Created September 13th 2024. .... . Previous
Watch 17 minutes.17 seconds. Starts with a short poem. Note the length of the video.
This introduction to a video is from the people who uploaded the video. We know that Hitler is a controversial topic! However, we are still researching this because we have also come across a number of 'revisionist' and other works that indicate a different perspective from the accepted one. The person who produced this video has a page index on Bitchute. We have not been through his other productions, but will do so when we have the time.
Three points to add before going to this video link. This work DOES find that the first 5 books of the Bible were taken from the Torah (one of 2 main Jewish holy books) and it discusses the entire birth and creation of the 'Children of Cain' as from the 2nd and fallen light which came to Earth after the fall. The second thing is that there are agendas in progress now to breed out or kill off the white race and destroy Europe, Russia, and Scandinavia. Thirdly. because of excellent videos by David Irving, and also some excellent books we have researched for about 15 years, we have not yet formed conclusions about Hitler. It is obvious that the cabal won that war WW2. That is how they, the cabal, were on track to bring in the NWO.
"Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader the world has ever known. He ALWAYS put his people first while respecting the rights of all other sovereigns. He was a God fearing man (aka Christian) with good manners, proper etiquette, meticulously well groomed, kind to others, and lived very modestly. The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL ️ have always pushed out disinformation about Adolf Hitler because he was a Truther. He would call out the Jews for their JEWRY,
The European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL organizations which are pushing for the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda.
The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, CAA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather
THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves."
Winston Churchill the believed to be British hero of WW2 was not an Englishman.
He was half American and his mother was a Jewish-Zionist woman and was part of the 'established ruling elite' of that world. A world of the 'Children of Cain' who may have lived in the Americas for several thousand years!
He was a serious drunk, usually too drunk to give his famous speeches, which were carried out by an actor and double who fulfilled those in his place. He appears to have been the name and the image required for the role. He replaced Neville Chamberlain as the British Prime Minister because Chamberlain had in fact established an agreement with Hitler for peace - and Hitler wanted Britain to work with Germany to remove the Zionist bankers. That is the reason he was replaced with - a Zionist!
Quite possibly he was a cabal agent in place as a 'British aristocrat' via the organized and planned marriage of 'Jenny Jerome' with an English nobleman,with the necessary credentials, ready to step into the role of PM.
Just a few years before that, the British king had been effectively removed via his abdication because of his affair with an American party girl Wallis Simpson (who in private letters to her husband, did not want to marry the king.) Edward V111 actually seems to have been quite a good guy and he was okay with the German actions to remove the Zionist bankers and their usury syste,. He was probably blackmailed into his abdication.
In the years leading up to WW2 it looks like a great many 'replacements' were successfully initiated.
The replacements were not the 'honourable ladies and gentlemen'. Not sure about the character of the man who replaced the King, his brother who became King George) but there are issues around the wife Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, and absolutely issues with the daughter Margaret a typical cabal whore, and apparently issues with Elizabeth who became Queen and gave the British public Jimmy Savile's friend Prince, now King Charles and Jeffrey Epstein's friend Prince Andrew!
It should also be kept in mind that the 'Tartaria' world in the Americas was the 'Children of Cain'. The word is not about 'Tartars' but look to a different 'eastern source' being Khazaria.
Sept, 14th 2024.
Someone in the comments of a video on Bitchute had written this. Possibly an interesting comment, entitled
Previous . RECOMMENDED Videos Forbidden History etc . ... . RECOMMENDED The Genocide Treaty . ... .