SOUND for this planet's transition out of evil. NEW TRACKS ADDED REGULARLY DOWN THE PAGE. . Best viewed on anything but Google



Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.

' ZEN', The Higher Self, and 'Opium' Effect.

Qi Gong cultivates energy - chi or prana - and is used for health benefits, breatharian practice, and for building stamina for the 'hard' martial arts. If we cover these it will be on a separate page. This page is still about the 'Sound' for awakening the Higher Self and clearing 'dark forces'. Not crystal bowls or wind chimes, but Pink Floyd. We are moving into a new FUTURE that has nothing to do with the last 5,000 years. (This work chooses the far eastern 'Zen' image not Indian yoga, although this writer does have a diploma as a teacher of Hatha Yoga.)

*The section on the 'Opium Effect' can show the 'Lower Self' person what it Feels like to Connect to the person's Own Higher Self.

If the person can do what its Higher Self or the True Self wants - be true to self - then this 'Opium Effect' is what this person will get and also a very happy life. That is what was 'shown' because it is what the True Self wants, the real inner being. It is always the ego/lower self which fights its own Higher Self.

In the 6 months timeframe from when this 'energy hit' came into this planet and into the person, the Higher Self of the person did respond positively and the whole episode was 'successful'. It is a question of how long it takes for the lower self to step aside and allow the person to be the REAL self. For the purposes of the project we want to see how such definite and precise information works out. We will know because the person will become real. There will be clear differences in line with being happier and 'lighter' etc.

There is a difference between the lower self and the Higher Self although these aspects are both the same person. When I first arrived here and the door was opened, the impression I got was very negative and I did worry that I had chosen the wrong place. .

The Higher Self is a beautiful soul that was very tentative about releasing 'resistance'. The HS was 'shown' several times in the early months that it was okay and with the words 'that is not so bad, is it'! It is not clear what the strong resistance was about, but the fear or whatever lessened and eventually it was the 'Opium Effect' and all good. (That was Sept. 25th & 26th and at the Higher Self level) Thereafter the lower self person did the 'going against' the 'Real Self' producing a 'sad energy', and quite possibly this is something this person often gets itself into. The issue 'in the way' here is the 'dark force', and it is a very real thing. When the 'energy' came in in March 2022, the Higher Self had the opportunity for it to be cleared, by a freewill choice.


The section on the 'Opium Effect'

can show the 'Lower Self' person what it Feels like to Connect to the person's Own Higher Self.

This contact also had the "Opium Effect".

March 8th. The 'opium effect' is mentioned a bit below. Something people don't know about the Higher Self!

Right from the beginning there was really strong resistence to the Higher Self level. There is a 'battle' between the True Inner Self and the lower self's 'rejection' (of sorts) of that. The lower self is a 'false self'.

The Higher Self and the lower self are the same person - yet completely at odds. As said, it is like a magnet turning. Sometimes it is aligned and sometimes totally switched off, which means attracted towards the Higher Self then Repelling the Higher Self, and sometimes there has been the 'dark force'. For example, I mentioned the 15 hours of connection from Sept.25th to Sept.26th until the 'dark force' stepped in and broke what until then had been 15 hours of the 'Opium Effect' or Higher Self contact. The 'Opium Effect' is also what one experiences with being the Higher Self, and it is also part of what a Higher Self level contact is. This experience was only when that Higher Self actually 'made contact' and obviously that Higher Self was a lovely energy. Also obviously, this is a special level of contact, - including 'holding these energies' - but it can also be messed up and blocked by 'darkness'.

There have been other times when this HIGH level contact existed, say in April (2022) but the lower self deliberately seemed to want to break/block it. This was always the issue - that it is done deliberately by the lower self.

The experience also showed a lot about the Real Person

which is at some point going to awaken within the lower self person. That 'real self' is a beautiful, gentle soul, greatly protected and hidden by the 'lower self' in the very rough outer world that the lower self person has lived through and is around. .This is because it is so sensitive and gentle, and this world is so not safe for this (based on an experience that caused the shutdown of the feeling self.) .

No-one will ever see or understand this level of this person.

NEW The higher level of this Higher Self entering into this planet, was an incoming force communicating. The Higher Self awakening within the person was very tentative and very much extremely cautiously trusting me, and began in late May 2022. Ir was 'all good' by July.but I was not staying in that location during any of that time. Nevertheless I was 'holding the energies'.

The highest High experienced in energy is at the Higher Self level - perhaps similar to taking 'Opium' -

not with what people in this lower world think makes for the highest highs. That is because they do not and cannot access high enough to know that. The 'opium' effect happens naturally because you have accessed the Higher Self level, and can remain at that highest Higher Self level for a very long time.

This is just a way of trying to explain the soul level. It actually is the same as opium but occurs naturally.

Currently the 'Higher Self' person remains in a 'turning away' phase and aligned to the lower self - which for everyone, never wants to let go.


This is the continuing Diary Record, which of necessity must be written in a detached, impersonal (non emotional) manner.

