Wake Update page intro .... Previous. .. Introductory Information > Earth Command ... Meet Lucifer : the Luciferian 'Energy Stream' ... .The Death Hormone ... . Star Grid.
......... Make the PLANET Great Again!
On THIS page :
The ancient knowledge of a STAR-GRID.
Information on why there is a difference between the path this planet is part of, and it's correct path which is the 'Tree of Eternal Life'
Continue on this page.
Next NEW Page for January 2025 linked here
NEXT Topics include.
The now returning ancient Lost Continent of ATLANTIS.
The Imminent Pole Shift.
2,000 years ago, the energy of this planet began its final stages of preparation for POLE CHANGE.
At that time new teachings were given - NEW Teachings - for how to be able to sustain the coming POLE REVERSAL to 'positive'.
Or put another way, if you have been a negative person which for simplicity we'll say is being mostly opposite to what Jesus taught as the preparation for Pole Reversal,
then what happens is called 'Judgement'.
There is something that we found we had not fully realized before.
The reason there was the most advanced civilized civilization on this planet,
is because the 'rules' were fully based on Christian Values.
This highest level of civilization - across Europe, the UK and into Russia, taught the best of its people how to treat each other with impeccable good manners and consideration. With diplomacy, not saying things you should not comment on. being respectful.
Also the reasons for 'family values' and for taking the marriage vows. ALL of IT! This is how you create the HIGHEST level of civilization.
Christian VALUES.
It doesn't matter too much that Christmas has some issues about the date. It is the thought that counts. The kind thought for others. The Luciferian side of it is that it is near the Winter Solstice.
Feature Information on this page
The ancient knowledge of a STAR-GRID.
continue on this page.
This page will keep the 'need to know' information which certainly provides more details on structure than anything ever has before.
January: NEXT Wake Update
For January, there will be more on the POLE REVERSAL.
The last Pole Reversal was a major event that took place around 780,000 years ago. So this is a big one.
It can be pondered that this placed the Earth in the 2nd stream throughout that time under the 'Tree' of the Jewish Mystical Kabbalah.
The ancient knowledge of a STAR-GRID
....................................................see below
There are two Grid 'Towers'. Christian Churches have one tower.
'Our Lady' is Isis Queen of the 2nd Tower/Grid. Or, Queen Star of the 2nd Grid. There were two rulers of the 2nd Grid, a King and a Queen. The Tree of Life is a separate single tower.
A Luciferian coup d'etat in Britain before WW2? The British King who gave up the Throne to marry Wallis Simpson.
America and altered history - a secretly developed 'Americas' which is being introduced as a 'good thing' known as Tartaria.
The wealthy 'Financiers' of a secretly developed 'Americas' who married into the British aristocracy, and who were and still are, the practitioners of the ancient Jewish traditions as recorded in the Talmud.
They were Luciferians. Followers of Lucifer.
This diagram below is a depiction from
Ancient knowledge of a STAR-GRID.
Once you know what a Star-Grid is,
why do you think the Return of the 'Star of Bethlehem' was Important?
The diagram shows one Star Grid - the one that Earth is aligned into. The only knowledge on this is from the ancent Jewish mystical sources. The Star Grid which Earth belongs with was altered by those who 'rebelled against True Source' so that they did not have to obey. That Grid was under the Tree of Eternal Life Earth Command Source
This is the Jewish-Essene-Kabbalah Star-Grid.
Those who rebelled and chose a different Grid now practice Luciferianism. They allied to a different Source - Osiris/Isis - Lucifer.
The 'Tree of Life' Star Grid is not this Star Grid! But this does show what a Star Grid is.
It's a bunch of stars (and multitudes of planets) which all belong to the 'energy stream' of a Command Star Light Energy Source.
The entire grid is an 'energy stream'.
If you just see the usual picture, it shows only one 'energy stream'
which always follows a continual same view of 'upwards' in 'consciousness' to the same 'god'(s) of that energy stream. There at the top must sit 'god'.
