In today's world, everyone has been carefully guided into a mindset that locks them into the concept of Time.
It is assumed that life has progressed forward, and yet it is the opposite. Take away technology and you will see a very backward and undeveloped society in front of you. Keep the technology and you see the tools which have made that possible! Today's world has gone backwards. It is far less developed than before the 'programming' began. It is undeveloped, not very educated, and it is immature - precocious, but very immature. That is, not developed into participating in a more 'Positive world'. There is in fact, a reality model that works, is positive and is what was intended. The agenda has been to take reality into reverse, to go backwards. The purpose and reason is covered in the linked pages like 'Awake' and 'Asleep', and the topic of Code, Witchcraft, and Casting Spells.
We've covered the different stages of development of humans, for example out of a world population of over 7 billion, it is reported that around 5 billion did get the jab, without questioning it, and presumably fully understanding that it was experimental, had not been tested, and the official literal and ads clearly stated that it did not make anyone immune from the covid virus. So if I said to one of the near 5 billion that they had been 'mind controlled' etc, they would only refer to the source that is controlling them and do what they have been told to do - not question anything, and that such an idea as 'mind control' of the population was silly.
You will always get the question 'who are they?' - as if a 'they' could not possibly exist. Of course, these shadowy people can now be identified. But the attention span of people has been shortened, which is one of the alterations to the brain, so that has to be addressed too! The fixation with the cell phone has done that - and it happens while the brain is developing, so that is the way the brain has then been trained to funstion. Its a 'catch 22' (a paradox). The next thing I would have to draw their attention to is that this is part of the goals for introducing the Luciferian Religion - as mentioned this has been through popular TV shows and films about friendly witches, including the first satanic wizard and witchy thing in the Beatles' 1967 'Magical Mystery Tour', and through the Harry Potter movies etc.
They will only begin to 'get it' when they see the actual operation of this satanic agenda and realise what it is. Then it is possible for them to understand what has been taking place. But of course, as said, the human brain takes about 25 years to mature, from the obvious needs of a toddler and child under 10, to the less obvious but still continuing need for 'correct programming' through the teens. The 'programming' and 'mind control' gets to programme children's brains from the beginning, including with now well programmed, immature parents. This has been how it is for decades. It is designed to break up families, encourage divorce, and take everyone in a particular direction. Ultimately that direction is the desired outcome of the programming, which includes pedophilia.
As mentioned, under the programme for 'social engineering' the human brain is trained
not to develop fully or properly; to function in short attention spans; and programmed with a reality they have been told is 'real'.
The short attention span means they grow up and do not maintain a thought process long enough to question things. It takes about 24 years to train a brain but once it is trained then it is very difficult to make that brain function as it should do. This is the reason anything outside what has been programmed confuses them, regarding how people 'are' and 'behave' or if they talk about anything that differs from the script. If anyone is 'outside the programme' (not programmed!) then the 'mind controlled' ones do not understand it. For those who do think for themselves, if they want to 'fit in' then they have to CONFORM! Then everyone becomes the same. All the same bs in fact. The person who thought for himself/herself either puts up with this, or breaks away from it. In my opinion, those who think for themselves will rebel against the rigidity of the 'education system', for a start. They do not conform to all the rules and institutions, whereas the average person totally conforms even though they think they are being 'unique' and 'expressing themselves' - none of them are! The functioning of the current world has been created so that the once great, and far ahead 'western civilization' could not possibly continue beyond another generation..
NEW. The 'end game' for this programme was to have everyone where 'they' (mostly coneheads) wanted humanity to be, like fish swimming in a fishing net,
totally oblivious that someone can suddenly and unexpectedly close the net. Because that was what was intended to happen with the fake pandemic. Firstly leading to the jabs to cull a certain number and cause infertility, sterility; there were also thousands of 'concentration camp' type facilities to place people who would not comply, and the lockdowns were to force businesses into bankruptcy, which then led to bringing in the WEF 'reset'.
They also knew they could use the 'low IQ high ego' ones who generally enjoy having 'power' over others, to force people to obey - so they were using these dumb ones, usually called 'Karens', to help their depopulation agenda, and bring down the 'white created western world model', including wherever it was adopted worldwide! (There are plenty of Tik Tok videos showing these ordinary citizens demanding others 'wear the mask' etc even fighting them in shops etc. Some of these were walking down the streets wearing snorkeling gear as a 'face mask'!) ) As the entire way of life went wrong, the 'saving option' was going to be adopting the Chinese model. As anyone can see, most people did conform to what was required of them. They didn't think for themselves. As always, it is years later when the results begin to show, and the plan was to blame the deaths and the infertility on 'climate change'. BTW the number of carbons in the atmosphere is 0.005% and also humans are carbon - that was the carbon 'they' wanted to reduce.
For a quick look at what those who control the successfully programmed people want. The desired thinking is that the world is wonderful and 'moving forward' and the future safe and bright. There is a certainty that the people now are better than those who came from a TIME before. Those in control have deliberately raised up lesser gifted people to success and wealth, and they have put not very bright people into colleges and uni as part of lowering the standard and expectation of what intelligence is. An example of this is shown in the video of an American girl who ran over and killed two people and in the police video is unable to comprehend the significance of the situation. She knows she killed two people, but they are not as important as she is, she just wants to know when she will be able to go back to her college (which is a college for 'bright students' - which she clearly is not.) She does not care about the two people she just killed because she believes she is more privileged. (She is an Hispanic American).
The mind training is for each person to adopt a way of thinking and behaving that suits the will of those who control them. They are trained to think s/he is beyond fantastic, not in a positive confidence building way, but in an egotistical way that creates arrogance and contempt. The world is presented with non-exceptional popstars, as an example, and told they are fantastic and great talent - which demonstrates that people who are like this make millions of dollars and are 'successful'. The keys words there are 'people like this' are the ones who succeed. It is a technique called 'behavioural modelling'.
Non-exceptional people think they are great beauties, massively attractive, with super personalities etc. There is a complete, absolute and blind trust in those behind the technology being used (cell phones, laptops, QR codes and so on) and the programming is not to question anything anyway. That is why there was such a foolish acceptance about the 'pandemic' and its 'solution'. Blind trust in the government/politicians and in the 'science' - there was no 'science' it had not been tested, but people were quoting that like it was a higher level of intelligence and from completely trusted 'science gods'.
As with all satanism the theme is 'do what you like' as how you behave doesn't matter. There is no-one out there who is going to 'punish you'. This is where an understanding of the 'bigger picture' does come into play, but we will have to cover that elsewhere.
***There isn't 'someone', a 'god', who will 'punish you' but your choices and actions, from you yourself, DO make the decision for which energy path you are on.. Because there are two realities that are 'energy realities' and one of them will enjoy destroying you and your life.
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