Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
Sound Project - You owe it to yourself to have BETTER music!
MORE added on the Beatles Mystery
SOUND Project.
This is the song that sky rocketed them into space. Watching this video of an early performance, you can hear the magical harmonies of how their voices created a unique sound in different combinations. You can definitely see the charm and charisma, and feel the energy. The performance and stage presence from all of them is excellent, and you can clearly see how Paul McCartney knew how to perform and use the camera. The truth is they really were phenomenal!
Part of their uniqueness is they were the first band to be writing their own songs - so that became a royalties issue when their business Northern Songs went public. 'She Loves You' Watch Video. They began with performances like this, then started to make more unusual and creative videos where it was no longer the traditional film of a band playing. They were the first to ever do this. So, I am adding a second one, because I think these capture the charm and the energy and great use of the camera. 'A Hard Days Night' Watch Video. In the 1995 (or something) Anthology Paul McCartney says the harmonies were hard to do. These tracks and live performances show the harmonies were not at all hard to do. In fact it is an amazing blend of voices, a really unique sound So here is 'We Can Work It Out'. Its not live, but it is their unique harmonies and great stage presence and use of the camera. Watch Video (The McCartney page link is still below, with more NEW added on the Luciferian connections with the Indica Gallery, a very unusual situation, and was this Paul removed in a ritual sacrifice assassination?)
I am very impressed with the interviews that the Beatles gave to 1966, and very impressed with their performance style, also to 1966.
While other lead singers are almost all making crazy faces at the camera, the Beatles are happy and smiling and oozing charm. No wonder the audiences responded as they did.
Some sources question that they wrote all their songs, but they did or there would be issues of the royalties going to others. It is the royalties that make the big bucks.
Their message to the world was positive. And yet they did produce the Sgt. Peppers album which did promote drugs and death. There is a theme to the album even if they and everyone says there isn't. There is a young guy, singer in a band and with a regular job. He meets someone, they get married, he lives an ordinary life that suddenly picks s up after taking LSD, and in the end its about someone killing himself, perhaps because of how mundane his life was. So the answer to what the world needed was a consiousness and social revolution. And they got it. But it went totally negative. Somehow, no matter how creative and imaginative that album was, it fulfilled their contract with the satanic run music industry
In 1966 before their last tour of the USA, McCartney was out in the London avant garde underground scene and curious about various music styles and forms of artistic expression. This does explain their change of style with 'Magical Mystery Tour' and 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
Has "Paul McCartney" systematically been removing the contribution of Lennon and Harrison in remixed Beatles songs?
New Beatles song 'Now and Then'. New release version no middle section but better film of the 'Fab Four'. The film is good (added to Bichute). There is more than one film. Version with the middle section.
There is no logic to removing the chrorus/break/mid-section of the song, it is part of the structure of a good song, and in this song it is definitely reaching some meaningful levels of sound. 'McCartney' also did this with the song 'And I Love Her' removing the chorus/mid section. I only found this out by chance. There was no lead in to finding out about this new release, I just happened to want to check some research on the 'McCartney died' info. Quite possibly he, or this person, has altered a lot of the early tracks. "Paul McCartney Butchered John Lennon's Now And Then." Watch Video. Much like I said. Btw it's cool to like The Beatles now.
.*There will never be anything like The Beatles because there was something extraordinary in their harmonies (and energy) of the first part of their career. If I play their early stuff I can actually 'feel' it - and it is in the sound.
McCartney page. .I don't know if 'Paul McCartney' died in in 1966, but whoever this person was from late 1966/1967, he does seem to have done a 'dirty deal' and acquired the Beatles catalogue and thus all the royalties - and maybe it wasn't so much of 'Paul' who actually wrote those songs? Whatever the situation, the remaining Beatles lost those royalties, and 'Paul' became a billionaire. It also looks like he controlled the new business 'Apple Corps'. And was Lennon set up to meet Yoko Ono - because it sure looks like this was a set up?
Here is an interesting clue!
The Lennon song 'How Do You Sleep' Video says Sgt. Pepper's 'surprised Paul'.
The lyrics also appear to say 'the only thing Paul did was 'Yesterday'' - a famous song. In an audio interview from 'Paul McCartney' Paul or Faul, says he was coming back in a plane during the missing 3 months from Sept. to Nov. 1966 with his roadie Mal Evans (whose controversial fate is covered at the end of the 'Winged Beatle' - he was shot dead 4 hours after making a phone call about a book he had written) and 'Paul' recounts how his roadie said 'pass the salt and pepper' and he (Paul) thought he said 'Sgt, Pepper' which sounded interesting for a concept album. This can't really be true can it! Its a bit like saying it was hard to do the harmonies they used to do live, when clearly it came easily.."
The Beatles & MK Ultra/music industry
Introductory link John, Paul, George and Ringo'.