But it is not one energy stream going 'upwards' to what must or should logically be 'god'. The Tree of Eternal Life is a completely different energy stream and it is NOT a straightforward journey 'upwards' or 'higher' or whatever it seems to be.
Everyone in this world is born into and onto the 'left-hand path' which is the false path and false Tree.
It is the consiousness of duality. It is also not particularly difficult to understand, and yet for some inexplicable reason is!
This is the wrong energy stream - if you hope to get to 'Eternal Life' that is - but it does take a higher level of conscious awareness to get recognize this.
As said, this diagram above is from Jewish Mysticism on the structure of 'reality'. However, the Christ based Teachings clearly show this is the 'false' Star Grid.
Therefore, there is another Star Grid which is 'True'. However, the Jewish Grid shown is ancient and is well known. It is established knowledge.
So you can now decide if that is the Grid you think is correct. If so then there are teachings and practices which go with that and the 'god source' or 'Command Throne' which oversees and governs that particular Grid.
This work teaches about the Original and 'True' Star Grid.
So here's a quick look at how the Jewish Mysticism Grid came to be. (Taken from the Feature article).By the way, you are born into/onto the Jewish Grid and remain on that Grid until such time as you take the steps to get to the Original Star Grid.
Ancient Jewish traditions as recorded in the Talmud.
"The religion is about the worship of Osiris and Isis, .....those who worshipped this are considered to be the 'Children of Darkness' and links them to the ancient Egyptian religion - but that country was not named Egypt at the time.
The obelisk in Washington DC is a representation of the phallus of Osiris.
So perhaps it was really the ancient Talmudic Jewish religion which was also the 'Amun' / Amen, and they were the ones who were operating the Pyramid System at Giza, which harnessed the Type 3 and most advanced energy source, energy from the stars to run the planet -
and in doing so brought in the 'rainbow' energies which although pretty, were the Eitr, the Black Poison. This is what eventually led to the Fall (damaged axis) and also the presence of the Death Hormone in the 3rd Eye complex.
ORIGINALLY this had been the land area of those called the 'Children of Light' but there was a 'battle' of obedience to what the True Source had clearly said,
That was a command NOT to access and use the 'rainbow energy' from that binary Osiris/Isis star system.
Earth was a developed planet and used a system to bring in energy to the planet from the stars. Those stars were in the Star Grid Earth was part of which was and is called the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. The system is 'perpetual motion'.
It was the Children of Darkness who changed which Stars were used for the planet-wide power system, in order to access the light streams of OSIRIS/ISIS or Sirius - a different light source.
This meant they no longer had to answer to True 'Tree of Life' Star Grid God Source."
This is Earth's magnetic N-S alignment. It isn't stable, and it never returns to 'True North'.
The Jewish Star-Grid taught in Jewish Mysticism shows Earth aligned into a false Star Grid which exists at an angle to the 'True' one.
When looking at the existence of a 'false' and 'fallen' Star Grid, what do you think this picture shows you?
Really. This question can be repeated. What do you think this is showing you?!
This is still the same point that we began with over 20 years ago. Once people get to understand that everything is in the wrong (false) energy stream, then we can move on!
Introductory Information Why You are Not on the 'Tree of Eternal Life'. > Earth Command
This section above, is also on Project Star Grid.
*If you can help others be aware of this information please add a link on your Facebook to this page.
* Because this work provides a significatly bigger picture which explains more, it is recommended to read the Introductory Information first.
It is important to understand that there are only TWO "Trees" in the Garden. One is the 'True' Tree, the other is the 'Tree' of the Jewish Mystical Kabbalah.
Earth is NOT in the "Tree of Eternal Life"!
This planet EARTH is always aligned to the
'Tree' of Sat-an
- which is Sat meaning 'True' and 'An' meaning ' Anti - True'.
Its CYCLE does move upwards (Ascends) and it becomes 'positive' - that's its cycle.
It has a 'positive spirituality' and god names. Still the false grid though.
It is ALWAYS under Sat-an.
