The Beatles were a phenomenon that will never be repeated, by their own achievement and the vision of their manager Brian Epstein. Like all musicians, singers, actors, entertainers etc they had to sign a contract with the Music Industry, but their success was off the charts because of them. They had something absolutely unique and special about them, in their harmonies, their stage presence and a level headed, good humoured naturalness. The Beatles were not the types the Music Industry wanted. But their star power was. They became a project of the Mind Control and Behavioural Programming agenda of the Tavistock Institute because there was no-one who could touch them for their power and influence to indoctrinate the masses of teen aged people, for the intended future oncoming New Age of Horus.
BUT, The Beatles were 4 level headed, decent, nice guys from Liverpool. They were each looking for a nice girl to settle down with and marry, John was married, and they were not looking for groupies. They may have been typical young guys when they worked in Germany, but it was not all that bad. The Music Industry wanted people who would go off the rails, behave badly, get into drugs and groupies and everything that most of everyone else fulfilled. The Beatles and Paul McCartney were such a stellar success because they were not that at all! Certainly the success was because they were not represented like that, nor was that drug culture popular at the time.
They were loved and adored because they were nice, natural, and fun. There are no sexual overtones to Paul McCartney's stage performances, no suggestive hip grinding etc. He was absolutely loved and worshipped because he was what everyone wanted. A really nice guy. Men loved him too, as in liked and admired him. There was none of this bi-sexuality bs or bad behaviour. They were role models for normal, healthy, happy behaviour!
This was not at all what the agenda needed. In fact the purpose of the Beatles was to create a phenomenon to accelerate the introduction of what did happen, all designed to break up the fabric of society, ruin relationships, and create the kind of world be do have today, and for the last 3 or 4 decades at least have had that kind of world. The industry and agenda had The Beatles marked from the moment they demonstrated the kind of off the charts appeal that became obvious in 1963. They were marked then. The 'agenda' did try putting LSD in their coffee and gave lead-ins to some controversies.
There is nothing necessarily wrong or unusual that the original Paul McCartney was replaced from September 1966.
There is a news item from that time which discusses a meeting that took place in Paris in later September 1966 with the Beatles' manager Brian Epstein, John Lennon who was in Europe filming, and one of the session musicians William Shepherd who attended there with his girlfriend Maggie.
This was the time when Paul was replaced, because he had died in a car accident just days before. This news story was reported on the mainstream news then the story pulled and nothing more said. The British MI-5 were also involved. This is covered further in the linked pages of this section.
The new Paul has said that he was asked to join the band, which he was. But the original Paul was a founder of the band. The new Paul has also said that he thought they did some good work together and produced some good stuff. They did. The new Paul was and is a more accomplished musician but not as charming and attractive as the original Paul was, and that is obvious from music clips which followed from 1967, and also in some horrible interviews this man gave beginning in December 1966. But he did contribute to producing some of their best and most enduring music.
It was never the usual thing for bands or singers to write their own material. That is the usual now, but only after they discovered that that is where the real money was to be made. Now everyone writes their own songs. But they didn't do that before The Beatles. The new Paul however, did write songs, and he was good. It is that he is not the original paul that is the issue. And the agreement they had was that he would NOT create his own career under that name. The agreement was that this would let The Beatles continue a while longer without fans commiting suicide because the original paul had in fact died.
What is unusual here, is that there is evidence that the original Paul was already 'marked' for removal by at least the year before, maybe 2 years before, and a valid, credible researcher has evidence that the car accident was not an accident. It was a Princess Diana style satanic murder. There is also the issue of what this Paul's 2nd wife Heather discovered in a briefcase - the memoirs of the roadie Mal Evans at the time that paul died and was replaced. He also died in suspicious circumstances.
The agenda needed all members of The Beatles, and particularly Paul, to become 'bad boys' 'doing their own thing', 'those would shock'', and be seen to be 'breaking the rules of society' and all that stuff. That is what they needed. Paul McCartney was not that. This is why he had to be replaced with someone who would fulfill the agenda's requirements, and all the better that one of their own fit the criteria.
