. Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.



Sound Project Truth Intro Introduction page : Next page : Music 1st page. You Owe It To Yourself To Have Better Music.



The world consciousness - the perception of what is 'normal life' - is going to change. The world is just beginning to come out of a diversion into something far beneath its intended dignity. Current consciousness exists in some kind of la la land, off with the fairies. Entitled, spoilt, cynical, reversed values, and therefore missing what matters. If you do not understand what has value, then you do not recognize it - and so you lose it. But if you never understood it anyway, the elusive 'something that is missing' will always be out of reach for you - the same as the sleepers living in la la land who don't know a once in 25,000 year event just happened on this planet. Welcome to successful Mind Control. Some of the topic presented here came to be about an incoming energy hit which did appear to trigger a person's Higher Self to wake up. This work was documenting that. because if it happened, it would be awesome, wouldn't it. But,

..........................................Our person needs to find "Enlightenment"!

< Do this and you will remain on the 'Wheel of Rebirth' - and never find 'True Enlightenment'.

Previous page.

The World in Reverse - Thinking Backwards. NEW - world consciousness 'dark force' and thinking backwards. Updated.

NEW 'AMERICA IS GOING THROUGH PUBERTY' https://www.bitchute.com/video/pQKqQEj_Tr0/ 49 seconds.

So, you are not Mind Controlled?

Have you ever had a tattoo? Or have you ever done that hand symbol with the little finger and index finger pointed like horns, and thought it was cool?

April What was Biden doing in Ireland this week, clearly showing on live television that he is wearing a mask?

https://www.c-span.org/video/?527349-1/president-biden-remarks-dublin-airport Its at around 5.21 when he scratches the back of his neck. Better when looked at in close up. The footage I've seen has been close up but I wanted to use the original from the TV. This went viral. Close up 12 seconds. https://www.bitchute.com/video/c6w9TYmhmE80/ To me, this action, the way he did it, looks intentional, but why? Some will question this anomaly, but many will be confused and file this away as if it didn't happen! "C-SPAN is a public service created by the American Cable Television Industry".https://www.c-span.org/about/mission/ More 'new' further down.

'One of These Days' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK_BcyKOAt4

"Pink Floyd, one of the most Third Eye openers !!!" (***Use Extra Bass.) In the improvised section with just the bass, do you, like us, think it seems to sound like it's saying 'Happy People'? That bassline kicks ass!" "Pink Floyd, the 8th wonder of the world!" 3 months ago. Photo is of David Gilmour. This is our recommended WAKE UP song.

Because of the continuing world situation, I am completely occupied during April. There was an 'energy' from April 1st for 5 days, missed the Thursday, then back again on Friday, and again earlier the second week. This seemed good, very positive, but I did wonder. Then I did write the wrong thing up here, it did not read correctly, so here are 2 songs to make up for it. Again, the person whose Higher Self communicated has clearly stated that this person does not read this. Sometimes wording does not come across in the way intended and we apologize for when that happens.

Internet Comments on 'Nothing Else Matters': "Gives you goosebumps because of the 432 hz they use, the Buddhists use 432 to heal the heart". 2 weeks ago. Heavy Metal band Metallica doing something very unusual and gentle. *They are nice guys in interviews, and James is the writer of this song which is sensitive and has depth.. They look like 'Hell's Angels' bikers but are actually nice. They are described as "level headed family men". These are the most famous tracks of Metallica. Intro is a little like a Chopin Prelude. .I personally, am not a 'metal' fan, its more like 'head banging' music! I also don't care for their stage show, but it does not mean we don't acknowledge the good work. Metallica

MUSIC : Nothing Else Matters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozXZnwYTMbs This is beautiful.

Enter Sandman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZuM4zFg-60

"Hitler knew the power of music....... and made sure that music in Germany was keyed at 432hz."

The link to Advanced Nazi Technology in the 'chapters' section does question what was really going on in WW2. Undoubtedly a positive frequency.