The Tree/Star Grid of Duality. Positive and Negative. A Good and a Bad side.
(Sat - Truth : An - anti means Anti Truth)
Because it is the false grid.
It is the Luciferian 'Tree' or 'Star-Grid' which is the Jewish Star-Grid shown below.
You have to take the correct steps to GET TO the 'Tree of Eternal Life' Star-Grid which is True God Source.
This FALSE Star-Grid does have many other stars and planets, including inhabited and developed planets with people.
But it is still the false GRID.
If You Listen to the 'Trusted Alternative Sources' then it Seems that it was We, the 'Truthers', Providing the 'Fake News'.
As far as this work can see, everything is on track for a demo of what the Deep State/cabal WERE going to do, so that the masses who currently are asleep, who don't believe, or consider it all bluffing anyway, get to see what it was.
It's already 'game over' and everything is okay. The CCP top leadership was quietly replaced under Xi, in 2020, during the time of the covid diversion. The 'world bank' system no longer has any assets, the gold bullion they had stolen was returned to the countries it belonged to. US political Deep State actors are now being shown to be old and senile, and acceptably leaving the world stage. Syria has 'fallen' to an old style Isis leader - and we all know who created Isis and so on. NATO is trying to take out Russia so if all goes well, there WILL be a hypersonic nuke alert/attack using weapons that the West cannot shoot down. There should be a brief time when the reality of the US. 35 + trillion debt does crash but with an immediate solution to the problem. But really, it should be seen to crash.
There may be confusing things seeming to be happening. It doesn't matter. Is there really a 'fake Trump"? Why would it be that the real Trump allows the fake into his home, or would not say the person is fake!
The most irresponsible thing ever is Simon Parkes saying that the West can shoot down any incoming missile. The world is SUPPOSED to see what the Deep State/cabal/ NATO planned to happen. According to this person there is so much that is now 'not going to happen' that there is absolutely nothing that did happen but a story.
We truly hope there is a 'shutdown' and an EBS - if not then the last 4-5 years have been wasted.
The Deep State is already dismantled and gone. The world just needs to see that there was a Deep State.
Update on the Imminent Pole Shift (Reversal)
A current video provided the Scientific Data on what is happening with the Earth
and its looming Pole Reversal.
The Scientific data is that the changes are accelerating at a much faster pace now,
so fast that the person providing the information said it was looking like it will happen in the 2030's, within maybe 10 years.
But this presenter was also very agitated by just how fast things were happening as to indicate it could happen any time.
He then explained that when it happens, just as it has happened before, it usually leads to an 'Earth Extinction' event where life has been wiped from this planet.
Even from the perspective of a viewpoint that sees this as a 'spiritual change', the Pole Reversal IS the event which ends the current world.
That is the SCIENTIFIC DATA. At most it will happen by the late 2030's but it is looking like it could be anytime and soon.
This is the reason there is such a lot of 'spiritual activity' because there are THREE options
(as far as we can see.)
1) Those who are following the 'reverse consiousness' - which literally means they are fairly far into reversal, these ones just don't survive the Pole Change. Ancient texts explain that there really is nowhere for these ones to go to but some kind of limbo existence, as a consciousness, until around 12 to 18,000 years pass and they can reincarnate in a human body again. This is now including a probable majority of the planet.
2) There is a great deal of preparation to get people onto the positive side of the Duality Energy Stream that this planet is unfortunately caught in. It is not clear how they get through the kind of cosmic radiation hit that SCIENCE is explaining will happen during that time. But there is definitely a great deal of preparation and it all seems to need to take place before the Pole Reversal. Those who will get through it include the military and politicians/governments, and they will have prepared safe places where people can go.
3) There are a few who have chosen the Tree of Eternal Life which is a completely different STAR GRID,
yet one that overlaps with the false one the planet is unfortunately attached to.
BUT there is another interesting possibility.
It is an interesting possibility that the 'good side' of the 'Duality Stream' may play out in the first 6,000 years of the 'Fall', then briefly at the end of the current age now.
