%%. Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.



Wake Update page intro .... Previous. .. Introductory Information > Earth Command ... Meet Lucifer : the Luciferian 'Energy Stream' ... .The Death Hormone ... . Star Grid. ... Contact  


There was a report that scientists in Antarctica had discovered a parallel world rotating in the reverse of this one.

This lines up with what is possibly anticipated for the imminent Pole Shift and the earth's Ascent out of the 'reverse negative'.............

It is now known that a programme for 'social engineering' and consciousness changing began with projects of the Tavistock Institute in the UK, and Laurel Canyon in Hollywood. Those in control of the planet needed to keep the planet in the energy stream of the 'Tree of Good and Evil'.

They primarily used the music industry starting with The Beates 'Mark 2' with Paul McCartney replaced by satanist and MI5 connected Bill Shepherd.

This began the Woodstock type hippie movement and an entire slew of Luciferian spiritual teachings. Luciferian has a 'good side' too! But you probably do know what developed from all of that. The 'new (Anu) consciousness'.

The aim was to replace Christianity which was brought to this world to prepare for the anticipated changes with the imminent Pole Reversal;/Shift.


NEWS CNN Jan. 21st

Earth’s magnetic north pole is on the move, and scientists just updated its position

Scientists have released a new model tracking the position of the magnetic north pole, revealing that the pole is now closer to Siberia than it was five years ago and is continuing to drift toward Russia. ***The original and correct 'True' Arctic North was located over Alaska - nearer to Siberia.

Over the past few decades, magnetic north’s movement has been unprecedented — it dramatically sped up, then in a more recent twist rapidly slowed — though scientists can’t explain the underlying cause behind the magnetic field’s unusual behavior.

Since its discovery, magnetic north has drifted away from Canada and toward Russia. By the 1940s, magnetic north had moved northwest from its 1831 position by about 250 miles (400 kilometers). In 1948, it reached Prince Wales Island, and by 2000 it had departed Canadian shores.

“Major airlines will upgrade the navigation software across their entire fleets of aircraft to load in the new model, and militaries in NATO will need to upgrade software in a huge number of complex navigation systems across all kinds of equipment,” Brown told CNN..

The 'true' Star-Grid began its return with the Christian 'Star of Bethlehem'.

This animated map gives a rough idea of a shift in location. It is actually only moving towards Alaska and Siberia. In its 'True' location Earth's polar alignment would switch over to the original Star-Grid the 'Tree of Life'. Very bad news for those who have consciousnly and spiritually aligned into the other star-grid.

This change was known in ancient records including the bibical Revelation.

This change of Star Grid, or 'Command Source', is the new alignment requirements

this work has been discussing and explaining for the last 20 years or so of this work.

This page does discuss an imminent Pole Shift which will dramatically alter the type of consciousness on this planet and who can live in that alteration - also using biblical references to what is expected at this time and with this change.


Two major events are about to happen for this planet.

Both events were known already about in ancient times, even back before 12,000 years ago, before the 'Fall' when it is believed there was an advanced, developed civilization on this planet.

There is an 'Ascension'

and there is a radical Pole Shift.


This time is also known to the 'Luciferian side', and for them it brings their opportunity to take this planet fully into the 'fallen' false 'Star-Grid'.

*Now you know what a Star-Grid is, why do you think the Return of the 'Star of Bethlehem' was Important?


Do you know that the consciousness of the Luciferian Path is about renewal and rebirth? It is about death leading the way into new life.


The reason there was the most advanced civilized civilization on this planet,

is because the 'rules' were fully based on Christian Values.

This highest level of civilization - across Europe, the UK and into Russia - taught the best of its people how to treat each other with impeccable good manners and consideration. With diplomacy, not saying things you should not comment on. being respectful. Even if the conscious understanding is not there, these values and behaviours can be learned as the normal behaviour for a society.

Also the reasons for 'family values' and for taking the marriage vows. ALL of IT! This is how you create the HIGHEST level of civilization.


The imminent POLE REVERSAL takes the planet towards the Original 'True' Star-Grid.

It is necessary NOT to have aligned into the current existing Star-Grid.

There have been thousands of years of spiritual practices aligned into the 2nd 'Star-Grid'.


The NEW preparatory Teachings were brought to 'this world'

2,000 years ago, when the initial star of the True 'Star-Grid' returned.