"432 Hz, otherwise known as Verdi’s A. It is widely considered a superior tuning that is also said to have a positive influence on the mind and body due to its relationship with our planet. It was not as some internet sources state, the standard tuning prior to 1940."

"The 528Hz frequency has been given the name, "Miracle Frequency", "Healing Frequency", "Creative Frequency" and others reflecting its amazing qualities. This from the Solfeggio Scale - sounds that were removed by the Catholic Church. John Lennon tuned his guitar to this frequency."

(These frequencies are not what this Sound Project work is referring to, but that is a topic we will get to later).

The entire experience with this Higher Self contact has been very unusual and the 'information' that came in with the energy hit 'download' in late March 2022 would be something I would doubt by this amount of time if it wasn't that it was 'attention grabbing', continued, and still continues. For example, the 5+ days mentioned above. That's not the Higher Self. But this HS/person is supposed to wake up!

Because of the continuing limitations, I am completely occupied during April. I have to wait until the entire agenda has played out and the new system is happening. But for the average unaware person, I say I cannot leave until the bill that allows foreign tourists into the USA passes the Senate so I can get into the States to pick up my flight to Asia. I remain trapped in Mexico but Mexico is the safest place to be. The prices for this mediocre tourist city are overly high, and it is a place which surely can only really appeal to those who are asleep. I have never seen anyone who is awake who would want, or has chosen, to hang around here. There is a reality to the position the 'plandemic' placed people in. I thought I would only be here for 6 - 8 months. Instead, I have had to go to Guatemala 3 times now to get the visa to stay in Mexico. That's at least 12,000 pesos per trip! That amount is half my airfare back to Asia. That useless waste of money trip is is now booked! I cannot do this with a quick trip over the border at Tijuana.

As people are still completely unaware of the reality, it is difficult to explain the situation because there is no understanding of it (comprehension of it). Almost everyone is jabbed and now guaranteed to die many years before they would have done. They don't know this yet. It is also passed on genetically. The jab was to ensure that humans start slowly dying off, with less births and more miscarriages. Then 10 years from now it will be "oh look what is happening. no doubt due to 'climate change'." *The jab was the real thing because those involved had to commit the crime in order to be prosecuted. But everything was done to get the information out so people would know not to do it. The jab is what I and millions of others are avoiding.

'Covid 19' was patented by the Pirbright Institute in 2015 and perfected in November 2019 one month before the first case. The labs developing 'covid' switched from being Wuhan early in 2020 which became the focus, and quietly moved to the Ukraine. *The material on the Hunter Biden laptop was released around August 2020 before the US election but no-one took any notice. Only the New York Post was reporting on it and that was disregarded (NY Post is not connected to the Washington Post.) The damaging material is not all the drugs, it is the emails and audio recordings of the deals involving all the Uncle Joe family. with the CCP China, and Ukraine. * After the collapse a new, asset backed system will be introduced. *Curiously the system requires everyone to be 'off planet compliant', suggesting it is being overseen from, and by, those from 'somewhere else'.*The BRICS countries have been using it since late last year around October.

"You can lead a dumb ass to water, but you cannot make him think".

The index to an overview of topics in the book is below the next section.

The RESET plan to bankrupt the USA and other western countries is still in full play and some people are beginning to notice, but are not aware that it is the direct result of the policies being implemented. The situation will change once the banking system collapses, but it was and still is necessary for the people to 'wake up' and notice. I am not going to explain more on what this is here, but one reason given for the delay is how SLOW people are to wake up to what their governments are clearly doing. I have met excruciatingly few people who are awake here or visiting here. Almost no-one. The pre disclosure lead in includes a build up to a WW3 scenario, like the Bay of Pigs incident in 1961, where the finger was on the button to launch the nukes.

It is not clear if we are waiting on an actual electronic change within the planet, or something else. However, when it does begin, it will look like things have just been discovered now in real time, and it will play out as if it is happening now. It allows 'the people' to win this. Because Trump has now activated interest - he always gets attention - it looks like you might be finding out what's been going on quite soon now.

