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Created December 5th 2024. .... . Previous



Someone produced a video on the 'ancient Bible' of 1775. In fact the King James Bible version is much older than that.

The 13 month calendar is the Lunar calendar, based on the negative Moon energy - cycle of the Moon - which is used by Luciferians.

It is a more ancient calendar and precedes the energy changes of around 2000 years ago when there are newer calendars introduced with 12 months. But this doesn't mean the more ancient times were more aligned to True Source. Nor were those calendars 'more accurate' or that some evil forces have lied to us with the current 12 month calendar.

Before 2000 years ago this world was well into at least 4,000 years of being in the satanic realm and was within 10,000 years of being in the fallen state, which really tells us that all of that time was not the 'True' status.

By its 'fall' to the 'left' off its axis this planet changes into a cycle - hence the 'cycle of rebirth' which is praised by Luciferians and the 'false path' because it is a cycle of renewal and rebirth after a 'death'.

Before the Fall when aligned to 'True' the Earth was in 'Timelessness'. The planet was a perfect 360 degrees revolution around the sun which divided perfectly into 12. It was 90, 180 and 360.

The 'fall' off the axis added 5 extra days and things like Leap Years. These are because the planet is at a false angle, and that is how it is accessing the other 'energy stream' from a different Star-Grid under the dead/black sun Osiris and the 'goddess/queen' Isis which also are the Light Bringer Lucifer.

When you see the British flag behind PM Keir Starmer and as in this picture of the NZ flag with the covid PM Ardern, the alignment which looks like a cross is at an angle. Earth under the 'false alignment' is at an angle.

This is deliberately used symbolism which shows these ones are under the Hidden Government.

The Luciferian Creed - guidelines to establish the satanic consciousness, this creed being from the 1920's - is added below some introductory articles which indicate how the leadership of the world was infiltrated.


If the 'Darkness' - the satanic agenda - had managed to take the planet through the 'Portal' aligned with Antarctica,

Earth and we all, would have experienced a kind of Kundalini Activation going through the planet.

(The picture shown here is a 'portal' used at the Travis Scott concert a few years ago. Most of the 'pop concerts' are satanic ceremonies and this was symbolically taking the 'mind and behaviour controlled' audience through the 'portal' - like the Pied Piper of Hamlyn.)


The objective of satanism is 'Marxist Communisim. It's aim is to divide and break up the concept of families. Children are bred randomly and brought up in a commune environment like a kibbutz.


This is the beginning.

The separation between the two realities called 'Dividing of the Ways' is happening gradually.

Most of the relevant 'need to know' is on the re-edited Earth Command


At the current time in the Earth's Cycle - which is represented as the 'Checkerboard - it is changing from the 'Dark side to the Light side of the energystream 'Tree of Duality' - Light and Dark, Good and Evil. This energy stream is still under the 2nd 'Tree' which is a Star-Grid.

It is the 'game' of the 'Tree of Duality' which is being played.



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