That Star - the 'Star of Bethlehem' -

began to alter the planet's Poles into alignment with the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.


For example one result of that change is that GREENLAND would become warmer.

The Expected Expanded US of North America Under the Trump Presidency

'The US Obtaining GREENLAND from Denmark':

Trump : “They should give it up because we need it for national security. That’s for the free world. I’m talking about protecting the free world.”


You can see from the picture further down that Greenland - shown in white - is definitely moving into a warmer climate in its place in the Atlantic Ocean. It should end up being a pleasant climate and a lush, verdant country, in fact very large island, and a desireable territory.In the last realignment of the Earth when it 'fell' around 12,000 years ago, Greenland moved upwards and went underwater, in the sense of becoming mostly frozen over.

Several years ago. this work explored the change that happened to GREENLAND and considered that this island was once


which Greek philosopher Plato described as having flooded - going under water suddenly - around 12,000 years ago, His information on this came from a Record Keeper in Egypt (a librarian) named Solon. At the time of Plato, Egypt was not known by that name, and it was part of the lands of Ancient Greece.

This part of a 'Greater Greece' is where the Therapeutae were resident but there isn't any association or connection with those ones in a later Palestine, with those called Essenes, who had some of the Books of the Therapeutae. Therapeutae is a Greek word.

The Therapeutae had been part of the sophisticated world of medicine, hospitals and surgery that wea part of the world before the 'Fall'.

The Essenes were a Jewish sect

and the 4th largest group in Ancient Palestine, after the Exodus. They followed the 13 moon calendar and lived a Communistic lifestyle of 'collective economics' - Communisim - BUT they had the books of the Therapeutae's healing and medicine techniques. They tauight from that.

This is why this work dropped the 'Essenes' and looked more into the Therapeutae, but is not focusing on an ancient group. Even so, the coming of Jesus changed everything to something new and different. John the Baptist who initiated Jesus was a Therapeutae, and he was beheaded.


The current RA (Right Ascension of the fallen left side) of the planet is the usual adjustment which happens every 25,000 years. It is already happening, so it is not a sudden change.

BUT it does bring a rare chance in 25,000 years to get off the 'Wheel of Rebirth' by choosing to align into the TREE OF LIFE.

This animated diagram below is the Ascension and the Resurrection that happens over a period of every 25,000 years.

It depends on which 'spiritual practices' you decide to do. You can choose to be gentle, kind, loving and all the good qualities that exist, but if you do energy practices that align into the 2nd 'Tree' that is what you get. As you know, there are endless tales of people reaching the highest levels of spiritual being, only to fall again and end up being reborn into this world. This is the reason.

So the Teachings are not to do the practices that belong to the 2nd 'Tree'.

The basics of the Teachings Jesus brought are NOT to do these practices, not to do specific aspects of yoga et cetera.


The alignment of the poles is in fact now changing rapidly,

Using the North Pole for reference, the planet is shifting all the time now, rapidly moving its magnetic pole to nearer True North. Yet as said, the pole is already moving rapidly - basically as if pulled by a magnet. This HAS to automatically happen every 25,000 years - not 780,000 years - because it is the cycle of the planet.

With the change that happens every 780,000 years, we have to assume that there is something else which additionally happens at the actual time of Pole Shift. But we as this work, at this stage don't know what that is.

From a Christian perspective there is an expected event called 'Rapture' as well as being a 'Judgment' if you have the wrong 'mark'. This is part of the change with the 'Right Ascension' where the fallen left side of the planet rises up again. We think it is also the Resurrection.

Spiritually this time provides the rare opportunity to get off the 'Wheel of Rebirth' - the Luciferian cycle is the religion of rebirth, death and renewal, which happens because of the Earth being aligned off centre and into the Tree of Duality.

There are people who say "well, we've long gone past the time for any 'Rapture'. That should have happened long ago." Obviously the planet has not reached it yet.


True North from the true Star-Grid returned with the 'Star of Bethlehem'.


True North from the true Star-Grid returned with the 'Star of Bethlehem' and began to act like a magnet to help get the Earth back algned with the 'Tree of Eternal Life'.


If the Shift of the North Pole continued further than shown on the right, then the equator would move up to Baja California and GREENLAND would be even further south.

(Information sourced from an article.)