The current 'Paul' from 1967 and when young, wore a mask/TV make-up mask. Go to 4.58 on this video of this interview. It is actually a good interview. BUT our famous person being interviewed here is surely wearing a mask..Here's a replacement copy of the first video we had, which was removed from youtube. . Watch it before it is made 'Private'. Watch Video Go to 4.58. *When arrested in Japan for having the 'Mary Jane' that he is speaking about was not the problem. The problem was that his fingerprints did not match those on file from the real Paul's tour there.
According to the research of Richard Balducci, McCartney, in a car accident similar to what happened to Princess Diana, was then struck 3 times on the head using a very specific type of axe. There are autopsy photos - and hit 3 times with an axe is no accident.
We now know there was a 'breaking news' announcement on American TV on Sept. 12th 1966 saying one of The Beatles had been killed in a car crash. This was never again repeated on the news. British Intelligence advised that this should be kept quiet because of the danger that unknown numbers of grief stricken fans might commit suicide. It is also understood that this was then discussed with the surviving Beatles, and separately with John Lennon in a meeting in Paris on Sept. 18th 1966, (he was making a film in Germany). They all agreed that they should continue on as if everything was normal, not for the money but because of the fans. They would only do studio albums and they would accept a Paul lookalike, a musician who had been Paul's double, recruited for their US tour in 1965. The replacement was meant to look as if it was still Paul, and then eventually, they would retire and fade away. But the replacement 'Fake Paul' did not fade away. He was successully accepted as Paul by the public. The Beatles continued to 1969 but the Fake Paul continued and created a career as 'Paul McCartney'. There was nothing anyone could say, because they had gone along with it, and they had signed the Official Secrets Act. The reason they had agreed had been to save lives.
There is also a timeline on the sequence of events. It includes details that most people don't know such as that John Lennon at that time was in Germany filming before the rest of the filming in Spain. Most people only know about the 5 weeks in Spain, and John Lennon also always says he was filming in Spain. He doesn't mention that he was in Germany. But the first part was actually in Germany. The timeline of the tragedy that occured, is on the 'McCartney' page.
The topic of 'Paul is dead' is much like how the people who had the jab responded to those who said there was an agenda behind it.
There are around 7+ billion people on the planet and it is reported that about 5 billion did get jabbed. The official data story, made public knowledge from last Thursday Nov 30th, is significant proof that the anti-jab side were right. Of course it is already known that it was a kill agenda - Bill Gates says that is what the aim is in a TED Talk in the early 2000's. He says if they can get the right jabs, then the population of the planet can be successfully reduced. There is no doubt that the jab was an untested, experimental substance which people allowed to be injected into their bodies and bloodstream. There are also all the deaths officially nearing twenty million, disabilities at eighty million, and the infertility which is now apparent. Now, it is about showing the legal proof that matters.
It is the same with the death of Paul McCartney in 1966. People can get caught up in the 'car crash rumour' as a sort of jokey thing, but apparently it was not simply in a car crash - although the car crash aspect was the reason the remaining Beatles agreed to delay the announcement. They thought is was an accident.
But in reality this looks like a murder (by unknown numbers) and also involved additional separate crimes of cheating the Beatles out of their royalty rights, and eventually impersonating Paul, and the fact that this person's ex-wife Heather FOUND the information on this. There are also a few more untimely deaths connected to this too, including the roadie Mal Evans. The real Paul McCartney can be witnessed in all their material to the end of The Beatles in August 1966 after their last North American tour.
Paul McCartney is LOVELY. Look at his eyes, his smile, his entire demeanor, everything.
NEW. Paul to Faul 1966 - 1967 Watch Video 6 mins.
Paul is definitely cute. Faul isn't, even when he improved on his look.
Faul also has a longer body and shorter legs which is not so attractive and shows in this video. It is why he wore high waisted trousers which give the illusion of longer legs. The 1966 interview is from the 19th of August. And the 1967 one's from 18th January. So that's only 5 months between the 2 videos. The source of this video has this in the 'About' description:
The real Paul is nothing like 'fake Paul' who was a bit of a whore, and a number of females have written books on what they thought was an affair they had with Paul McCartney. One of these does keep refering to Billy though. The real Paul was in a serious relationship with actress Jane Asher who he met when she had just reached 17, in 1963. They were still together in 1966, and later I will add a song here that is a very clear indication that this was a truly 'in love' relationship that an ordinary 'lad from Liverpool' would have valued. It is so sweet and tender that it brings tears to my eyes that this young, but real love was taken from them like this. - because it was. Jane was also under the Official Secrets Act of non-disclosure.
