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Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.

NEW August 14th 2024. Updated Aug. 29th.

There are some info sources quite smugly 'revealing' some of the hidden history particularly of the 'bloodline of the 'Children of Light'. Spoiler alert!

As the story is already known and was made known sometime in the 1980's generally, here is a basic introduction to it.


The 'Children of Light' Bloodline and King.

Earth's imminent Ascension takes the planet to the positive side and that inevitably means the bloodlines from the 'Children of Light' side - of the Path of Duality. This is the story of the child of the 'King' - good side - thrown out of Egypt 3,500 years ago.

The story is this.

The lineage of the 'king' from the 'Children of Light' side went to Palestine and then involves the journey of Mary Magdalene and the heir of the lineage, firstly to France (where Madelene and 'Our Lady' - Nostra Damus and Notre Dame - are such a big thing) then on to England. Then it is generally said that these people went to the Americas.

This was in 70 AD clearly some 37 years after the crucifixion of Jesus so this family was not a pregnant 'Mary Magdalene' and the family of Jesus. They were kicked out of Palestine by the Romans because the son of the bloodline lineage of the 'Children of Light' was saying he was the real King. There may well have been someone claiming the rightful 'kingship' at that time but it would have been no good to do so because the Romans who occupied Palestine were linked to the 'Amun' side of the ones kicked out of Egypt (not King Akhenaten). However, the person teaching about what was the very real beginning of the returning Master of Earth bringing the very beginning of the 'Ascension' energies was from a different group!

The Romans created the church of Rome by taking the story of the 'King' lineage AND blending it with the actual scientific details of what happens to the planet as it reaches its ASCENT Phase

The journey through the 'Fall' has allowed 'inter-dimensional beings' into the planet, but they would be incinerated if they remained here for the Activation. Their option was to keep the planet from reaching its Activation. That is part of what the 'black hats' were doing in Antarctica. They were certainly working with off planet forces in order to achieve that.

The 'white hat' operation saw an end to that, and they will be the side in charge of the planet after the polarity change. The mix of 'secret societies' that ended up in the Americas is messy, as is their Constitution when they decided to 'discover' America and allow an official 'colonization' of it.

Most of the world had no idea the American continent existed. That is why they taught the "Earth was flat".



It is believed that this planetary event when it happened last time, is how ancient cities like 'Sodom' and 'Gomorrah'

and all the inhabitants, were destroyed when this same event happened long ago. These two cities were the same as the current day Western world. It is believed the people were out and about living their lives the same as today, listening to rap music, probably exactly the same music in fact, and also watching football, and soccer and the same kinds of sports, but also there is plenty of evidence that a global high tech war took place. This time however, there won't be the war and there will be a shutdown.


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