"This is different from a geomagnetic reversal, or the periodic reversal of the earth’s magnetic field where the north and south magnetic poles switch. A Geographic Pole Shift would occur over a matter of days or even just hours, causing immense catastrophe to the surface of the earth. Land masses and oceans would be displaced, the polar regions of the world would change locations, as would the equator."

From the ANCIENT RECORDS and knowledge source this work has been given access to,

such a dramatic change as described above, is the one that happens in 12,000 years time from now, when the Earth 'falls' again.

The fact that the North Pole is currently moving rapidly towards True North - by way of the force from the 'Star of Bethlehem' and the Star Grid it belongs to - what is happening now is NOT a dramatic or sudden change. It is already in progress, and almost completed. It is not dramatic.


< The expected changes do look as if the planet goes back closer to 'true'.

This change seems to line up better with the 'Tree of Eternal Life' - the 'True' Star-Grid, but is not really enough to make a full and permanent change to 'True', it is still quite a way off that.

BUT it does make it possible for those whose 'Name is in the Book of Life' to make it over tt the 'Tree of Eternal Life' star-grid. .

This still present mismatch is why the planet does 'fall' again.

This event is imminent. By now everyone is 'marked' for either the current 'Tree' or if they did not do the various practices into that current 'Tree' and they followed the Christian Teachings, then their 'mark' is for a change to the 'True' Star-Grid'. The rare chance to get 'off ' the 'wheel of rebirth'.

It is not necessarly possible to just 'change over', as the other 'Tree' holds on to those it has 'marked'.



But we obviously don't provide the inner teachings and information, just the outer knowledge.

There is more on the DEATH HORMONE and removing it from the '3rd Eye',

and on the reverse twisted Lower Chakras which are the fractal pattern of the 'one third which fell from heaven' - the True God Source Star-Grid. The 'Tree of Eternal Life' is 12 'spheres'. 12 "disciples".

How do you safely untwist these 3 spheres which are the false grid reality under Brahma/Abraham?

12 "disciples". The '13th' is Judas - Jude. Also related to the 13 Moon Calendar.


More on Understanding the Star Grids

This is the True God Source everlasting life, power system of 'Perpetual Motion'.

The full Star-Grid is also called a 'Tree' and its sources provides the energy for the entire system.

There are 12 MAJOR Spheres/stars powering the Grid.

There are many lesser stars and planets in a Grid.

The overall life energy produced from the 12 spheres under the one Command Star, is called the OCEAN, and from that OCEAN comes streams of energy called the 'waters'.

The 'Tree of Eternal Life' refers to the LIVING Waters, from the OCEAN of the True 'Star-Grid' of the 'Father' meaning positive.


The 2nd Star-Grid is shown below from ancient mysticism. It also is an OCEAN of life energy except that its energy is Life AND Death.

You may be aware that the False Law of the cabal/Deep State which was running this planet, had the world under 'Maritime Law' - the law of the seas - and that all births are registered as if 'vessels at sea' within their Earth Corporation When a baby is born it is registered as a ship's cargo which is berthed.

The False Grid is under a Trinity of Spheres. 3.

Although depicted as a grid with maybe 7 or 9 or 10 'sephiroth' (spheres) there are a number of variations of this grid, but only 3 major spheres/stars.

'9' is the important number of 'completion' for this grid.

It is called the 'Lesser Light'.

It is not the full 'Tree of Eternal Life' from which "one third fell and went into reverse".


The Jewish Star-Grid.

The Jewish Star-Grid is also the Essene Star-Grid

- they used the 13 month lunar calendar and were the 4th largest Jewish sect in Ancient Palestine.

There are two Grid 'Towers'.

The picture is of Notre Dame in Paris.

Christian churches have one tower. It is a separate, different Star-Grid.

'Our Lady' is Isis Queen of the 2nd Tower/Grid. Or, Queen Star of the 2nd Grid.

There were two 'rulers' of the 2nd Grid, a King and a Queen. It was under a binary star system.

The Tree of Eternal Life is under ONE Command Source which is entrely positive called the Father.


The Eitr 'Black Poison' was the RAINBOW Energy

accessed by the Pyramid System to provide power for the planet under the 2nd 'Tree' Star Grid 'energy streams'.


Iris / Isis.


