but now we are finally reaching the destination. The Planet's Awakening.
...............................................It is not the journey which matters, it is reaching the destination!" The destination is the 'Promised Land'.
Watch. No sound. 50 seconds. "An Intro to Things to Come." An explosion, caused by magnetic reconnection in the overstretched tail, shoots a beam of energetic electrons and protons directly toward Earth. Auroras mark the broad spot where the particles strike Earth's atmosphere. "The substorm was at true midnight when we are looking straight down the magnetotail." This led to massive displays of Auroras (Northern Lights).
Before the Ancient World Maps from before 12,000 years ago, fell into the hands of the cabal around 600 or 700 years ago, it was taught that the 'Earth was flat' to prevent people sailing too far and discovering the Americas.
Important links for August.
The Earth's Ascension is because it is changing to POSITIVE energy
.........................which is also written as the 'Father'.
That means that something with the inner dynamo of this planet went dormant thousands of years ago, and it stopped generating the amount of Electrical Energy' that it did before.
Earth Activates.
The 'Children of Light' are on the right side of the planet's coming Activation. They win!
But the other way 'the cabal' can keep Earth aligned to the 'False' energy stream,
is by fooling people into strengthenig the ties between consciousness and everything that exists on the 2nd pathway into the Astral (stars and planets of the galaxy.)
These were behind the operations of MI5/MI6, the CIA, all Zionist aligned organizations and Luciferian! Behind and working alongside Tavistick Institute and Lauryl Canyon. 'Other planets' are the origin of the Children of Zion'.
It is believed that this planetary event when it happened last time, is how ancient cities like 'Sodom' and 'Gomorrah'
and all the inhabitants, were destroyed when this same event happened long ago. These two cities were the same as the current day Western world. It is believed the people were out and about living their lives the same as today, listening to rap music, probably exactly the same music in fact, and watching football, and soccer and the same kinds of sports, but also there is plenty of evidence that a global high tech war took place. This time however, there won't be the war and there will be a shutdown.
The ancient form of sea navigation using the sextant (navigation by the stars).
It measured the distance of the stars from the horizon which varied because of the Earth's curvature, and that is how they always knew their position.
God's Law provided a blueprint
for how to behave and to be. In fact it is how anyone HAS to be in order to survive the ACTIVATION and be able to live in the 'higher' positive' change to the planet.
It was not 'anyone's idea goes'. And it cannot be that.
A high level blueprint can be undermined and destroyed by having a free for all of 'influencing'. Humanity is going to have to make decisions on this but the successful formula to bring down a civilization has been what we see happening right now.
Japan has a very polite society which makes for a very civilized country. Singapore, Malaysia follow guidelines of good behaviour and are very civilized - much more successful and civilized than Western counterparts in fact. Britain and Europe were highly civilized incredibly good places to exist and to break that down, the Lucoiferians brought in disruptive elements and now there are huge problems in these places. The Luciferians also undermined developed societies by making uneducated not developed people wealthy and influential - like pop stars and celebrity figures. That was the strategy to destroy developed civilizations. That is what the popularity of Paul McCartney specifically, was used for.
The satanists did not hi-jack the 'summer of love' and hippie consciousness. The satanists created it.
The planet began its energy changes for its Ascent or Resurrection from the 'realms of the dead' 2000 years ago.
That was the Year 1 AD which means 'The Year of Our Master'.
This is slightly different from the Latin, but this is the actual meaning.
Despite that media platforms are apparently blocking videos they apparently don't like, that is not how the 'Deep State' or Luciferian consciousness operates.
It is important to understand that one of the most successful strategies used by the Deep State and the 'Social Engineering' programme is to allow and encourage voices and 'influencers' and celebrities and so on to keep producing content to shape public opinion.
The previous model which enabled humans to evolve and be high level societies was to model and represent the very best that humans can be - because these things had been established long ago. It is called education. It is also called conscious parenting, and so on.
The 'Tree of Life' is a different energy path, or energy stream, from this galaxy of stars, or even this universe.
People on this planet and in the after life, are attached to the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and the 2nd 'Tree' called the Path of Duality, or 'Good and Evil', Light and Dark and so on. It is also the relm of ILLUSION.