First I want to show a video that someone has compiled which features Paul, and if you just focus on the fun of the music and stage performance of basically a club or pub band who play entertaining rock and roll, then you will see how appealing, charismatic, and nice the real Paul McCartney was. Watch Video. I came across this 2 days ago and the performance shown always makes me smile. It is 'feel good' and positive.
I am going to add that in watching the early Beatles up to 1966 the real Paul McCartney is absolutely fantastic!
They all are wonderful together, just so special. You can not only see the energy and the happiness, you can feel it as an infectious joy. He is simply sensational.
The jerk we had in 'Wings' and still going today, is not the same person.
Was Paul McCartney of The Beatles Murdered in 1966?
This is not a light hearted topic, and it is most certainly serious. It is not just about a 'Paul is dead' rumour where people seem to have missed the point of how serious the reality here actually appears to be. It is possibly a monumental crime that has been perpetrated. I hope others can follow this up.
The song '1882' was on a "Paul McCartney" album that was not released. It was recorded in 1972 and this is the cover. The man in this photograph is not Paul McCartney!
Millions of female fans fell in love with this guy in the picture?
The "replacement Paul" has provided his identity information on his own video for 1882 which includes the autopsy shot of the real Paul. (Who would do that?) It is all shown, yet that video has been available since around possibly 1972. Its not the song video though. The link is in the references on the 'McCartney' page, for the research of Richard Balducci.
The photo is supposed to be him around 1972, which is only 5 - 6 years after the real Paul was killed. I have never had any interest in this 'Paul' in fact am on record as saying I don't like him. Yet I've watched the Beatles performances and videos from 1963 - 1966 and I really like Paul McCartney. I can see the charm and charisma, and a nice person behind the eyes. The only way the current 'Paul' could be the original is that he had an accident and was badly hit on his head which changed his personality. The current 'Paul' does not have the charisma of the oriignal Paul, and he did some dreadful things to cheat the other Beatles out of their royalty rights. This guy is now a billionaire through this.
Linda Eastman (who later became Linda McCartney) met Billy
during The Beatles tour of the USA in 1965. He became Paul's temporary replacement in late 1966. At that time she announces she is going to marry Paul McCartney and soon afterwards leaves New York to live in London. She continued in her same capacity as a person from a wealthy background with an attorney father formerly Leo Epstein who changed his name to Lee Eastman, and 'worked' as a photographer of celebrities and mainly was a cheap 'groupie' - mentioned because probably not expected of the later Linda McCartney. But she had met Billy, not Paul McCartney.
So initially it looks like she, her canny lawyer father, and Billy saw a great opportunity here. This is the year that The Beatles were advised to make their song writing company 'Northern Songs' public - which is how they soon lost the control of the company and their own work in very iffy circumstances which are briefly covered on the 'McCartney' linked page. The Beatles were prevented from buying the controlling interest number of shares because the seller Lew Grade decided to sell them to someone else for LESS than the Beatles offered. Looks like the Luciferian penchant for a bit of 'persuasion' was in play there! In a complex web of cover companies, the story looked like the rights to the Beatles songs were going somewhere 8else until "replacement Paul" bought them back in 2017. Yeah right.
That is what it looks like.
But there is the 'marking' of Paul through various things that indicate a Luciferian sacrifice, so it is more than just these three (Billy, Linda and Lee) involved. That aspect has to be followed up with the research of Richard Balducci. It is not clear to what extent the British Intelligence Service MI-5 was involved because they certainly would have stepped in and suggested Paul's death was kept quiet for a while, that The Beatles simply went quiet, and Billy was intended to look as if he was still around, but not be in the public eye much. They may produce an album but not much else, until the adoration of Paul had faded, and then at a safer time, the death could be announced. That is the scenario that would be expected here.
Yet it also has to be taken into account that the 'secret service' has not told the 'replacement Paul' to stop continuing on as "Paul McCartney". Also, the British Secret Service was highly involved with Freemasonry and the Luciferian religion, and one of its top agents was Aleister Crowley, known as the 'Beast' and '666'.