It is important to understand that there are only TWO "Trees" in the Garden. One is the 'True' Tree, the other is the 'Tree' of the Jewish Mystical Kabbalah.

Earth is NOT in the "Tree of Eternal Life"!


Recap. The Jewish Star-Grid

Below is the Jewish Star Grid of their Mystical Teachings.

This planet EARTH is always aligned to the

'Tree' of Sat-an

- which is Sat meaning 'True' and 'An' meaning ' Anti - True'.


It has a 'positive spirituality' and god names. Still the false grid though.

At least that is how it has been since the last POLE REVERSAL 780,000 years ago.


The alignment of Earth is ALWAYS under Satan.

(Sat - Truth : An - anti means Anti Truth)

Because it is the false grid.

The Tree/Star Grid of Duality. Positive and Negative. A Good and a Bad side.

It is the Luciferian 'Tree' or 'Star-Grid' which is the Jewish Star-Grid shown below.

You have to take the correct steps to GET TO the 'Tree of Eternal Life' Star-Grid which is True God Source.

This FALSE Star-Grid does have many other stars and planets, including inhabited and developed planets with people.

This could confuse people into thinking it is part of a Greater God Reality.

But it is still the false GRID.


This diagram below is a depiction from ancient knowledge of a Star Grid.

It shows one Star Grid - the one that Earth is aligned into. The only knowledge on this is from the ancent Jewish mystical sources. The Star Grid which Earth belongs with was altered by those who 'rebelled against True Source' so that they did not have to obey. That Grid was under the Tree of Eternal Life Earth Command Source

Those who rebelled and chose a different Grid now practice Luciferianism. They allied to a different Source - Osiris/Isis - Lucifer.

The 'Tree of Life' Star Grid is not this Star Grid! But this does show what a Star Grid is.

It's a bunch of stars (and multitudes of planets) which all belong to the 'energy stream' of a Command Star Light Energy Source.

The entire grid is an 'energy stream'.

If you just see the usual picture, it shows only one 'energy stream'

which always follows a continual same view of 'upwards' in 'consciousness' to the same 'god'(s) of that energy stream. There at the top must sit 'god'.

But it is not one energy stream going 'upwards' to what must or should logically be 'god'. The Tree of Eternal Life is a completely different energy stream and it is NOT a straightforward journey 'upwards' or 'higher' or whatever it seems to be.

Everyone in this world is born into and onto the 'left-hand path' which is the false path and false Tree.

It is the consiousness of duality. It is also not particularly difficult to understand, and yet for some inexplicable reason is!

This is the wrong energy stream - if you hope to get to 'Eternal Life' that is - but it does take a higher level of conscious awareness to get recognize this.


As said, this diagram above is from Jewish Mysticism on the structure of 'reality'. However, the Christ based Teachings clearly show this is the 'false' Star Grid.

Therefore, there is another Star Grid which is 'True'. However, the Jewish Grid shown is ancient and is well known. It is established knowledge.

So you can now decide if that is the Grid you think is correct. If so then there are teachings and practices which go with that and the 'god source' or 'Command Throne' which oversees and governs that particular Grid.

This work teaches about the Original and 'True' Star Grid.

So here's a quick look at how the Jewish Mysticism Grid came to be. (Taken from the Feature article).By the way, you are born into/onto the Jewish Grid and remain on that Grid until such time as you take the steps to get to the Original Star Grid.

Ancient Jewish traditions as recorded in the Talmud.

"The religion is about the worship of Osiris and Isis, .....those who worshipped this are considered to be the 'Children of Darkness' and links them to the ancient Egyptian religion - but that country was not named Egypt at the time.

The obelisk in Washington DC is a representation of the phallus of Osiris.

So perhaps it was really the ancient Talmudic Jewish religion which was also the 'Amun' / Amen, and they were the ones who were operating the Pyramid System at Giza, which harnessed the Type 3 and most advanced energy source, energy from the stars to run the planet -

and in doing so brought in the 'rainbow' energies which although pretty, were the Eitr, the Black Poison. This is what eventually led to the Fall (damaged axis) and also the presence of the Death Hormone in the 3rd Eye complex.

ORIGINALLY this had been the land area of those called the 'Children of Light' but there was a 'battle' of obedience to what the True Source had clearly said,

That was a command NOT to access and use the 'rainbow energy' from that binary Osiris/Isis star system.