But when the planet's polarity changes, reality may actually switch into a different existence at the time of the Pole Change
- they may go straight into the 'Tree of Eternal Life' which is a different reality entirely!
It isn't the positive side of 'Good and Evil' after all.
We as this work, do not know of many who will take that step, we know of people who can do it, but by far the majority of those preparing, are preparing to remain in the same Star Grid. They will go, as usual, to the positive streams of the Sirius Star Grid. *That also means that even though they will live during the positive part of the Earth's cycle, they will go through the next Fall - descending part of the cycle - and will be back in 12 to 18,000 years time with the same religions and 'traditional religions' such as those we look back on from today as being the 'great civilizations ' of 5,000 or more, years ago.
For those who chose the Tree of Eternal Life, and did NOT do other practices, or use other 'names of god' and so on, they will get there.
Who would those who are in 'reversal' likely to cover?
Well, the girl, Lily Phillips, who slept with 100 men for her OF account and all those in that level of consciousness. As well as people who have other debased values like an egotistical 'superiority over others' enough to harm others, liars, thieves, murderers, substance abusers and so on.
'Lily Phillips' 1000 Men Marathon Advert Parody | AI Generated
Watch - Comedy/Parody.2 mins.
The looming Pole Reversal is a change from 'negative' to 'positive' and its effects relate to how you are 'marked' which is either a negative charged person or a positive - and it is a BIG DEAL.
A negative charge means everything to do with the lower chakras has taken over from the Upper Chakras. The Pole Reversal restores the positive electrical charge of the Upper Chakras.
People like the OF porn creator 'Lily' are negative charged, run by the lower chakras.
People like this CANNOT get through the Pole Reversal.
'Higher Up' can of course come in to help someone get out of this but it does not do it for the person. A person has to do what is necessary to do.
The information provided here is intended to show you the Massive Difference that the Christian Life Stream and Christian Values are, and WHY there is a difference.
This work is unique. It does not support the deliberate destruction of the Way to the Eternal Life System as has become some kind of weird 'norm' in American style 'bible ministries' and stuff like that, or through obvious infiltration of Luciferian teachings in the mainstream world. *The Luciferian Creed is added further down.
This information should help you see why the Christian Path was attacked so much and why the person Jesus made to seem weak and irrelevant. It should also show why the existence of the 'demons' or 'satan' were trivialized into being silly things. The information should also show you the massive difference that the Christian Life Stream and Christian Values are.
Do you want a world which creates happy families with well brought up children who then go out into the world looking for high level qualities of morals and ethics, reliability and trust in the person they marry?
Or do you want a broken world of fatherless children,. lacking direction and guidance, who wander into crime gangs to 'belong'? Of kids who go to pop concerts to 'belong' and find their identity?
A world using pop songs to undermine the authority of parents.
Along with the "spiritual" much bigger picture to the structure of realities, there is also an issue of ALTERED HISTORY particularly by those who have been in control - those whose religion is now being revealed as Luciferianism.
Even now most people remain unaware of what has been happening, and is happening, although we think it is going to become known as we get nearer to the Trump inauguration. That is because the only time things could be shown to the 'sleeping masses' has only been after Trump was elected and while Biden still President.
Until Trump is the President, the world is still quietly having Agenda 30 being set up, mostly meaning the gradual restriction of travel leading to needing a council permit to leave your '15 Minute City' area. That means you cannot travel beyond a 15 minute travel time of where you live. This is well off the radar for most people!
If the 'Darkness' - the satanic agenda - had managed to take the planet through the 'Portal' aligned with Antarctica,
Earth and we all, would have experienced a kind of Kundalini Activation going through the planet.
The objective of satanism is 'Marxist Communisim. It's aim is to divide and break up the concept of families. Children are bred randomly and brought up in a commune environment like a kibbutz.
This is the beginning.
The separation between the two realities called 'Dividing of the Ways' is happening gradually.
