Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.I am reading the book of a country vet in 1930's England James Herriot 'All Creatures Great and Small' and even these country folk are clearly more developed than today's world across all age groups. They certainly had a much happier life than what is experienced now. NEW.This is actually a really lovely book for anyone who loves animals as 'little people'. So I found this short intro film clip about the 1978 TV series for anyone who loves animals and their personalities, including pigs and cows, as well as the characters of the Yorkshire farming folk. This clip covers casting the actors, and is about a young vet's work in a Yorkshire farming village in 1937. It had massive appeal because there were no gimmicks and it was natural and real. Very human, even the animals, and these actors were just perfect in their roles. I have had a snobby little Burman cat literally thank me for something I'd noticed and fixed for it. Cats come up to say hello. Dogs also thanked me for something - and what I mean is they really are little people. 8 mins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy4AUUctgCI We had a family business that involved looking after people's animals, usually dogs, sometimes a pony, and also included a loud Macaw parrot who would swear at you!
A good alien movie comedy is 'Paul' by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_YrFMAEKKA Paul is the 'Roswell Alien' who is supposed to have crash landed near Area 51 in 1947 or thereabouts. The Roswell alien is supposed to be a real thing. Simon Pegg has created a couple of very funny movies, incl. 'Hot Fuzz', and may be best known for being in Tom Cruise's 'Mission Impossible' movie series. Good films can be like 'high frequency' music - they clear away 'darkness'! His Head Just Came Off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYNmFdxNIyYNewton Haven Has Been Taken Over By Robots | The World's End |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0scXeXBpPg Gary King and co are out on, and well into, a 'pub crawl' when they discover the town has been taken over by robots. This is in fact very similar to what has been happening, in some ways!.People who think technology and AI is the future (see or read The Circle). The nutjobs involved in the depopulation agenda did plan to mix human DNA and robotics - just listen to Bill Gates' TED Talks in the early 2000's - yes these people did think it was a good idea to modify humans so they would be 'peaceful' etc. .Many people do in fact think the next evolution of mankind is to become a cyborg.
'Camelot' -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9wdYy3tCm4 1 min. 30 seconds.
"Camelot' is from the same team who brought you
"Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M 'Life of Brian'. - For all those who continued and still continue with the Jab, and then find out.......
'Life of Brian'.: 'Stoning scene" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeq2Utm0nU
'Life of Brian'. "Symbolic of his struggle against reality..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfVKtVtTKX8 2 mins. Argument for Pips' case. . This film is about someone at the time of Jesus, who thought his role was to teach the people. It is presented as modern day people in the context of the world 2,000 years ago. The 'People's Front of Judea' - the PFJ - a political group against Roman Occupation of Palestine/Judea, and a guy named Brian who lived with his mother. Monty Python and the Holy Grail also covered this type of theme.
Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOrgLj9lOwk 2 mins. TV Debate on the film 'Life Of Brian', with Archbishop etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGI9UevrzGc *This film is still a top favourite 4 decades later. While researching The Beatles,Paul McCartney's earlier girlfriend Jane Asher was in a 'recent' 2007 film 'Death at a Funeral' - comedy. She plays Sandra, the widow. Here is a clip.
ExtrasThese are from a TV series called 'Extras' (and a spin off) set in the world of actors, extras, TV and film. His character is an actor and scriptwriter. Being an actor is a profession where you spend a lot of time 'resting' (out of work) or as an extra in films etc. For anyone okay with Ricky Gervais humour. This is 'showbiz'. Johnny Depp and Ricky Gervais https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNW3W6s0vyw'Extras' still vs. sparkling waterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lugUd7fIx8Q&t=1s backstage, waiting to go on stage.Patrick Stewart - respected, serious, Shakespearian actor.Ricky Gervais is an actor but working as an extra, and trying to get his script seen so he can get it produced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_cwI1Xj4M&t=1s Liam Neeson - Improv Comic - Life's Too Shorthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqA577_IoBk Liam Neeson usually plays tough, serious characters. Extras - Autographhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Efe2YrYX
Rowan Atkinson 'Johnny English Reborn' British Intelligence MI7- good film.Tibet Training | Johnny English Reborn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mT8El4mBVw 3 mins. Johnny English Reborn - Pussy Cat - Rowan Atkinson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRNB4QfcxCk 2 mins. Johnny English Reborn/Rowan Atkinson/Rosamund Pike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9nVUkH37E0 3 mins The Chase | Johnny English Reborn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua3wlssr6rw 10 mins Johnny English Reborn Movie CLIP - Don't Give Up on Us Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cighZsv-N2E 3 mins. 40.
What makes America - the new 'Camelot' - the greatest country in the world?'. Actor Jeff Daniels (in the TV drama The Newsroom) initially goes the politically correct route. Then he goes with an honest, bold, straight forward answer.'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2HKbygLjJs . "The Newsroom" : This TV show was amazing when it began because it was about newspeople who decided they were going to actually do their job and report the truth. News media has not been about this. It has been the front person for providing information that the super rich and powerful owners, politicians and advertisers wanted people to know. The stories they wanted told in the way they wanted, not the actual facts. "The Newsroom" : The 112th Congress (The Media Elite) .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_i9fw43Moo "Newsroom" : The Idealist vs The Realist' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUQJKMngrYo
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