Earth was a developed planet and used a system to bring in energy to the planet from the stars. Those stars were in the Star Grid Earth was part of which was and is called the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The system is 'perpetual motion'.

It was the Children of Darkness who changed which Stars were used for the planet-wide power system, in order to access the light streams of OSIRIS/ISIS or Sirius - a different light source.

This meant they no longer had to answer to True 'Tree of Life' Star Grid God Source."

This is Earth's magnetic N-S alignment. It isn't stable, and it never returns to 'True North'.

The Jewish Star-Grid taught in Jewish Mysticism shows Earth aligned into a false Star Grid which exists at an angle to the 'True' one.

When looking at the existence of a 'false' and 'fallen' Star Grid, what do you think this picture shows you?

Really. This question can be repeated. What do you think this is showing you?!

This is still the same point that we began with over 20 years ago. Once people get to understand that everything is in the wrong (false) energy stream, then we can move on!

Introductory Information Why You are Not on the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. > Earth Command

This section above, is also on Project Star Grid.


*If you can help others be aware of this information please add a link on your Facebook to this page.

* Because this work provides a significatly bigger picture which explains more, it is recommended to read the Introductory Information first.


The information provided here is intended to show you the Massive Difference that the Christian Life Stream and Christian Values are, and WHY there is a difference.

This work is unique. It does not support the deliberate destruction of the Way to the Eternal Life System as has become some kind of weird 'norm' in American style 'bible ministries' and stuff like that, or through obvious infiltration of Luciferian teachings in the mainstream world. *The Luciferian Creed is added further down.

This information should help you see why the Christian Path was attacked so much and why the person Jesus made to seem weak and irrelevant. It should also show why the existence of the 'demons' or 'satan' were trivialized into being silly things. The information should also show you the massive difference that the Christian Life Stream and Christian Values are.

Do you want a world which creates happy families with well brought up children who then go out into the world looking for high level qualities of morals and ethics, reliability and trust in the person they marry?

Or do you want a broken world of fatherless children,. lacking direction and guidance, who wander into crime gangs to 'belong'? Of kids who go to pop concerts to 'belong' and find their identity?

A world using pop songs to undermine the authority of parents.


We often forget to re-add important points, so here are some. We will add more as we remember.

1, We don't use 'Amen' at the end of prayers.

2. Bless your food before eating.

3.Giving your word, is your bond. That means you keep your word, you do what you say you will do.

4. There are a few things on the 'don't' list like don't do hypnosis. Basiclly it is something else other than God Source stepping in to alter things like NLP. The rules are 'let God do it' - because you really don't know what is required for you to get free of any particular karma.

5. It doesn't matter too much that Christmas has some issues about the date. It is the thought that counts. The kind thought for others. The Luciferian side of it is that it is near the Winter Solstice.

6. For Christians the Christian Christmas Tree represents the original and true 'Tree of Eternal Life' and the 'star' is the return of the star that is part of the Tree of Eternal Life Star-Grid. There are two 'trees'. We're only interested in the True Tree.

7. For Christians, the Christening, or indeed a later Baptism, is symbolic of the Living Waters. The Christening places the Living Waters at the 3rd Eye where the 'hydra' (parasite) is. All of it is like holding up the cross to a vampire. It should be kept in mind that Luciferians don't do these things, they just ridicule and undermine them.

Certainly there have been some disgusting ceremonies performed by Popes! These are not what Christian ceremonies are. John the Baptist baptised Jesus into the symbolic 'Living Waters'. Jesus baptized others into the symbolic Living Waters.

8. There were 12 'disciples'. The 13th is Judas - Jude. Also related to the '13 Moon Calendar'/


Someone produced a video on the 'ancient Bible' of 1775. In fact the King James Bible version is much older than that.

The 13 month calendar is the Lunar calendar, based on the negative Moon energy - cycle of the Moon - which is used by Luciferians.

It is a more ancient calendar and precedes the energy changes of around 2000 years ago when there are newer calendars introduced with 12 months. But this doesn't mean the more ancient times were more aligned to True Source. Nor were those calendars 'more accurate' or that some evil forces have lied to us with the current 12 month calendar. There are issues about the existence of the Moon and its influence, and these relate to why the Luciferian side used/use the 13 month moon calendar.