Most of the relevant 'need to know' is on the re-edited Earth Command
At the current time in the Earth's Cycle - which is represented as the 'Checkerboard - it is changing from the 'Dark side to the Light side of the energystream 'Tree of Duality' - Light and Dark, Good and Evil. This energy stream is still under the 2nd 'Tree' which is a Star-Grid.
It is the 'game' of the 'Tree of Duality' which is being played.
Britain became an enemy of Germany because of behind the scenes events which led to Churchill becoming the PM.
Vanderbilt connection. Churchill a cabal related Jewish American. America and altered history - the wealthy 'Financiers' of a secretly developed 'Americas', who married into the British aristocracy, were the practitioners of the ancient Jewish traditions as recorded in the Talmud.
I am already very familiar with the story of Britain's King who abdicated, but my current research was mainly through a biography written in 1975 and although it hinted at things, it seems that it wasn't until around 2003 that some of the more unusual things about Mrs. Simpson were discussed publically. As my mind was going in the direction of those things being the case, I followed it up, and I think it adds a different colour to the perceived story. I now have more empathy towards both Edward and Wallis. Maybe the story is more than Mrs Simpson being an ambitious person who caused the King to abdicate.
In those years before the outbreak of WW2 there were high level politicians and newspaper owners - all with American cabal connections - who wanted WW2
with Germany. Had the marriage situation gone as far as forcing the Baldwin government to resign, these ones who wanted war, could have formed a Kings Party and got into office. That was foiled, although we all know that they did get their wanted war eventually.
My 1975 book says that Baldwin did the right thing, but "it was left to history to remember that this was the man who failed to prepare England for the coming war with Germany." Not a true observation. There most likely would not have been a war with Germany had things gone the way that everyone wanted. The PM Stanley Baldwin, then Neville Chamberlain, and King Edward Vlll and the majority were the ones on the right side of history. That war was created.
We did not have an opinion on this topic, but have now gained a significant empathy for Mrs Simpson especially for how this world hurts people who they do not fully understand. This feature article is linked here.
Dec. 3rd 2024
Recently I was talking to a Mexican man, young, educated and well informed, but was surprised that he thought Americans were the English.
Firstly, although the War of Independence was the 'Americans' against the British, originally the British sent the convicts there, before changing that to Australia. When the Mayflower sailed to take the new settlers of America they were not specifically English.
"The Mayflower carried 102 passengers, including members of a separatist Puritan congregation from Leiden, the Netherlands, who were seeking to establish a colony in the New World. Notable passengers included William Bradford, who documented the journey, and John Howland, an indentured servant who survived a near-fall overboard during a storm."
To fight the British, George Washington allied with the French and other groups. It is interesting that all of these chose to have English as the language, which did make it look as if the Americans were from the British.
But it really was also some kind of disguise of the vast number of Jews who were either already there, or who moved there. America was more their 'Promised Land' than a tiny sliver of Ancient Palestine ever was. It just looked as if it was British. Originally New York, was New Amsterdam under the Dutch and for interest the Dutch royals are reported to be the most significant of the satanists. The most significant Chateau des Amerois, of the 'Mothers of Darkness' is located in Belgium, the country next door to the Netherlands. These are the most satanic regions and most satanic royals. Even that name 'Amerois', seems to have ties to America.
It is worthy of note that the Netherlands plays a part in those who emigrated to the Americas.
Vanderbilt is a name of Dutch origin. . It features prominently for their satanic rituals particularly at Biltmore, the mansion of Cornelius Vanderbilt. And also that the daughter of Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, Thelma, Lady Furness, (twin sister of Gloria Vanderbilt mother of Anderson Cooper) was the long time mistress of David, Prince of Wales who briefly became King of England before abdicating prior to WW2.
The Satanic Coup d'Etat of Britain, and Christian Countries, in the Lead in to WW2.
Clearly cabal forces were instramental in approving the establishment of Israel, and clearly George V made some strange decisions. But the British, including with its German connected Royal Family, was a fully Christian country upholding the higher civilization of the 'Tree of Eternal Life', slowly infiltrated by the cabal. The British were originally of the same mind to 'rid themselves' of the strangulation and blackmail happening with the Jews and usury, that Germany did carry out, and it is clear and certain that a massive coup took place in Britain just prior to the start of WW2
Added 2024.