It will look like it is happening in real time, and 'the people' will win. It has already been done, mostly finished in 2020, but people are only now beginning to notice how bad the problems are - if they even notice at all, or if they do, then feel helpless..Would the people have 'risen up' and got rid of these jerks who were running the world? The answer is, they didn't. They didn't even know anything was going on. However, some of us did do our part to help fight this, we did play our part. The Trump story is quieter but it got people to pay attention. It also sets a precedent for a President to be indicted.........

The 2020 US election went ahead because the 'good side' still had to get the ones who were involved. And they did get them - the servers in Germany, the Vatican's Da Vinci satellite, also the people involved at the lowest level.

All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page. News articles (where stories like Pips Bunce go)

There are still some interesting links kept here, and updated. This is a commentary from Tim Pool a Mexican American and highy recomended.

Tim Pool and Matt Walsh are good examples of what ALL people on an advanced, developed planet 'should' be.


Short video

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0p8-c_54HTA/ Also good comments from Tim about being able to 'think for yourself' and more. This video is an eye opening look at low information woke thinking.


You Owe It To Yourself To Have Better Music!

Nirvana. About a Girl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_24pJQUj7zg

Good Sound and Sound including Words, that Should Not Be Used.

'Stoning scene"

'Life of Brian' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeq2Utm0nU


"Music Sucks Now" 30 seconds. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rX3NLlV9BLE/

As those who read this know, the pages we end up with too much music. Tim's comment in the video before is that he has been listening to Soundgarden.Grunge Rock. Also Nirvana - here is a new page for music.

Nirvana & Soundgarden Grunge Rock : Metallica : Chicago Big Band Sound. : Linkin Park Alternative Rock : Enigma : Silk Sonic : Moody Blues : Sade : Led Zeppelin : Santana : 1 Giant Leap & African : Music Industry The Beatles & the music industry : Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' : More Pink Floyd + albums : New Music Page and Links Begins here

For sound to send you into the cosmos - Pink Floyd.

We have covered that important frequencies have been blocked from this planet - such as the Lost Chord - and also that brainwave entrainment and Mind Control have been implemented through the Music Industry, which in turn is run by the same jerks who have been running this planet.

Show me how you are going to get 'high' from any of today's music?

Yet that is what music does. It triggers good brain chemicals. This is also how it has been for those who love classical music like Beethoven or Tchaikovsky as well as for opera lovers. These absolutely trigger a high, but it is the higher end IQ level of the world that get that.

The low end groove to Travis Scott or any of the numerous rappers who drone on and are paid in the millions to do so. Now you understand why perhaps. That droning on kills off brain cells and brain activity! That is why they are paid so much. Not saying the sound is not cool. Saying its not real music. Also should listen to the lyrics. When recording this stuff this guy says one line, something about 'where's the bitch' and the one line is repeated in what is otherwise stuff from some kind of music storage place (I don't know what its called!)

They also have a high profile but are not good behavioural models - which makes them good for being bad behavioural models, helping dumb down humanity and make satanism more appealing. The Travis Scott concert in 2021 where several people died, was about taking people through the portal into the 'black hole'. As many concerts are, it was a mass satanic ritual, it literally was. Its part of the deal they have to make.

Of course, you pay them, but the Mind Control ensures this is the 'music' you go for.

The Pink Floyd tracks added on this page, are to take you to the cosmos. That's the purpose.

Most tracks feature an older David Gilmour guitarist because he aged rapidly at an early age. But he was so gorgeous, this should be shown.. "I have never seen a man more gorgeous than David Gilmour.. He is a perfect specimen of a man !!! He should be cloned" Internet comment.

Frequencies have been blocked and reduced particularly during the last decades, so the frequencies being looked for to WAKE UP were mostly brought into the planet before recent times. That is the music we look for. People made 'devil deals' in Frank Sinatra's time, and before, but not all artists had to follow that route. They became successful despite the music industry machine.

It also means in some cases, you had future timeline people here - they were ahead of the timeline they came into. They are ahead of the current timeline which was diverted to a different reality.