Before 2000 years ago this world was well into at least 4,000 years of being in the satanic realm. That is what we are now coming out of!

Also the Essenes used this calendar

and that adds to a number of controversies about that source.

We were impressed with the diet, but their books were not necessarily hidden in the Vatican Archives.

Their discovery was by the Freemason Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, and he was granted 'special permission' to search there.

It does not seem that any of their scripts add anything bad into the information mix, and there isn't much anyway. Most of it seems to go back to the Ancient (very ancient) Greek sources from before the Fall.

We chose to keep to the name of the original owners of those scrolls, before the Exodus because the whole thing looks like the Essene Scrolls and the Dead Sea Scrolls were taken by the ones who were kicked out. Those who had the Therapeutae Scrolls and the Dead Sea Scrolls, are associated with Qumran which a military base in the desert. The Essenes ran very significant schools, one of which was attended by the Apostle Paul, a Jewish man originally named Saul - who kind of came in and replaced or became the 'new voice' of Jesus in many ways.

The Essenes lived in a commune society. They were communist.

Having access to the Therapeutae therapeutic diet is very good. However, we don't teach that or use any of the names because at the end of the day, it is a healthy raw plant food based diet and we all know what that is.

Whether they were also making Kombucha or Kefir and so on, may be how it was. It does all provide good insight into the therapies of the world before the 'Fall'.




The Wake Updates pages usually include observations and comments, but also the actual 'need to know' information about the different 'Trees'

which are Star-Grids,

i.e. the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem heralded - was the beginning of - the return of the True Star-Grid - and therefore a massive opposing force to the false star-grid Earth has been pulled into.

That means that regardless of what practices were done before, from after that time THINGS CHANGED.


Calendar AM. Anno Mundi

(Latin: "in the year of the world") abbreviated as AM or A.M., refers to a Calendar era counting from the Biblical creation of the world. Usually this designation is used by Jewish sources, which date creation to 3761 BC. Many researchers point to errors in this calculation.

In fact the Jewish one is AM3. There is also AM2 and AM1 which is considered to be the correct one.

They don't seem to affect the energy reality of the Earth's fallen cycle. Whatever the date, Earth is moving out of its journey through the 'Demonic bandwidth'.

This work does not use the term BCE - Before the Common Era - we use BC - Before Christ.

We also don't use CE for Common Era we use AD for Anno Domini - Beginning Year of the Master - because that is when the Star appeared/returned.

The time called Rapture which it is for some, and Tribulation which it also is for others,

may be yet to come and hard to pinpoint.

The work of the 'White Hats' is really the 'good side' of the Tree of Good and Evil energy stream.

As said the Star of Bethlehem did introduce the first signs of the higher level 'Tree of Eternal Life, but with the Earth's cycle it does still take many thousands of years to line up correctly with that, except that at that point the cycle always falls again.

This is why you have to do the necessary work.


There are also the Dragon Calenders.

These are the Red Dragon and White Dragon/ The Red Dragon is the 'dark side'. Also in English history there were the Pendragons and this became the Red Rose and the White Rose. There were battles for the kingdom. These were the House of Plantagenet.

We are 500 years into the 'Red Dragon. before this was the White Dragon which may have been for a 1000 years. If these are 1000 year cycles then we are in the middle of the Red Dragon.

The world before the Fall 12,000 years ago may have gone by the name Tartaria - the last time round. Tartaria gives the title of the Tsars.

Also the Roman Empire has not yet fallen.

The real thing which does indicate an 'end time' is the Pole Reversal.


The Earth has been existing in and travelling through the Demonic Realms,

also called 'dark forces'. Pop star concerts are part of taking people through a portal into the Demonic Realms. This has also been called the 'vallay of the shdaow of death' the 'realm of the dead' and the Left Hand Path which is the meaning of the Latin word Sin.

Original Sin

The Left Hand Path is the fallen star-grid, and the 'false path'. As humans are born into this world, their origin is in the Left Hand Path which is Sin.

We will provide missing details then you can work it out for yourself.


Paul McCartney is Dead

and his replacement is called Faul.

Faul was not supposed to go off and form his own career under the name of Paul McCartney after The Beatles ended.

When the remaining Beatles George and Ringo were inducted into the 'Hall of Fame' Faul did not go. Reasons being no interest, other pressing business and so on.