However, the 1882 video shows that Billy is and was an initiate of Crowley's Thelema Secret Order (which involves sex magick and he himself (Crowley) killed unknown numbers of children in sacrificial rites, as well as fathering unknown numbers of children through Sex Magick rites. It is highly likely that Billy was one of those kids. (By the way, Crowley's house was in Scotland and much of these ceremonies took place in Scotland. Not near the farm Paul McCartney purchased but close enough for gatherings and meetings.) He is also a proud Freemason (which is that same religion). Billy shows that he is this in the 1882 video. This man is a satanist, a follower of Lucifer and that religion and he is a Freemason, and his mission is to promote what could have been the New Age of Horus. He is completely on board with that, and even the name of his own band is the symbol for Lucifer - 'Wings'. By the way, 'Wings' never achieved anything like the success of The Beatles, what he achieved was because of the name of 'Paul McCartney'. Same for his shows to this day. He did try recording under a different name but it went nowhere. This is in the 1882 video and the link is in the References section at the end of the page for Richard Balducci - who has done excellent research.
The Beatles were young guys who were like blood brothers and they loved each other,
the real Paul, for several very real reasons, would never have done that. He also expressed in an interview that he wanted to retire but continue writing songs. In addition, over time, George and John clearly show they do not like "Paul" at all and you can see there are issues from the first interview on December 20th 1966. You can see it. This is an important difference.
It can be argued that the phenomenal adoration by tens of millions and millions of female fans of Paul McCartney as he looked to 1966 was a BIG selling point for The Beatles, and to change into the miserable and unappealing looking person we first see in an interview on Dec. 20th 1966, would not be in their interest. No wonder they became a studio band if he looked and spoke like in this video. In fact in an interview 4 months earlier the real Paul said he did not mind the screaming girls although it might be better if it was not all the way through the song. He also smiled about it and was not at all so serious and concerned about it.
This interview is with ITV (British TV) Tuesday Dec. 20th 1966. It is now 3 months after Paul died and this is now 'Faul', with make-up and much thicker eyebrows. The news is that The Beatles might be splitting up or going their own ways. You can see that at this point they have just discovered they have been screwed, and the replacement guy is now in charge. NEW Watch Video. 3 mins.
In beginning this I had questions about why the middle section was left out of the recently released Beatles song Now and Then.
It was odd, because the mid section was essential and integral to the song which was said to be about Paul. The words are 'I don't want to lose you' and are painfully beautiful.
So I took a closer look. I have found photos of Paul and Jane which have been photo-shopped with 'fake Paul'. Some faked pictures added below. The video clip of the full version of 'Now and Then' done earlier disappeared from the internet the same day as the release - but luckily someone else put a copy of it back up. And I found interviews which make the remaining Beatles' seem not so nice, including a 1 min interview which I will add as soon as I can find it again. Much of this looks as if the fake Paul is making The Beatles' legacy all about him.
Also of interest is private family info of his Dad and brother.
When Paul's father died in 1976 Jim (his father's) wife warned 'fake Paul' not to dare to come to the funeral. He and the band Wings were performing in Copenhagen, Denmark but did not have a show scheduled on the day of the funeral. An interview they did 3 days after Jim cCartney died, is flippant and no indication of mourning. Ironically it was John Lennon who was told by the family of Jim's passing and Lennon told 'Paul'. So John Lennon, who was like family, was told by the family, and 'Paul' was not told by the family.
* The real Paul had a very close bond and relationship with his dad. There are photos of the person believed to be replacement Paul with Jim, and Jim did meet fake Paul's kids with Linda. .Faul also did a publicity visit to the farm in Scotland with Jane, which like the other photos, was for a magazine feature.
I have also researched other family occasions of importance such as his brother's marriage. He has been married to Rowena for 50+ years and they were married in 1968. She was an actress in the film 'The Family Way' in 1966. However, before that he was married to Angela, which appears to be the wedding photos of June 1966 where Paul was the Best Man and was there with Jane.
Photo-shopped pics. as mentioned.
