: Code, Spells and Symbolism. :......................................
The Programming of Humans Into the Luciferian Religion.Anyting with or using these wings represents Lucifer and is symbolic of the Luciferian religion. They are now at the stage where there are TV shows with Lucifer as the hero, follwoing decades of introducing this through fun programmes on witches and Harry Potter.
THE PRICE OF SHOWBIZ FAME IS HIGH.You have already seen 'stage perormances' that are actual satanic rituals. Yesterday's news was average talent Taylor Swift dancing on the 'black cube' of Saturn, also doing a few witchlike moves. The previous video on the 'satanic run music business' is on the 'Awake' page. This also applies to Hollywood and what those who really want fame and fortune will in fact do. it has involved cannibalism, it has involved drinking blood, and for some they have actually murdered a child, toddler or baby. These children include those bred for this purpose, who have no registration or papers. Children who officially do not exist. And yes, some of the biggest names, the richest and biggest 'stars' - often of basically average talent like Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Madonna etc- have done some of these things to get the desired fame, or roles. As an example, it is said to include the entire cast of 'Friends' who used to do satan worshipping rituals during filming breaks.. Sorry if this is a bit horrible. Its the way it is though. Watch Video. This video is not too bad at covering this, and for information is worth listening to, to the end. . It is relevant to what appears to have happened to the original Paul McCartney. ..Firstly, this work has shown the 'coneheads'and also with the UN video who and what they believe in, their 'values' and how they behave.on 'awake' We have also mentioned the Bible code. In code or not, the Bible does tell of a 'bad seed', a bad genetics that humans failed to eradicate. This 'bad seed' regenerated and proliferated and at some point began to breed with humans, so it is extremely difficult to isolate those who are the 'bad seed'.. Yet 'Higher Up' said it was to be eliminated, and we failed to do that properly. Everytime an agenda plan plays out, it also reveals those who are part of it. A 'sting'. Covid and the jab is one example, and another is election fraud which revealed on camera fraud, which also allowed the 'good side' to track the satellites used. (It was the Vatican's Da Vinci satellites, with servers in Germany.) That one is not revealed publically yet because the USA Corporation - which took over the US Republic illegaly - has yet to collapse with Biden in office. He has to be there, so everything just coasts along until the time it happens. Another agenda allowed to play has been Israel's grab for land for oil. Now those involved have revealed who they are. There are around 7+ billion people on the planet and it is reported that as many as 5 billion did get jabbed.The official, government data on the jab statistics story, made public knowledge from Thursday Nov 30th, is significant proof that the anti-jab side were right. Of course it is already known that it was a kill agenda - Bill Gates says that is what the aim is in a TED Talk in the early 2000's. He says if they can get the right jabs, then the population of the planet can be successfully reduced. There is no doubt that the jab was an untested, experimental substance which people allowed to be injected into their bodies and bloodstream. There are also all the deaths officially nearing twenty million, disabilities at eighty million, and the infertility which is now apparent. But now, it is about showing the legal proof that matters. The Death Jab was not initiated from the 'good side' and yet it does accomplish something quite amazing. Any one who behaves in the Luciferian way is in fact the 'bad seed' and most of these are the ones whose eyes glaze over because they can't see what is happening. Correction : Lots of people are just 'asleep' and now waking up. That's all good. They are fine. Even though many of these fell into the category of accepting what they are told. How do you know you can trust that? Others who do and think what they are told have fully embraced the Luciferian 'ideals' For the rest of us that is like looking at another variant of 'humans' who have not developed. What it comes down to is this, they are the only ones who would get that jab. And yes, those who did that, and gravitate to Luciferian behaviour are high in number. There was plenty of information immediately put out explaining what the jab was, and what it was for, but the people who got it only listened to the sources they are controlled by. 'Unconventional Warfare' (and the 'Dark Force')The programme to re-programme humanity into the Luciferian Religion by targeting the young, beginning from the 1960's.What is happening in the world is a type of warfare which I cannot remember the name of but it is from unexpected angles. Things people do not see have happened until it is far too late. Immigration is this warfare. Normal immigration would not be, but what is happening in all western countries has been warfare from the enemy (which has its agenda). The current education system has been weaponized for this too. The social revolution heralded in specifically by The Beatles because of their astounding impact and popularity, was warfare - and the reason Paul McCartney was killed and replaced, because that replacement is a member of the 'Occult Order' (shown in film of him). That is why that topic was researched and investigated. There are two paths which could be seen as two levels on this planet. Human and 'below human standard'. The sub-humans think that a relationship is about sex and because of this will always, and are, always on the lookout to try another person just to see if it is 'better'. This is why they, either male of female, never bond with a person or actually love them. To LOVE there has to be honour, integrity, respect, a person who would not sell out these values ever. The Soul is the only 'place' where there is absolute Trust and Truth in another. Below that, there isn't the understanding of what that is.Once anyone wakes up and sees what is happening, then you cannot unsee it - and you will also see it in almost all the people you encounter who think life is back to some kind of normality, or that the way they live/lived life was actually normal. It isn't. It is just simply that they have been shown that this is what 'everyone else is doing'. Its called 'behaviour modelling' - that's what the pop stars, models and entertainers are really used for. :Code, Spells, Witchcraft and Symbolism.: Introduction and Overview to this Important Information 'John, Paul, George and Ringo'. : McCartney Murder page : Luciferian Behaviour .:. Watch Video 14 minutes.Silent Weapon 2 . : . Awake .Welcome to the Machine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuhsfDgsA1Q 2019 remix"What did you dream? It's alright, we told you what to dream". : Pink Floyd Project to Clear 'Darkness'
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