More controversial revelations about our altered history.
The next video is here for information purposes. Around the year 2010 I read a book on Rudolf Hess' solo flight to britain in an attempt to gain allies for ridding the planet of the evil that is currently being removed from the planet. The book affected me deeply. Were we given the truth about WW2?
We Need to Talk About Adolf Hitler Watch
The Problem of the Indoctrination of the 'Modern World' into Luciferianism.
Also looks at Lily, the low IQ British Only Fans content creator who slept with 100 men in one day, and is pleased with herself. Lily is about a '5' - an average girl who found a way to make money by opening her legs for paid for content.
Also featured is supermodel Karen Mulder who is a '10' who also worked for Victoria's Secret and tried to speak out about the assaults that were happening.
Someone produced a video on the 'ancient Bible' of 1775. In fact the King James Bible version is much older than that.
The 13 month calendar is the Lunar calendar, based on the negative Moon energy - cycle of the Moon - which is used by Luciferians.
It is a more ancient calendar and precedes the energy changes of around 2000 years ago when there are newer calendars introduced with 12 months. But this doesn't mean the more ancient times were more aligned to True Source. Nor were those calendars 'more accurate' or that some evil forces have lied to us with the current 12 month calendar.
Before 2000 years ago this world was well into at least 4,000 years of being in the satanic realm. That is what we are now coming out of!
Fentanyl and the Almost Successful 'Communist Takeover'
.......................................................of North America & the 'West'
This trip to Mexico was not wanted it was because of the agenda. The country is influenced by North America, and for decades, throughout the 20th century for sure, North Americans have lived under an Illusion that everything about 'America' was wonderful and they were untouchable.
Many have been supremely arrogant and were known to be loud tourists. North Americans are not liked much across the world, but the illusion of their self image may extend to how other Western countries see themselves too. The West became a world of people growing up in illusion about themselves.
That is why they were such an easy target for a communist China to flood North America with Fentanyl.
ONLY the West is the market for this stuff, and it was provided as a primary means to destroy the West through its hugely 'we are the best' delusional arrogant citizens.
There is no market for this in the eastern countries and the penalty for even a small amount of 'weed' is the death sentence. So the West was an easy target while the east stayed functioning and intelligent.
The Almost Successful 'Marxist Communist Takeover' of North America & the 'West'
had been ongoing for the last decades - since the time of an agreement between the 'Deep State' and Mao Tse Tong in Communist China in the 1970's. Providing Fentanyl and other purposely supplied drugs, was one of the main factors in this successful but almost invisible war. The Western society is wrecked, and it will take a while to rebuild - rebuild the minds and ability to function because that has been extremely and severely compromised.
It was so easy for the 'Marxist' indoctrination to be spread, and easy to bring down the 'Westerners' - The USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and western Europe.
You probably have no idea how close they came to succeeding with this!
Because this is how America was brought down and the West lost in a hidden battle with a 'communist takeover'.
'They' did succeed even though the average American and Westerner never even noticed. Most still don't know it! For example, China supplies the surveillance drones which US authorities use. They had 'backdoors' into all computer systems including the government systems! China owns infrastructure like electricity and water. They also have leases on major ports. In Australia, China has the lease for the Darwin port!
But what the world has been through for the last 4+ years has been a counter move which has stopped that happening.
Lots of all kinds of damage can still occur before Jan. 20th.
The good thing is that we now know for certain that the real changes will take place from January 2025 after the inauguration. That means the cabal system will be dismantled, illegal immigrants will be sent back to their countries, and we will begin to see changes like no more income tax and bleeding people dry. 4 years ago it wasn't clear how things would play out, so all eventualities were covered, but it looks like the former world controllers are finished.
We are reporting the world news every day although we have some holdups with the current wifi available.