Usually the real Paul's face and eyes are blended into the 'fake Paul's' face, as was done for their music videos. Jane Asher, like the remaining 3 Beatles, had to play a part and pretend to still be with 'Paul' to 1968 which included their 'engagement' where 'Paul' spent all his time with Linda Eastman. The real photo on the right, is with her husband. She never saw or spoke to the 'fake Paul' ever again.

As I have said, I have no interest in the current 'McCartney' so I had not seen his interviews etc. In the research, it looks as if he is deliberately painting the real 3 Beatles in a bad light.
At the very least something really serious must have happened in the around 12 weeks since Paul was last seen publically on Sept. 6th 1966 and whoever was 'Paul' in the Dec. 20th 1966 interview.
The Legend who was the Real Paul McCartney.
This is not a light hearted topic, and it is most certainly serious. According to the research of Richard Balducci, McCartney, in a car accident similar to what happened to Princess Diana, was then struck 3 times on the head using a very specific type of axe. There are autopsy photos - and hit 3 times with an axe is no accident.
NEW: This topic of Paul McCartney is not just a 'conspiracy' about whether he died in a car accident. All the evidence points to murder.
Then he was honourably replaced for honourable reasons, at least that is what was believed. But what if even that was planned because after that, something else happened that is not honourable.
It looks like Paul McCartney of The Beatles was murdered on Sept. 11th 1966 - and people don't know this.
With real research it absolutely looks as if there was a crime committed against the real Paul McCartney, and by 1967 a crime committed against the remaining Beatles who lost their rightful share of the income from their songs (not because of their company going public).I hope someone follows this up who is in the position to do something. In an interview George says outright that 'if you want to know 'Paul' gets more money than the rest of us'. So how did that happen? It is also iffy that the 'replacement' working as Paul's double during their 1965 tour of the USA, met Linda Eastman in 1965. At that time she says she is going to marry Paul McCartney and does move from New York to London. Her father is the attorney that 'fake Paul' brought in to start up Apple Corps. Although he (Faul) was seen to still be with Jane Asher as his girlfriend. many people knew about what happened to the original Paul, most in the business know this was Billy, which makes it very unlikely that Linda did any deal to get him to marry her. Besides, she was already very wealthy. When she died she left 'Paul' $200,000,000. This raises questions about what was going on with these two between meeting in 1965, and all that went down after that time.
For the real Paul, his head was split apart like breaking open a walnut. And also know this. These Luciferian nutjobs are also called 'God Eaters' . They believe eating the "3rd Eye Master Gland and Pineal" gives them the power of the person they have just murdered. By accepting this person who was meant to only stand in for a short while so that grief stricken fans would not commit suicide, it is preventing the real Paul - who is/was truly lovely - from getting the respect due for his own identity, and justice for what happened to him.
Try to see this from the perspective of the remaining Beatles who did what they thought was right and then this person continued being a 'rock royalty'. Consider how it was from viewing from that angle of possibilities, for the other 3 to deal with someone who knew he had complete control over them
Most of this is shown in the video for "Paul McCartney's' record 1882 - on an album that was not released, or the track was not on the album. In the video it flashes up the real Paul's autopsy photo showing the body and head injuries (horrific head injuries). The 'temporary replacement' is a Freemason and involved in "occult and magick orders". There are photos of what was supposed to be Crowley when young looking like McCartney. But he actually didn't look like him at all, and those photos were of the this man the world thinks is "Paul McCartney". The link to the video 1882 is on the 'McCartney' page. We also have the live performance of Revolution where 'replacement Paul' plays a right hand guitar, and they are dressed as they were dressed for the controversial Abbey Road cover (Faul as the dead man with no shoes). The audience is in 'in' on this secret. Paul McCartney did die in a car accident in September 1966.
Look at replacement 'Paul McCartney's' eyes as he comments on hearing about John Lennon's murder. Watch Video. Look at the eyes.
Today, we know about the literal 'Mission Impossible' style masks people can wear.
No-one knew this in the '80's though. Go to 4.58 on this video of this interview. It is actually a good interview. BUT our famous person being interviewed here is surely wearing a mask..The video link was made unavailable about 2 days after adding it Here's a replacement copy. Watch it before it is made 'Private'! Watch Video Go to 4.58. *When arrested in Japan for having the 'Mary Jane' that he is speaking about was not the problem. The problem was that his fingerprints did not match those on file from the real Paul's tour there.
