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Laetrile Amygdalin



Amygdalin is a naturally occurring chemical compound best known for being (perhaps) falsely promoted as a cancer cure. It is found in many plants, but most notably in the seeds of apricots, bitter almonds, apples, peaches, and plums.

Apricot kernels have an active enzyme which is known as Amygdalin, also known as Vitamin B17 as it is a nitriloside and its structure resembles that of B complex, therefore it is conveniently named as Vitamin B17 to label and market it as a healthy substance.

Commercial sources that promote the consumption of raw apricot kernelsrecommend between 6 and 10 kernels per day. Some recommend more for people with cancer, but this can be dangerous.


Amygdalin is a compound found in the pits or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, and other fruits. It's also in bitter almonds. A partly man-made, purified form of amygdalin, known as Laetrile, was patented in the 1950s and became a popular alternative cancer treatment during the 1960s and '70s.


Scandal surrounds the reasons why laetrile is banned with indications pointing to the interests of Big Pharmaceutical companies and their own research labs and journals which publish their own results.

Heres why this simple food is banned.

In the mid-70s, investigative journalist G. Edward Griffin did in-depth research into the circumstances surrounding around the FDA ban. What he discovered was shocking. He uncovered documents buried by Sloane-Kettering Cancer Institute which proved that laetrile was “highly effective” against cancer.

This is of great interest -

Cancer cells contain a substance called beta-glucosidase (which healthy cells do not contain).

Beta-glucosidase is the enzyme that “unlocks” cyanide and benzaldehyde in amygdalin molecules. When the beta-glucosidase in a cancer cell unlocks an amygdalin molecule, a toxic synergy is created that specifically targets cancer cells and leaves healthy cells untouched and unharmed.

Thus there are those who do not want this simple and inexpensive approach to be easily available, or availabe at all.

Therefore there are warnings about cyanide poisoning. However, the herb Milk Thistle if taken in therapeutic doses, is said to protect the liver 'even from cyanide poisoning' so if you have concerns then it is a good idea to take that.

As always we must state that anything you do should be under the guidance of a trained Health Care professional. We and this website, do no provide medical advice, just information and expect that you make your own decisions with professional advice and general common sense. We take no responsibility for your choices.


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