The Earth's Ascension is because it is changing to POSITIVE energy
...................//////////////////......which is also written as the 'Father'.
That means that something with the inner dynamo of this planet went dormant thousands of years ago, and it stopped generating the amount of Electrical Energy' that it did before. 'Father' refers to the positive.
Earth Activates.
It activates because it is moving out of the 'fallen' frequencies where the planet has been 'asleep' (dormant).
The Earth cycles. It is not 'moving upwards'.
It is following a cycle which did fall downwards but the cycle then continues out of that. If there were people with an evil intention to keep the planet where it is, in a lower frequency and 'asleep' (in the 'Dreamtime') then they could definitely achieve that. However, there is a very much stronger 'Force' from the 'Tree of Life' which ensures the planet will maintain its cycle. Its axis which lists to the left will pull up. That is called a Right Ascension.
It isn't that mankind has reached any great enlightenment, but it does require positive behaviour over negative.
This is why dropping out and living on the land, or creating new communities, as ancient hippies wanted to do, diidn't and still doesn't make anyone a 'kinder or more considerate, better or enlightened person'. There were (it included) exactly the same 'dirt-bags' and flakes who existed anywhere else. The planet's cycle is still not the best, but it is a heck of a lot better than having the cycle blocked and hi-jacked.
At this time everyone has to Choose how they are 'marked'.
Either for Good OR Evil.
This refers to what happens when the planet changes its Polarity from magnetic-negative to 'electrical' positive. ('Evil' means negative-reverse.)
The False Path does have a 'good' side.
Most realistically that is a decision anyone made throughout their lifetime.
Earth's ACTIVATION will be a surge of electricity through the planet as the planet 'Awakens'. It Activates.
This massive planetary change, which only happens once in 25,000+ years is expected very soon now.
Possibly late September but as they have said there may be a delay with a US election in November, it could be within 3 months of September.
The 'electrical power surge' clears the bad stuff from the planet, the detritus, so it is good.
.................. All we are doing is covering what is in the Book of Revelation
..............................which as a source of information on this,
......................................describes the effects as being a 'Judgment' and of 'Hell Fires'
Earth's Activation.
So, 'crispy critters'?
It is believed the 'awakening force' clears the 'dark' by incinerating it.
It depends how much the 'dark' is actually part of the person. 'Evil' (reverse of life) exists like a parasite as part of the body.
................All we are doing is covering what is in the Book of Revelation
..............................which as a source of information on this,
......................................describes the effects as being a 'Judgment' and of 'Hell Fires'
We used the term 'crispy critters'.
Because this is the sort of thing that it sounds like might or could happen, and there is a significant difference depending on which way your are 'marked' - either Positive or Negative. It sounds like what is expected would be a 'big deal'.
For us, as we look realistically at the world, it does seem that there are a great many who DON'T match up to being the 'gentle ones who will inherit the Earth'. It also seems that the warnings to choose wisely before the event happens, implies it takes more than just saying 'oh okay, I now choose to be a good, kind person of high integrity and moral integrity AFTER the event. That is not how it works.
That is what it seems to mean.
This world is full of people who are negative.
There are two levels which can assuredly accommodate the higher, positive frequencies.
Obviously, not everyone who is lined up, as this planet is, with the 2nd 'Tree' which turned up in the 'Garden of Eden' is a satanist. Obviously they are not that. The Path of the 2nd Tree also has a 'good' side.
Those who did 'spiritual practices' related to the 2nd path which is Light but not the Tree of Life, should be okay.
They are usually good people and probably 'blissful' and did all the right things meant to keep them youthful - look at Mantak Chia. Look at Jasmuheen (whose voice also seems to indicate she has low blood pressure). It's just that despite all that, they didn't remain youthful. And those who did all those 'spiritual practices' find they do keep reincarnating onto this planet. Drat! What went wrong! (*It is necessary to go to the lady's website to get accurate fairly current photos or on the videos there. . She is now 67.)
The better choice was to keep to the Guidelines for accessing the 1st Tree which is the energy stream of Eternal Life.
However, there may be billions of people on this planet who are 'marked' negative.
Obvious things like selfish and unkind behaviour, vanity in a way that 'walked over others', tricking people for your own benefit and so on may not measure up to an AWAKENED planet.
Truly, I think I have relatives and in-laws who do fit into that category, (they do not measure up) as well as those in the workplace and other aspects of everyday life. Because people do push themselves forward over others who may be bullied into being driven out of their jobs, or driven to commit suicide. * As someone who struggled with an injury disability I can 100% vouch for how real that is, and that ordinary, everyday people who think they are 'good' do do it, and they do it from a place of wrongful judgment and hate. People also do it if you are good looking!
It is things like that which probably do not measure up to a higher frequency.
But it depends to what degree people choose or chose to be 'negative'. Was it done just to 'fit in' with others, or did you really go for it?
For the records to warn that this event is a 'big thing' probably means exactly that. Secondly it should be contemplated what a 'High Realm' planet would be like. Would it have the level that so many 'influencers' are? Or pop stars, and other celebrities?
There was a recent photo on the CNN page of the 'party'goers' in Ibiza. That kind of 'partying' is not about having a fun party with dancing. 'Partying' is no longer the correct word. What it stands for now very likely is a strong 'mark' negative. These 'party-goers' are exactly the same as the girls recruited for Epstein island. To the young girls it is a party in the Caribbean and they are flown on a private jet, provided with clothes and taught how to behave and mix with the 'super rich'. They were told it required sleeping with the guests but they didn't care. They thought and think they were smart and having a good time. For the girls recruited for Esptein parties (they were all free whores) it is about twenty years later that they realize what was done. People have laughed at these things as if they don't matter, but they also did not know that the Earth was asleep and would awaken again. The recent generations in the greatest numbers ever, have been taught and programmed to think things don't matter, when actually, they do matter. .
Ancient Records did describe the 'hell fires' which very possibly allude to the time of the 'awakening planet' - and these ancient texts were a warning. It has to be considered that those involved in possible agendas to 'reduce the planet's population' may have based that expectation on the records that many would not be able to live on the planet after it Activated.
It is anticipated that such powerful, positive LIGHT does probably, instantly incinerate detritus and all things negative and 'dark'. How much a person embodies 'darkness' probably affects the body's ability to handle the LIGHT including the much lesser secondary light.
This is because of the massive positive charged electrical force/current which will activate through the planet. It automatically clears the bad stuff from the planet, the detritus, so it is good. It would be considered that those who chose to behave as 'skanks', male, female and the pronoun people, as well as those who did choose to be strongly malicious may have a lot of 'darkness'.
In fact, the force would have instantly neutralized everyone who was part of the Luciferian cabal agenda, so they would have had to either force the planet to remain in the reverse, or physically leave the planet. They would have been incinerated, but the tribunals have happened before this planetary event.
**Getting off entrapment on the 'Wheel of Rebirth' is also about leaving this damaged planet to get into the Eternal Life System, but the Way to do that is not via the physical body leaving the planet.
***The Tree of Life Original Tree is only LIGHT and Positive charge.
The '2nd Tree' the 'other sun' this planet has been caught in, is a Path of Duality. It has Darkness and Light, both at lesser power than the 1st 'Tree'.
****There are many videos of people excitedly waiting for what they think 'Ascension' means - which is a planet that reached a milestone in 'Enlightenment' enough to be part of a Higher God. ........ Right?
So why are the Teachings about the need to get OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth'?