Created December 2024. .... . Previous
This diagram below is a depiction from ancient knowledge of a STAR-GRID.
The diagram shows one Star Grid - the one that Earth is aligned into. The only knowledge on this is from the ancent Jewish mystical sources. The Star Grid which Earth belongs with was altered by those who 'rebelled against True Source' so that they did not have to obey. That Grid was under the Tree of Eternal Life Earth Command Source
This is the Jewish-Essene-Kabbalah Star-Grid.
This diagram below is a depiction from ancient knowledge of a Star Grid. It shows one Star Grid - the one that Earth is aligned into. The only knowledge on this is from the ancent Jewish mystical sources. The Star Grid which Earth belongs with was altered by those who 'rebelled against True Source' so that they did not have to obey. That Grid was under the Tree of Eternal Life Earth Command Source
Those who rebelled and chose a different Grid now practice Luciferianism. They allied to a different Source - Osiris/Isis - Lucifer.
The 'Tree of Life' Star Grid is not this Star Grid! But this does show what a Star Grid is.
It's a bunch of stars (and multitudes of planets) which all belong to the 'energy stream' of a Command Star Light Energy Source.
If you just see the usual picture, it shows only one 'energy stream'
which always follows a continual same view of 'upwards' in 'consciousness' to the same 'god'(s) of that energy stream. There at the top must sit 'god'.
But it is not one energy stream going 'upwards' to what must or should logically be 'god'. The Tree of Eternal Life is a completely different energy stream and it is NOT a straightforward journey 'upwards' or 'higher' or whatever it seems to be.
Everyone in this world is born into and onto the 'left-hand path' which is the false path and false Tree.
It is the consiousness of duality. It is also not particularly difficult to understand, and yet for some inexplicable reason is!
This is the wrong energy stream - if you hope to get to 'Eternal Life' that is - but it does take a higher level of conscious awareness to get recognize this.
As said, this diagram above is from Jewish Mysticism on the structure of 'reality'. However, the Christ based Teachings clearly show this is the 'false' Star Grid.
Therefore, there is another Star Grid which is 'True'. However, the Jewish Grid shown is ancient and is well known. It is established knowledge.
So you can now decide if that is the Grid you think is correct. If so then there are teachings and practices which go with that and the 'god source' or 'Command Throne' which oversees and governs that particular Grid.
This work teaches about the Original and 'True' Star Grid.
So here's a quick look at how the Jewish Mysticism Grid came to be. (Taken from the Feature article).By the way, you are born into/onto the Jewish Grid and remain on that Grid until such time as you take the steps to get to the Original Star Grid.
Ancient Jewish traditions as recorded in the Talmud.
"The religion is about the worship of Osiris and Isis, .....those who worshipped this are considered to be the 'Children of Darkness' and links them to the ancient Egyptian religion - but that country was not named Egypt at the time.
The obelisk in Washington DC is a representation of the phallus of Osiris.
So perhaps it was really the ancient Talmudic Jewish religion which was also the 'Amun' / Amen, and they were the ones who were operating the Pyramid System at Giza, which harnessed the Type 3 and most advanced energy source, energy from the stars to run the planet -
and in doing so brought in the 'rainbow' energies which although pretty were the Eitr, the Black Poison. This is what eventually led to the Fall (damaged axis) and also the presence of the Death Hormone in the 3rd Eye complex.
ORIGINALLY this had been the land area of those called the 'Children of Light' but there was a 'battle' of obedience to what the True Source had clearly said,
That was a command NOT to access and use the 'rainbow energy' from that binary Osiris/Isis star system.
Earth was a developed planet and used a system to bring in energy to the planet from the stars. Those stars were in the Star Grid Earth was part of which was and is called the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The system is 'perpetual motion'.
It was the Children of Darkness who changed which Stars were used for the planet-wide power system, in order to access the light streams of OSIRIS/ISIS or Sirius - a different light source.
This meant they no longer had to answer to True 'Tree of Life' Star Grid God Source."
This is Earth's magnetic N-S alignment. It isn't stable, and it never returns to 'True North'.
The Jewish Star-Grid taught in Jewish Mysticism shows Earth aligned into a false Star Grid which exists at an angle to the 'True' one.
When looking at the existence of a 'false' and 'fallen' Star Grid, what do you think this picture shows you?
Introductory Information Why You are Not on the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. > Earth Command