The high level music tracks recommended are Echoes, Sorrow, and Shine on You Crazy Diamond, all added on the Pink Floyd links.

:Nirvana & Soundgarden Grunge Rock : Chicago Big Band Sound. : Linkin Park Alternative Rock : Enigma : Metallica : Led Zeppelin : Alan Parsons Project ; Santana : 1 Giant Leap & African : Moody Blues :Silk Sonic : Sade : Music Industry : Sound'. Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' : More Pink Floyd + albums : New Music Page and Links Begins here


The Energy Hit and the 'Higher Self' story.

March 2023 was one year from the X-class energy hit. On March 30th 2022 there was an X-class energy hit. This activated the 'Inner Self' of someone, and began a feed of information in the days that followed.

These energy 'instructions' are how this galaxy communicates with itself, with its 'body'. Because of the dip downwards of this planet, this connection and Higher Sound frequencies, have not been reaching this planet. They are reaching again as of now, since 2000. The 'energy' which activated the Higher Self of this person was a high level one, and although it comes to here via the sun, the communication comes from beyond and higher than the sun. When energy 'instructions' arrive into this planet, via the 'cosmic brain', if it accesses you, then you get what that 'download' is, not more and not less. It can spread out over time, and it can also have the instruction embedded for a specific later time.

*All pages are still under construction.

NEW The World in Reverse - Backwards.

Almost everyone now, is a dutiful follower of a religion.

The world has not progressed and 'moved forward' into its 'future'. It was diverted onto a different and lower path. For generations the average masses have been prepped to think and behave the way those who 'control' that religion WANT them to behave.

The religion has offices attached to the United Nations. It was originally registered and written about by its actual name, then changed to the Lucis Trust. We are not going to put any images of that religion up here.

This has been MIND CONTROL.


Links to 'chapters' short pieces. With new tracks added. Higher frequencies have been blocked from reaching this planet....

How to be a Truly Free Soul. NEW

The world consciousness is going to change. NEW

'One of These Days' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK_BcyKOAt4

"Pink Floyd, one of the most Third Eye openers !!!" (***Use Extra Bass.) In the improvised section with just the bass, do you, like us, think it seems to sound like it's saying 'Happy People'? That bassline kicks ass!" "Pink Floyd, the 8th wonder of the world!" 3 months ago.

The World in Reverse - Thinking Backwards. NEW

Ancient Legends of a Planet that was blown up by the 'Misuse of Technology' Remembered as 'Atlantis'.

The existence of the city/island 'Atlantis' was first recorded in Greek philosopher Plato's Timaeus and Critias. Stories of a planet connected to the binary (2) star system Sirius and an early Egyptian civilization as well as 'Egyptian Magic' etc exists in Egyptian Records including artefacts found by Howard Carter who discovered the intact tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in November 1922. Most information on the exploded planet Maldek comes from Mesopotamian Records.
65 million years ago ended the dinosaurs but also their remains arrived here on Earth in a massive multi-pronged 'comet' which hit this planet, bringing much of the debris of that ancient planet to here around 12,000 years ago. The 'war in heaven'. Science believes that life on Earth was 'star seeded' here via this incoming space debris (not a comet but the remnants of the exploded planet). Earth appears to be the central part of that much larger planet and it still carries a damaged axis. The 'Death Star' is Sirius B. Mankind on Earth began again around 6,000 years ago. Mankind on Maldek existed - in some form - long before that.

"Waiting For The Worms" Pink Floyd from the film 'The Wall' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-gyZPWWJ7M

Nazis and Advanced Technology. NEW

'This level of information is not from your world,' NEW

The mission to get you off a damaged planet.

Dividing of the Ways :

The Ancient World - astronauts in Sth America, high tech?

Comfortably Numb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sa2q-b3oRo (NEW music, high frequency sound).

The current world doesn't produce music for this specific purpose now, but this music was used for travelling to the cosmos within.

Should the Created 'Mankind' Continue?

The ZEN of Sheep

We are Not from Your World! NEW

The Creation of Mankind, Neanderthals, and Monkey Man.