However when he was inducted as the character Paul he plays, this inspired his daughter's arrogant slogan 'Its About Fucking Time'. They both, in the photos, clearly thought it was about fucking time.

Paul died in 1966 and it does look like a murder.

The original Paul McCartney - and those who loved him - deserve justice and recognition on this.

The Tavistock Institute was lucky to get hold of The Beatles.

The Tavistock Institute used and betrayed The Beatles.

They didn't 'create' them. They were an existing pub band.

They were the project of Brian Epstein - who was also killed off.

(As were John Lennon and George Harrison.)


The Beatles were genuinely good - great stage presence and personalities.

They were absolutely GREAT.

Particluarly great harmonies -

with something very special about the voices of John, Paul and George together.

The replacement 'Faul' could not do the harmonies

but it was the HARMONIES which made them.


No-one in those days wrote their own songs - perhaps that idea was started so that others could get rich off them.

Maybe it is hard to imagine how much energy and 'feel good' they generated.

OMG! First time hearing Beatles | Tell me why | I should have known better | Reaction



When I go through these videos and their interviews too, it feels like a kind of electricity sparking that 'feel good' thing.

Look how happy they all were together, and it is true that they all really loved each other like soul brothers.

And there is nothing faked about the reaction of the fans!

This "electricity" never happened again after 1966. They clearly were NOT happy with each other. Also it is very obvious that the 'energy' is not there.

Mostly I am discounting practically everything that came after 1966, it was just studio produced music, no matter how technically good it may have been. It is their ENERGY, the fun, as well as their harmonies that made them special.

They were a pub/club rock band.

I am so sorry for what happened t the 3 remaining Beatles after 1966.

Below is to remind anyone or show those who don't know, that these guys were a miracle, incredibly special.

The Beatles "I'm Happy Just To Dance With You" (with BBC audio!)


5 songs

The Beatles - Live At The Washington Coliseum 02 11 1964 - 5 songs



Short doco on comments. Billy never performed on stage with The Beatles even replacing a sick Paul on their last US tour because Billy could not do the harmonies, even though the screaming was so loud you couldn't hear anyway. But Paul lived past that tour because he was at a music awards in London about a week before his death. They were all on a 2 month break after that tour.

The actual Paul McCartney never worked in factories. he went straight into the rock band which preceded The Beatles when he was about 16 and he was a co-founder of The Beatles. At their induction into the Hall of Fame George Harrison clearly says 'we all loved Paul very much'. The video ends there

- but goes to the (Lucifer) Wings song Coming Up, which we don't want to see, but it shows Billy playing many characters. That is what he is, an impersonator.

The Shocking Truth About the Beatles: Paul is Dead. Watch 15 mins


It seems Obvious that 'They' Needed to Manipulate the Band in order to Achieve Their 'Social Engineering Plan.

That is, Kill Paul and Replace Him. The band as they were, would not co-operate or even produce the later type of music.

In the Paris meeting in the days after the real Paul died, Bill Shepherd met Lennon in a meeting arranged by Epstein for his (Lennon's) approval on the replacement, Bill went to the meeting with his girlfiend Maggie who thought he was Paul McCartney - so he did already look similar. Maggie covers this meeting in her own book on her affair with who she thought was Paul McCartney. It seems that it was crucial to get Lennon's approval of this. Once they had that then the rest of the plan to use The Beatles could go ahead.

Maggie describes a walk they all 3 took afterwards and it was quite congenial. It was after this approval that Bill began to control the group. The project for Sgt. Pepper's was Bill's and the Tavistock Institute.

One video presentation spends time saying that Paul McCartney from the afterlife helped Bill become Paul, but after being killed, or murdered the real Paul had no plans to help Bill!

That video is spoilt by the person presenting it, so some comments on points without having to listen through it. Brian Epstein who became the manager of a small pub/club rock band called The Beatles, may well have been a Mason but that has to be checked.

Most likely is that as a businessman owner of a music shop, he did have contacts and the enormous appeal and energy of these decent but street savvy boys from Liverpool was helped to stardom by way of their natural appeal. It should not be forgotten that Brian Epstein died - was removed - almost a year later. It was saaid to be a drug overdose, but this was not a man into taking drugs.

It was their HARMONIES which made their sound special,

and it was their obvious real LOVE for each other, and their very appealing personalities. They were helped because they provided what the bigger plan was looking for.