As mentioned, I am affected by the energies now from late February. There is a kind of 'repelling effect' which means I feel considerable non-resonance with everything to do with being where I am in Mexico, and have felt non-resonant since around Feb. 21st and some indications on Feb 14th.

Some times are inexplicably a stronger feeling of (negative energy) 'experiences' from being here. It could be described as if suddenly I was somewhere in the location of the middle of magnets completely repelling each other. This repelling effect is also something quite remarkable in some forms of Qi Gong, when the energy of a person can be reversed and knock the opponent over - or in this case send someone suddenly flying off in another direction (me apparently).. Qi Gong is also something I studied and attended several workshops given by Grand Masters, but mostly for interest. Definitely an interest of mine and I would have loved to do more.

Right now, it is as if being here was a strange dream I had been in.

This means that everything that has been part of the regressed/reversed consciousness of the person whose Higher Self communicated, is being replayed for me. Those who are in the reversed consciousness cannot go on into the future. The planet is pulling out of that reversal and moving back to normality.

If circumstances permitted (which they don't) I would be on a 'plane tomorrow to get back to Asia. This is actually quite interesting as it is such a reversal. But I also remember in March 2022 that "something" was trying to make me go away then (so the lower self would not wake up). The 'dark forces' use people who the 'dark forces' can work through. To the best of my knowledge this is what was reported earlier about the difficulties of this particular time. The energy from the lower self person feels 'sad' - usually means going against or thinking of repeating going against the Higher Self.

I thought that 'bad/sad energy' had eased (maybe 5-6pm Friday) then no, back again, and have a strong feeling to leave - which is what those 'dark forces' want. (It causes an energy repulsion as described.) I don't know what the negative/feeling is related to.


What is ZEN?

"It is a way of perceiving experience, although it is actually beyond any such perception at all, rather it goes straight to the ultimate truth of reality".

For this work 'Zen' means accepting 'what is' without placing judgments on it, or for that matter interpretations based on past experience of the Mind and person. Used here, the 'what is' is in relation to the contact and communication from someone's 'Higher Self'. An internet search for 'Zen' shows people sitting in full lotus position, but this is not Zazen. When I learned (a little of) this, the position for Zazen is a kneeling position sitting back on the heels. Of course a 'what is' can be something bad unfolding, or judgment on your freedom. The Zen here is that you do still use intelligence, discernment, and critical analysis - think for yourself

Qi Gong is a Chinese 'soft' martial art to build energy and stamina ready for the serious stuff. Zen is Japanese and is not a martial art. In China it was called Chan, but Japan developed its own martial arts and Buddhist related practices.

The 'sound project' began while having to spend time in Mexico. It has been the strangest experience which began when I arrived in Mexico. Should I 'believe' in this 'other level' connection with someone's 'True Self' and what has been 'shown' to me?

There is not a way not to 'believe' in it, and it led to the project of writing a book, not just on that, but on the bizarre situation the world is in - which over half of the world population is unaware of - and a much bigger picture to 'reality' and whatever 'reality' is.

Currently the energy of the 'Higher Self' person is very much turned away. Its all okay, but not very resonant at this time. * After Sept. 26th everything of the 'dark force' and opposition (to the True Self) was going to be in play.


The connection with the Higher Self of someone is a real thing,

but there is not a connection with the lower self person. This is a really strange position to find oneself in, and one which raises many questions and brings challenges.

For me, I am dealing with a very real higher level energy communication and connection with someone - and it is very real - but the human level person is at odds with this most of the time, but not all of the time. So it is a strange experience. For the record, this Higher Self is the future person, the person the human level will be in the future. The person the human level already is, just not connected to. It is this person! So, does the human level ever feel there is something that this person is looking for?

Vast numbers of people are from this world. Should be lots more to this person than the 'average' person (if this person is from the Higher Universe.) As for reaching the 'Future Self' that is the person many thousands of years in the future, this has been speeding through lifetimes, sometimes nearly resonant with the Higher Self, then turned away, then more resonant, then turned away etc.


The Higher Self ONLY shows what it wants this writer to know,

and the Higher Self is the same person as the lower self. Both these levels are 'not in harmony' with each other at this time. However, there was always strong resistence, and that is in play. It also changes quite rapidly, light then dark. Therefore, there won't be any further details yet.

The contact does not mean some kind of psychic invasion of a person's head, it ONLY relates to how the lower self is either connecting or turning away from the Higher Self. ONLY that.

The Higher Self or 'True Self' is who one really is, without the 'programmes' that all of us have. 'Programmes' are conditioned responses from past experiences etc. The 'Higher Self' bypasses these and in this case here, the Higher Self chose and wanted to communicate with me.


Another Brick in the Wall This is an excellent new version of the very well known classic,

This is short, and the solos begin at around 3:45. with Tim Renwick doing the last solo. This was live and they improvised most nights for around 6 years This version was outstanding. 7 mins.


Sound'. Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness' :




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