Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.Rewritten History.One of the big questions appears to be about WW2. WW2 is a good place to start when we take in a reality based view of how 'we the people' have been lied to and given a false history. The German side were National Socialists which as far as can be determined meant looking after Germany as a soivereign nation and making sure its assests and wealth went to the German people. It was not a communist approach and definitely not Marxist. National Socialist became the word Nazi, and there were good Nazi's and these were then targeted by the cabal by bad Nazi's who were working for the cabal, and it is the cabal which won that war. In fact the 'white hat' op tell us that war did not actually end, so does that mean the good Nazi's went metaphorically underground? There has also been a massive slander campaign against the ones who once led Britain which was a highly developed civilization as was the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire. Simply look at how highly developed their arts and sciences were, their standards of appreciation of art and culture, and their sophisticated understanding of how to behave to others with civility to avoid conflict. All undermined and deliberately destroyed by the cabal! Our once high level world has been under attack on many fronts over a long period of time, but specifically from the latter part of the 19th century, late 1800's. *This is a new video link for May 29th. THEY LIED 18 YEARS BEFORE HITLER - EXPOSED Watch Video 2 mins. Looks like they were trying the ]6 million Jews[ thing for WW1.The narrative we are being fed is that Adolf Hitler was the illegitimate child of a Rothschild that his mother (apparently) worked for. It does seem a coincidence that his mother worked for a Rothschild. Also said is that Angela Merkle was his daughter along with two others, one of whom was said to be Theresa May, former British PM. It should be pointed out that Hitler's plan was the OPPOSITE of what these people were working for. He kicked the bankers out, everyone else was part of establishing their rulership of the world. The most important narrative though is that the German's set up Concentration Camps to exterminate the Jews. As more is revealed it shows a complex story here where Hitler threw out the Rothschilds and their satanic banking system from germany and then Austria, and he did plan to free all the countries of Europe from this unquestionably evil system. This was the crime, because he waged war on the banking system. In recent years other countries tried to break away from the Rothschild Central Bank System by creating their own gold backed currency, and any country which did that was then drawn into a war. In WW2 Hitler and the National Socialist Party - meaning socialist for the people of the country to benefit from the wealth of the country - did throw out the Rothschilds, and then all people connected to that banking agenda. What Hitler expected was the co-operation of the UK. He wanted somewhere to safely put the rounded up Jews so they basically had their own country. Madagascar was one suggestion. Britain, under the dubious Winston Churchill refused to help and instead forced a war situation. Creating war is always the modus operandi of the cabal. The Germans were left with rounded up Jews, those connected to the banking system via family, but noweher to put them. Recently released revised history says they were put in camps but not for extermination. There is considerable evidence that backs this up and for that you need to research the videos linked. The Cabal Won WW2.This is the first point to keep in mind. The bankers won. While outraged that they had been kicked out of Germany, they nevertheless came up with an altrenative plan, and alternative narrative. The horror of the narrative is what made the cabal's win so outstanding. So let's take a moment to consider an alternative to the winner's narrative because the winning side always writes the history. So there is a situation where the German's wanted their country to be for German people, specifically not the Jewish/Zionist/Talmud inspired bankers who had destroyed Germany's economy (they were behind WW1). In the beginning before the war broke out Neville Chamberlain was the UK PM and is famous for his agreement with Hitler for 'peace in our time' It is certain that the new British king was also supportive of Germany being for the German people and kicking out the bankers. What happened is that Edward V111 was embroiled in circumstances that forced his abdication Also the PM Neville Chamberlain was replaced wit Winston Churchill whose parentage includes an American mother was one of the 'secret families. Her father was a NY 'financier'. Again, this is a research topic. The British PM becomes Churchill who would not assist the German in their endeavour to remove the Jewish-Zionist bankers and find a suitable country to relocate them. This forced the camp situation. Other things forced Germany to invade what was then called Czechoslovakia and then there was a narrative that Germany wanted war. In fact Germany was confident that it could handle this, altough it was not the intended situation. Hitler thought Britain was its ally. That is what Rudolf Hess's strange secret flight to Scotland was about. It looks like Germany was in fact mislead and then betrayed by the British? That is, a British who supported the Rothschild bankers. Again, this is a research topic. As for the camps, some narratives now are saying that Hitler let around 3 million German soldeirs die in camps. It is now known that Eisenhower did this by not allowing food for the German soldiers who were in camps. It would also seem unclear why Hitler would have placed his own soldiers in camps. Again, as a research topic, it looks as if the situation of having to house arrested Jews in camps was elaborated on to secure a great many benefits for the Banking System because that is the sytem which won, and is what is being removed in today's world of 2024. It is also coming to light about the religion involved which is Luciferian practices of shild sacrifices, blood drinking and it is already well known that usury is warned against in the Bible. Usury is the lending of money for interest. Who are some of the sources promoting a narrative that suggests Hitler was working with and for the Bankers? Looks like it is the Alex Jones Show and Greg Reece reporting for' Infowars'. Also Dustin Nemos. Should be noted that Alex Jones really showed what would be considered an 'unexpected' reaction to the revelations of Pascal Najadi on a recent show where Najadi said most of the information given out as the known 'truther'or Q understanding, while Alex Jones is really defensive against it.
Forbidden and Rewritten History links. RECOMMENDED Videos Forbidden History etcALEX JONES INTERVIEWS WEF WHISTLEBLOWER PASCAL NAJADI AND HAS A Q FREAKOUT ON-AIRWatch VideoIn this interview, in our opinion, Najadi does not present his argument very well Claims that former President JFK is alive are ridiculous, as he would now be 106 years old. It is not clear why Najadi would have given such a bad interview, but he still DOES provide links to documents whih support most of what he saying, and he also presents well as a credible source in other interviews you can access via his name. Despite the not so good interview with Alex Jones, Jones's response is very questionable as a 'recommended' source. https://thedocuments.info/Payload/Part%20Four_%20Hindsight%20is%202020%20by%20Derek%20Johnson.pdfhttps://thedocuments.info/
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