Bill Shepherd who replaced Paul McCartney shows considerable contempt for Paul McCartney. he is always mocking him. Then there is his song 'Daeth Cab for Cutie' written as one of his other characters Vivian Stanshall. Paul was the 'cute Beatle' which he definitely was (and Bill defnitely isn't). Bill also wrote 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' which is about a murder and head injury of the kind that was done to Paul. Everyone connected to the original Beatles was removed (died). First Epstein, then the roadie Mal Evans was shot dead, then John Lennon was assassinated, and later George Harrison was 'given' the cancer after the 'intruder' knife attack. Ringo was not one of the original Beatles.

It does not matter if The Beatles wrote all their songs. It is not significant. It was their stage charisma which mattered. It does not matter that Bill was a 'better' musician or that he could compose music. In reality was the later music better than what the phenonenon of The Beatles was?

In all the years of Bill as his own separate act under the name of Paul McCartney, I have never liked him and had no interest in his music (Wings). I just didn't. It doesn't matter that The Beatles rose to fame as a stage band playing songs about boy meets girl,. It was their energy, their harmonies, their friendship and love for being with each other. It was they themselves, not the replacement Bill who USED The Beatles for a satanic agenda of social engineering. BIll is NOT Paul McCartney and he is not as special as Paul McCartney was.

We don't think the McCartney family was anything other than a normal, decent Liverpudlian working class family. They didn't have connections to stuff like Freemasons. Paul McCartney was marked for a ritual sacrifice long before it took place.

The real story introduction, and the Tavistock Agenda 'Social Engineering'



Watch Video 1 minute

and they do like to eat their human sacrifices - and sacrifice is part of their ancient religion - and they also like to do this symbolically.

Usury in a Nutshell

NEW VIDEO ....... Watch 3 mins. Recommended.


Daily WORLD NEWS read here


Meet Lucifer : the Luciferian 'Energy Stream' ... Jewish 'Financiers' in the Americas ... The Death Hormone


The 'Tree of Eternal Life' Star Grid is not part of the 'Ages'.

Even with the Ascension and getting rid of the evil on this planet, the planet still takes 12,000 years to line up with the 'Tree of Life'. Of course there may be something else that steps in, otherwise there is not so much of a 'dividing of the ways'. But after 12,000 years the planet continues with the Ages of the Zodiac, and that is the next fall.

More on the 'energy stream' this planet is in, added further down.


The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets, inhabited planets, and suns in its network.

This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.

You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid.


Previous for November - October 2024 continue >>


These are existing links. We do review these when able so that they can be updated!

Royal Replacements . : . Earth's Missing Teachings . : . Earth's Missing '5th Direction' . : . Earth's 4 Directions. . : .Ancient Legends . : . Children of Cain' . : . Pole Shift, Luciferian Government . : . New Videos 2024 . : . Earth Poles . : . Christ's Teaching . : . How Do You Choose the Christos Eternal Life Reality?.,The True Source Energy Stream . : . RECOMMENDED Videos Forbidden History etc . : . Mother of Darkness Jesse Czebotar's videos. . . RECOMMENDED ... Zeppelins and Hidden History ... Playboy Mansion in LA "5D people and 3D people." Sitting in Judgment of others. Continue. ... . IMPORTANT to know Continue click on the link on that page for the next part of that. ... .
NEW Continue to the next new page >> NEW July 20th There is now a new page which covers Fake News from the 'Alternative Media' sources. >> <<
Also .. British Royals ... "Taking the Piss" ... A REMINDER OF WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST ... Climate Change, The Great Disaster Cycle, Atlantis & More | The Culture War with Tim Pool Watch Video 2 hours and 11 minutes. Advanced Nazi Technology ... WW2 'Foo Fighters' ... Antarctica ...The Controversial Project to Restore the Original Human DNA : The new Paul McCartney and the Tavistock Agenda for Mind Control
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' .... Wake Update newsletter 2024 Continue click on the link on that page for the next part of that.
: . Front Page . : . Brief description of the UN's 'Agenda 21/30' . : . Restoring a Higher Civilization . : . NEW : 15 Minute Cities . : .The USA does have a 'Space Force'Index for Intelligent videos which explain the sell out of the West to the CCP / Chinese Communist Party. :




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