. Sound Project - You owe it to yourself to have BETTER art, ballet, films, and music! Best viewed on anything but Google



Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.


I would not have gone to Mexico other than it was the only country I could get to at the time from Poland, that was free of the death jab requirements. I needed to move because the war had begun in the Ukraine, the country next door to where I was. However, within days, there was a connection from the Higher Self person, and not just a small thing but a massive thing. In the first days it was just an awareness of it, but by near the end of March there was a very significant influx of information from 'Higher Up' not the person. I later checked and found the planet had received a big energy hit through its 'galactic circuitry' which does act like a kind of brain. It was information all about the Higher Self person.

The HS contact continued. It is contact from the Higher Self which as mentioned, indicated it was being held back by its 'lower self'. We might briefly pass by, but afterwards this would be followed by a mammoth level of connection on an energy level. Yet also noticeable was how this person did everything possible to break that connection. Even so, it continued, and it was a major thing.

The Higher Self had indicated it was being suppressed and it began like this. Many times our paths would cross and then shortly afterwards there would be a major communication or 'energy thing' that followed, clearly saying "pay attention". And so I did. I was not given a reason for why this person kept 'freezing' and deliberately breaking this connection. The breaking of the connection was very strange. Why do that? The reason did seem to be the same as what was actually shown in mid April 2023. It did seem to be that.

However, by July last year, everything was in alignment and I thought the the fear/panic thing had cleared. It seemed to be on track as shown, but for some reason the person freaked out. This was about 3 weeks after I had returned to this accommodation. This current time now in July 2023 is the year anniversary of the good that went into major freaking out. Panic. Especially and strongly going against the 'true self'. But then, at that time I had not seen the demon.

I didn't know what everything was about, but it turned out to be, a number of things, (and some of it did seem to be this locked down heart thing) but it was the same reason shown in mid April 2023, this year, which led to the picture of someone who had encased the heart in concrete. It was blocking the expression of the True Self (which is also what all the 'dark force' character stuff is - hopefully the reason for it.)

Up until the 'Dark Force' fully showed itself on Sept. 26th around 1 pm that afternoon, there was an ongoing Higher Self connection that began around 10 pm the previous night on Sept. 25th so obvious that even when I went to sleep and woke during the night, as I did several times, that person's Higher Self was still there, as a soul level connection. It was broken at 1 pm the next day by the 'Dark Force' stepping in. I remembered I had in fact seen a glimpse of this 'Dark Force' before; on May 15th when I had returned to this accommodation from a visa renewal trip to Guatemala. I had been away 2 weeks, but because of the negativity I left the next day and moved somewhere else.

However, just two weeks later, that person's Higher Self began a very tentative type of contact. It was very tentative, as if afraid to trust. I returned to the accommodation in mid June but it was still negative and I left again - something was really trying to make me leave. But then in early July I woke up with positive energy about it, from the person, and then on July 13th and again on July 20th there was contact that was far less tentative than the one in late May had been.

Also right from the beginning a strong resistence had been shown, and this did remain. I returned to the accommodation late July and it did seem more positive but the person suddenly did a 180 degree turn and it went negative again. There have been times when it moved towards the Higher Self and then away again. The biggest closing down has been since March 2023. I began the Sound Project with Pink Floyd music on September 27th.

As mentioned, in early October, when I had still only seen a better version of the person than what showed up soon afterwards, I did want to say something about this Higher Self contact and 'Dark Force' which I thought meant times of depression type of thing. That elicited the 'robot response' - I cannot talk to this person! I was never able to communicate normally again.

Again the reasons for all of this are what was shown in mid April 2023, this year, which was the first time that it showed the person had shutdown the heart and encased it in stone or concrete. So that is it. That is it!


The communication in April was a surprise,

I thought the person had completely closed down from March. The connection remained active, on and off for I think, about two weeks with the reason for the 'switching off' being shown at the end of that. Overall this has been a 'Higher Up' reporting of a complete storyline, or sequence unfolding.

I think it has been an amazing thing, and clearly the experience of September 25th and 26th was outstanding.

I have no previous knowledge of this kind of thing happening. It is my understanding that the very real connection that was 'gifted' on those dates, as a continuing connection (even when I went to sleep!) was because 'Higher Up' knew how difficult and depressing the rest of 'showing the dark force' was going to be, over the oncoming months.

It serves no useful purpose whatsoever to close down the heart.

This is a world which has robbed us all of our innocence. And our innocence is our freedom to just be happy and nice, and kind to others, and to care about others, and so on. Because honestly, the BEST feelings ever, come from a really nice place within that just gives.

A major reason I first went to live in South East Asia was because I was looking for a place in the world where one could be a happy, nice and joyful person without having others hate you for it. In Australia it is called the 'tall poppy syndrome'. When I discovered South East Asia I found (mostly) really nice people. Western countries have lost that niceness. Maybe I have explained this better in the articles added at the top under the names of countries.

The West has been dominated by 'satanic programming' for many decades, under the MK Ultra programme and active through pop culture, music, movies and TV, demonstrating behaviour that is more and more the satanic values - as shown by Sam Smith's performance of a satanic ritual at the Grammys. Also Taylor Swift's current concert, and always with Beyonce, Katy Perry, and Gaga who did a Superbowl intermission show as Lucifer. I looked at the reality in Australia, which is just another programmed Western country, and decided I must find something better. 'Better' turned out to be places like Cambodia, Vietnam and Bali.

The westerners you meet there, are those who were looking for that 'innocence of being' too. I have mentioned the French hairdresser I went to in Phnom Penh (Cambodia). He said that he had left France to live in the east because he had found it and the people, to be more authentic. That is such a good word to describe this. AUTHENTIC.

The most important way to describe how these became 'better' is that every day felt like it had meaning and value, even if one was doing nothing. No day ever feels like a loss of time. It could be your last day on Earth but it wouldn't matter, because it had been beautiful. That is something 'the world' has lost.

Mexico is not a country of 'joy and happiness'. Being in Mexico has robbed me of that kind of pleasantness. It is slowly eroding the innocent happiness, the 'joie de vivre' I managed to gain by moving to SE Asia. Also the 'Higher Self' experience has been very negative energy, but it began for me when I was still in the 'consciousness' of an innocently happy free soul.

But since mid April, there is an answer for the issue of 'smothering' the True Self.


From Earlier. "The lower self person has built a wall of concrete or stone around the heart, and has done this more so since early April, after about mid way when the person almost could have cleared through the 'dark force'. It is a kind of 'protection'. But it is safe to let that go. The help comes from the 'God Realms' and it is safe. It is also an amazing thing how this level came in to help this person. Long before I ever knew about this concrete hardening, or stone around the heart, it was shown that this was safe. It is okay to trust. There were the words 'see, it is okay. It is not so bad' and it was a smiling thing. The lower self person has to break through this stone around this person's heart. Take a leap of faith.*This is what was shown."


All the linked film and TV clips, 'robots' and 'ET aliens' etc are on this page.



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