Once a soul can manage to get OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' they NEVER reincarnate back on this planet. There are some exceptions but there is never an incarnation of 'millions' of people for the purpose of this particular time in the Earth's Activation - which is a natural and repeating part of this planet's cycle. It repeats every 25,000+ years just as the 'Fall' is also a repeating journey of this planet during the damaged and 'illegitimate' cycle. There may be many more people on the planet because there is an opportunity to CHOOSE the living energy stream path of the 'Tree of Life'.
August 2024
This next topic is IMPORTANT.
In 1966 something happened with 'Paul McCartney'. Perhaps it was a car accident and head injury which changed his personality, or perhaps the person 'Paul' was actually more than one person playing the part. But something was definitely wrong.
It matters that this is known and perhaps a terrible injustice is made right.
It also involves many deaths, possible murders, even the assassination of John Lennon.
It is very significant that the truth about what happened to Paul McCartney becomes known.
'Mind Control' and 'Social Engineering'
In September 1966 a fatal car accident was reported on the evening TV NEWS
as a 'breaking news' story, and the newsreader said that it was 'one of the Beatles has been killed', then 'oh, it is Paul'.
Then the story was pulled. In 1968 or 1969 the 'conspiracy story' began when some college students in the US said they saw clues in the Beatles songs and record covers indicating Paul had died. That was the 'conspiracy theory'. The reality was the news story in 1966 that was pulled. British Intelligence MI5 and MI6 were part and parcel of the Luciferian agenda, Aleister Crowley was part of the Secret Service Intelligence world.
This is one of the elite agenda's (the Trickster's) most successful deceptions,
Paul McCartney was replaced with a double who worked with the band on tours, who had also been part of the 'Mersey sound' in Hamburg, Germany at the time The Beatles were there, and who was a trained musician from a Jewish ancestry.
Introduction to the 'Trickster'
(or the Jester in a pack of cards). It is the 'Deceiver' and they delight in fooling the people they consider less than they are. In the early Hollywood movies they have extremely low level people, acting the parts of being highly civilized people. They made them into film stars that people would admire, want to be like, and look up to. This is the kind of deception these freaks enjoy pulling off.
The real story . Paul McCartney and what happened to him should not have happened.
Introduction, and the Tavistock Agenda 'Social Engineering'. Updated information Aug. 9th.* It should be added that this was a caused car accident in the same way as what happened to Princess Diana. There are far more details to this incredibly sad story if you continue with all the pages. You will then see the mockery that was made of this death. As George harrison said at the award show for the Beatles induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the 1990's, "we loved John very much. And we loved Paul very much too."
The Deception, and gradual slander of John, George and Ringo. Continue. NEW Aug. 8th.
Time of DISCLOSURE. The previously hidden lies and agendas of the elite.
The Tavistock Institute as a centre for achieving that destruction, was actually closed down 3 years ago.
You have had the choice of many 'spiritual paths' but there are only two energy streams - and that is what 'paths' means.
There is the True Eternal Source Path and there is the 2nd Tree in the Garden - which is a 'path' - and it provides many choices. It's all about choices and options! All the choices you have that are different. They will take you to the ultimate source of the 2nd Tree in the 'Garden'.
However, the energies which are for this planet's ASCENT out of the dark side of that path began with changes to the planet 2,000 years ago. It brings the planet into alignment with the Light side of the '2nd path' in the Garden BUT it also begins an overlap with the lost path of the 1st Tree which is a different energy stream, and is Eternal Life.
Because that HIGHER energy began 2,000 years ago, the planet can now pull out of the 'evil' and the Cain alignment (which is dog and the reverse of God) and move to the positive side at the time of the Planet's Polarity Change/Shift.
That energy stream, called Christ is what has made the difference. The only Teaching was given 2,000 years ago with the incoming energy. That Teaching is and was to ensure you would not align into or create energy ties into the 2nd path, even the positive 'Children of Light' side of that energy path.
Not everyone on this planet is involved in satanic sacrifices and eating foetuses, but there are many people who clearly do not match up with 'higher level' people of high moral and sexual integrity. There are also people in this 'world of Duality' who aim to be on the good side of that duality. Everything is not a clear cut 'black and white' as the checkerboard suggests. Do you get it ?
