The 'Black Nobility' Families.
The Controllers of the World's Financial System
are now threatened by 159 countries who have signed up for an alternative. Who were the controllers? Families like the Rothschilds, the 'Black Nobility' and Jewish Zionists. How did they get control? By the practice of usury and by by blackmail - which is where the P.Diddy and many similar operations across the world come into the picture. It is how they do it. It is their modus operandi and 'business skill'. In turn, these people follow and worship demonic forces and dark energies to enhance their power.That is why there are the rituals and sacrifices.
The World Banking system has been the means for planetary control.
However, those who had been controlling the world are not allowing themselves to be removed easily. They will take out the entire world if they can.
Who are the 'Black Nobility' Families?
They are also the lineage called the 'Children of Cain', and the Luciferian Bloodlines.
They are family bloodlines who have kept strict records of their lineages since the beginning of Genesis. Briefly, as the 'Children of Cain' they are the lineage that was born from the 'false light', which reached Earth after it had been damaged in a cosmic accident called 'worlds in collision' apparently from an exploding star nearby, which hurled debris the size of planets through this solar system. Earth was knocked off its axis and away from its true and correct 'Star-Grid' then from the time of Genesis this planet had wandered into a second Star-Grid' also called a 'Tree' which placed the Earth under the light of a star source called LUCIFER. That is how these people were born on a planet which was not their planet.
Maybe that is a complicated answer to who they are, but they began thousands of years ago. They believe the Earth should belong to them, and that they are the 'chosen' of some kind of 'god', but that 'god' is Lucifier.
Most of us who are from the 'Higher Realm', as discussed for the 'Higher Self' person'
are from the 'true' bloodlines before that cosmic accident happened, and the Earth was, and is, our planet.