"Yet Another Movie" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaroBsuvKb4

A higher civilization

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Live Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk0V_GGa2XM

Health & Skin Damage from Mercury Poisoning :


'Dark Force' 'Higher Self' links on the Sound Project original page.

All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page.

Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' : The sound is about higher frequencies and sound before the 'mind control' fully came in.

Welcome to the Machine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuhsfDgsA1Q 2019 remix

"What did you dream? It's alright, we told you what to dream".

Frequencies have been blocked and reduced particularly during the last decades, so the frequencies being looked for to WAKE UP were mostly brought into the planet before recent times. That is the music we look for. People made 'devil deals' in Frank Sinatra's time, and before, but not all artists had to follow that route. They became successful despite the music industry machine. It also means in some cases, you had future timeline people here - they were ahead of the timeline they came into. They are ahead of the current timeline which was diverted to a different reality.


There has been an MK Ultra and related operation gradually and progressively over the last 20/30/40+ years to dumb down people.

Pop music has been about entraining brainwave frequencies into a particular beat and pattern that makes the brain receptive to behavioural conditioning. Slowed down in thinking and responses. Lower moral standards. This contributes to why the world actually was more creative before generations became 'brain conditioned' - ready for the final plan that began in 2020.


Awaiting the 'bank system' to commit the Hara Kiri (suicide) it has been led into -

We are waiting for that system to collapse but the next phase could be months away. The recent bank collapses did interfere with my plans to fly to Malaysia. I don't know how long it takes for something as big as the collapse of the entire system takes, but it could be possible to resume my plans to book the flight to Kuala Lumpur for April. There do seem to be some hold ups.

"I thought 'not caring' was a superpower" - something that made you stronger. It is not, it makes you weaker. Not least being that it is a way to not deal with something challenging in life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S-Abz1m35w 6 mins. Moments From 'After Life' - Ricky Gervais. (This writer also has a diploma in Counselling Psych.)

These pages have all been experimental ways to cover the original story of the possible activation of a person to 'wake up', then these somehow had to be put together, so that the general idea of the story would be available to the person whose Higher Self made contact soon after my arrival in Mexico. It became more of a blog as there are many topics, but each will find its way onto its own page. Like the page where stories like Pips Bunce go, and more on the ZEN and Qi Gong etc will eventually be on separate pages.


I have not yet verified the source which stated 'covid 19' officially ended on Feb 21st. If so there should not be death jab requirements to go to the States - and there are. The House has passed a bill to remove these requirements but it still has to pass in the Senate.


Qi Gong Zen Gong as a Health System - chi / prana. Malaysia : All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page : News articles (where stories like Pips Bunce go) : Health & Skin Damage from Mercury Poisoning :
Nirvana & Soundgarden Grunge Rock : Chicago Big Band Sound. : Linkin Park Alternative Rock : Enigma : Metallica : Led Zeppelin : Alan Parsons Project; Santana : 1 Giant Leap & African : Moody Blues :Silk Sonic : Sade : Music Industry : Sound'. Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' : More Pink Floyd + albums :


All music other than Pink Floyd is for interest, not necessarily for raising frequencies.


: Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' : More Pink Floyd + albums
Silk Sonic : Nirvana & Soundgarden Grunge Rock : Metallica : Chicago Big Band Sound. : Linkin Park Alternative Rock : Enigma : Moody Blues : Sade : Led Zeppelin : Santana : 1 Giant Leap & African : Alan Parsons Project : Music Industry : Music Indusrty Deals + The Beatles : New Music Page and Links Begin here
News articles : This level of informtion is not from your world, : The world consciousness must change : The OPIUM EFFECT : Dividing of the Ways : Ancient World : ZEN of Sheep : the world is going to change : Health & Skin Damage from Mercury Poisoning : Plant and Health Intro Index. : 'Mankind' : Blue Lotus (car) : Malaysia : The Journey - KL to Krakow - to Mexico : Bali : India :
All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page. News articles (where stories like Pips Bunce go)


The recommended music to clear 'darkness' is here. Pink Floyd.





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