This work has provided basic information on the reality of this reality,
which clearly shows why there was a Teacher as Jesus was, who came here to show the Way out of the problems. We have also provided guidelines for how to do that. When the 'end game' is over we will provide more in the way of resources to help get to the True Eternal Living System.
......Reincarnation does not prove 'Eternal Life'.
............ It proves you are reborn into this world. It also proves you had continuing existence after leaving the body at death.
.................... BUT it does not prove that where the soul went to was the Eternal Life System.
....................................There are two energy stream recorded in Genesis.
....................................................This one is the Path of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil.
In the future world, the NWO never happens. It isn't going to happen. To succeed, 'they' would have had to stop the planet being able to reach its Ascension Phase.That has not been stopped.
This work anticipates that the planet will shift frequency to POSITIVE, moving out of 'negative-reverse' probably during the 'planetary shutdown'.
You will easily be in contact with 'other realms' and alien civilizations within this galaxy or Andromedan and so on.
This is the first realm that is encountered on any 'spiritual journey'. All alien and 'star being' civilizations are part of the 2nd path in the garden. It will keep you on the 'wheel of rebirth'.
Social Engineering specifically to end Christianity. New Video : Paris declares Olympic Games as anti-Christian freak show 1 min.
Ancient Motive for Flat Earth Conspiracy was to Hide Navigation Methods, Exposed by Robert Williams Play Video 2 mins.
"The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a British not-for-profit social science organisation, working with challenging issues for the public good: providing practical help for people and organisations to learn, lead, change and innovate, especially in difficult times. It was formally established in September 1947."
"The history of the Tavistock Institute overlaps with that of the Tavistock Clinic as many of the staff from the Clinic worked on new, large-scale army psychiatry and social reconstruction projects during the World War II, and it was because of this work that the Institute was created. Working with colleagues in the Royal Army Medical Corps and the British Army, they were responsible for innovations such as the War Office Selection Board (WOSB) and Civil Resettlement Units. The Human Resources Centre and the Centre for Applied SocialResearch were established in the 1950s, and in 1963 the Institute of Operational Research was established in conjunction with the British Operational Research Society." The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology was started in 1920. Reference Videos Forbidden History.
There is a 'lost' interview with Paul McCartney recorded in 1988.
There is interesting information but listening to it, it does not sound like the pre September 1966 Paul McCartney.
* 'Dividing Ways'.
This work believes that those who already belong with the Tree of Life, are of course, fine. But there are also those who are on, or were born from, energy path of the 2nd 'Tree' and the Light side of the Path of Duality, Light and Dark.
However, some people were born here from the Light of that 2nd 'sun the false Tree' which belongs to the 'illegitimate creation' on this planet. These people all have been given the opportunity to choose the Law of the Eternal Life Source. This is the way to get OFF the 'wheel of rebirth'.
Anyone can also spend their time chasing the history of the galaxy and trying to contact 'space family'. But if they do, they have blown their opportunity to get to the 1st 'Tree' and ultimately off the 'wheel of rebirth'. The 'illegitimate creation' is depicted in the strange statuary in the mysterious Rennes le Chateau in France associated with where the family of Mary Magdalene went when fleeing the Jewish Diaspora from Palestine in 70 AD,
The planet began its energy changes for its Ascent or Resurrection from the 'realms of the dead' 2000 years ago.
That is when new Guidelines were given.
It is why it was marked as a new time, not because of a person but because the Christ energy from the Eternal Father Source (Father means positive) began their activation then. The Guidelines were given so that people would not be 'tricked' into other things which tie them into the 2nd energy stream. But more importantly that they will be able to handle the upsurge in electrical frequency. That is because there are many things that are negative charged.
There is no Higher Level civilization that exists based on living off the land or by being 'spiritual' - whatever that is.
A Higher Realm civilization must live in kindness, humility over vanity, see a 'bigger picture' to the consquences of their actions, not sit in judgment, but be polite, and so on.
No-one fulfills this by any other way but being these. Their are highly developed ways which educate from the beginning of a person's life HOW to live in this way.You must BE these qualities.