Sometimes replacement Paul uses photos without the mask make-up. But can real people look so similar that they could be exchanged?
Watch Video. ***Replacement Paul is not a synthetic or robot, Billy is a real person, and a real musician, and a more accomplished musician than The Beatles were because Paul said in an interview that they were not very good musicians. (Yet Billy is.) But they were phenomenal song writers. Once a song is written it can take on any style. It is the arrangement and how it is produced that make it have it's 'personality', in this case the sound of The Beatles. So, Billy with the Beatles sounds like The Beatles, Billy when he broke the agreement and continued on with his new identity but own career does not sound like The Beatles. They had the tech for the voice sound-a-like back then, just as they use it now.
It may be difficult to discern or accept differences by appearances alone,
but the only way the current 'Paul' could be the original is that he had an accident and was badly hit on his head which changed his personality. The current 'Paul' does not have the charisma of the oriignal Paul, and he did some dreadful things to cheat the other Beatles out of their royalty rights. These young guys were like blood brothers and they loved each other, the real Paul - by his character showing a nice person behind the eyes, and his relationship with John and George - would never have done that. He also expressed in an interview that he wanted to retire but continue writing songs. This yukky looking man in some of the photos below, is not Paul McCartney!

It can be argued that the phenomenal adoration by tens of millions and millions of female fans of Paul McCartney as he looked to 1966 was a BIG selling point for The Beatles, and to change into the miserable and unappealing person we first see in an interview on Dec. 20th 1966, would not be in their interest. No wonder they became a studio band if he looked and spoke like in this video.
This interview is with ITV (British TV) Tuesday Dec. 20th 1966. It is now 3 months after Paul died and this is now 'Faul'. The news is that The Beatles might be splitting up or going their own ways. You can see that at this point they have just discovered they have been screwed, and the replacement guy is now in charge. NEW Watch Video. 3 mins.
The Fab 4 were fun, and in all their videos to the last one 'Rain' in 1966 you can feel their happy vibe.
Then I checked the videos from 1967 for Strawberry Fields Forever, A Day in the Life, and Penny Lane, and there is no happy vibe. *I have never seen the videos before, I didn't know there were any. ** In watching the original videos to 1966 and their last ever song together 'Rain' I am getting to really love these guys. They are really great. Really special.
'Evidence'. New Video.
Anyone can see that this work considers this an important issue. This is not simply the story of Paul McCartney being killed in a car accident and everyone decided to keep it quiet. It is that the death appears to be murder and a further crime was commited by a man who was supposed to stand in as Paul long enough for them to also record albums that their 'lords and masters' higher up wanted them to do. Replacement Paul (Faul) should only have worked in the studio and for promotion videos in which he basically wore a McCartney mask, and/or with special make-up.
I have just found this recently uploaded video - its almost midnight on Sunday December 3rd. The replacement is still Billy Shepherd , the Billy Shears is 'Billy's here'. Firstly the date when everything changed and was no longer the joyful, fun experience of before - which clearly shows and radiates in their early videos - was 1966. It is also when they lost all the copyright to their music and also HAD to answer to Billy who knew exactly the power he now had over The Beatles. Unfortunately they had agreed to it, and acknowledged it in public, signed documents of non-disclosure, and could do nothing about it. In the photos you can see the relationship is not good. Just as in the videos I researched and mentioned for 1967. The woman at the end is Heather Mills Faul's 2nd wife. who found the suitcase with information so damning that she said loudly on public TV that if anyone tried to kill her, that information would automatically be made public. The video is again showing that there is a different Paul after 1966 but with more evidence. However, there are at least two or three serious crimes also involved in this.
Watch Video. 4 minutes.
* Code, Spells and Symbolism, Witchcraft and Magick.
As time moves on there are going to have to be corrections to the misinformation and outright deception that has been our world history.
People we were told were great heroes, like Winston Churchill, may not have been. People who we were told were evil and committing atrocities may turn out to not be true. People who we loved as entertainers may not be what we thought they were, or may have died and been replaced. There is much that we, as thoughtful humans, will need to make known and make right.
Why the 3 remaining real Beatles did not want to work with the 'fake Paul'.
McCartney Murder page