A Higher Realm civilization does not happen with 'energies' or 'communications' or by going to a 'spiritual meeting' and yet being rude to someone who has inadvertently missed following a guideline for attending there. Looking at someone with pity for who they are is not being kind and loving. It is being judgmental.
2,000 years ago, the energies for Earth's coming ASCENT out of the lower frequency, reverse, negative spectrum, began. At that time Guidelines were provided.
A great many people have since decided to ignore those Guidelines, and most of all in our current times, but that has been for decades.
However, the Records, like biblical writings, did describe what happens when the Planet ACTIVATES. This was at least based on what happened the previous times the Planet ACTIVATED because it goes to SLEEP around every 18,000 years from this point now, then AWAKENS as the planet journeys through its cycle.
The records describe it being like a 'judgment' on all those who stupendously went against the 'Guidelines' that are required for living on a planet that is at close to full frequency - which it is not only during the time it is 'asleep'.
That is because this planet is supposed to be a higher frequency planet but descends to its 'evil' and corrupt depths when it de-activates for a few thousand years. That is why there was a description of the 'fires of hell' that some people will go through.
The 'some' people may be a great many people. Not just those who were unkind, or those who were vain, selfish, and willingly lived dishonourably. It would include those live the life of, or be on 'Only Fans' for example. There is a lot that fits the marker of not being aligned to 'God's Blueprint'.
Despite what some videos say, the world was FORTUNATE
to have the British Empire, and to become colonies which benefited from that. At the inception of that, it brought all people under the protection of the CHRIST Teachings for being able to avoid being tied into the 2nd and false system. It also brought education. This was brought down by the cabal. Britain categorically was brought down, corrupted and 'replaced' by the Deceiver. Even to the days of the British Prime Minister Lloyd George, the personal standards of people were such that "their word was their bond" - and it was. It is hard to find that anywhere in today's world. But also the loss of that is the 'negative; which will be purged from the planet. In the future, the people of this planet will once again be able to live life where "their word is their bond".
There is not a problem with RELIGION.
It comes from the Latin word religare which means to CONNECT. The Christ Teachings are about knowing what to do to CONNECT to the positive energy stream and the Tree of Life. 'Religion' is a problem if you connect into the '2nd energy stream' - which has absolutley had the most pu;l; on this planet up until the ACTIVATION changes that. If you follow 'new spirituality' or whatever name, that is also a 'connection' to something so is religion.
- We are seeing online influencers representing Trump as 'not being a Christian' and so on. Of course it is a self labelled Christian who is saying that.
For Americans you have only two choices to vote for, Republican or Democrat so what are these influencers hoping to achieve? Do they want you, if you are American, to vote Democrat?
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
A lot of people are looking for ways to live outside the planned NWO,
with their own communities, growing food, and beng off the grid. Its a response for not being part of the NWO. However, that is a response to the NWO actually happening. Its what to do if it succeeds and is established, and even then 'they' can still simply wipe you out.
In the future world, the NWO never happens. It isn't going to happen. To succeed, 'they' had to stop the planet being able to reach its Ascension Phase.That has not been stopped.
This work anticipates that the planet will shift frequency to POSITIVE, moving out of 'negative-reverse' probably during the 'planetary shutdown'.
Your own homestead is good for getting through difficult times in the lead in.
Tavistock Institute - Mind Control
Watch Video
This video shows how Mind Control and 'social engeneering' worked. We came across this video above, several days after we had done the new sections below. Talk about good timing! It also explains why the initial Moon landings were faked.
The Indica Bookshop and Gallery was deeply associated with the satanic church. The Indica bookstore and gallery was essential to the Tavistock plan. The extended article is included here. Continue.
Time of DISCLOSURE. The previously hidden lies and agendas of the elite.
Library of featured DISCLOSURE TOPICS. Continue here
Topics that were the page for July/August.

Royal Bloodlines. Earth Activation and more. Continue >>
Return to December Update page continue >>
NEW Continue to the next new page >> NEW July 20th There is now a new page which covers Fake News from the 'Alternative Media' sources. >> <<
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' .... Wake Update newsletter 2024 Continue click on the link on that page for the next part of that.