Most informed source would say the endgame looks very near. Remember, it is Biden's doing and has to be during that time but also following Trump's return. Trump is the 'face' of the operation, the right person who could do this.
Daily WORLD NEWS read here
The TOPOL-M carries only ONE warhead: a One-Megaton Nuclear bomb.
The sole purpose of this weapon is to utterly destroy entire cities: Knowledgeable observers might think: Washington, DC.The fact that THREE of these missiles are now openly on the move inside Russia is likely no coincidence. It has been three separate countries, the United States, The United Kingdom, and France, that have supplied long-range weapons which are now being used by Ukraine to attack interior Russia.
Russia has now CLOSED a significant swath of air space, for Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Launches at Ukraine:
The Lost Picture of the True God Structure.
The Wake Updates pages usually include observations and comments, but also the actual 'need to know' information about the different 'Trees'
which are Star-Grids,
i.e. the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem heralded - was the beginning of - the return of the True Star-Grid - and therefore a massive opposing force to the false star-grid Earth has been pulled into.
That means that regardless of what practices were done before, from after that time THINGS CHANGED.
Back to the 'pulled into', that has been a 'dark operation' to take this planet. Steal this planet.
Those doing this do not need the human race, but they do need some for farming purposes as they like to eat foetuses and they also need people for sacrifices.
It is not about a person who is going to be a 'Messiah'. It is the 'Tree of Eternal Life', also known as the 'Book of Life' which is returning.
Good people carry out the work, that is all. Getting to the correct 'Tree' that is a Living Stream 'Tree of Eternal Life' is what is important. When the Star of Bethlehem finally appeared, it was the return of the True God Source Star Grid.
A star is also a sun, and probably the ancients wrote about the appearance of this Star as the
Star of God and Sun of God.
The Book of Life and a Tree of Life are about the Living Waters - 'life streams'.
They are about LIFE.
They are not the dead ones.
'I am the Light and the Way, not that other sun'!
In Ancient Palestine, the Romans were allies with the major Jewish sect of the time.
When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered after WW2 and those books described the existence of the 'Children of Darkness' it was the Roman catholic scholars and the Jewish scholars who made the 'official' translation - which made the 'Children of Darkness' seem something quite tame.
There were 4 major sects in Ancient Palestine, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealaots. Essenes were a different group from the original Therapeutae in Egypt but they had all the gospels and books of the Therapeutae (which is a Greek word and name). The ones in Palestine were also considered 'healers' or assaya, and they did have the books which taught them those skills from the Greeks and from the world before the Fall, but they also operated significant schools of education, one of which the Apostle Paul attended.
We know the Roman-Jewish created Roman Church made alterations to the writings of those who recorded the actual events of the time. The new Roman Church did appear to personify the appearance of the 'Star' - but we do now know that it was the Star of Bethlehem which brought the energystream of the True Source, the 'Tree of Eternal LIfe Star Grid.
So what we look at here is that star-sun metaphorically 'saying' pay attention people, 'I am the Light and the Way, not that other sun'! What is that 'other star'? It is Lucifer/Sirius.
We have more on the 'need to know' added onto this page beneath general comments and a few short articles of interest. We will put the 'need to know' information on a separate page for ease of reference.
Those of us who were brought up in a Christian civilized society were more lucky than perhaps many of us realized. Well. I know I didn't! I didn't appreciate it until I went out to explore the world thinking all countries and people were the same level of development as my 'cultured class' English upbringing in a very civilized and polite society. It even took me a while to register some of the 'less than this' I encountered, because I didn't know that existed. Now we are all really getting to know the range of what exists! * See 'America has a Problem'.
The society our once upon a time Christian based world nurtured was one that had special times of remembering 'goodwill to all people'. It was also a society that ensured it had good people (intelligent too) as the examples for how a happy and positive society or community, or family will most benefit.
We were actually very fortunate to be Christened - where the symbolic Living Waters were overlaid onto the 3rd Eye which is the place where the 'dark forces' have taken residence as a parasitic control which triggers the 'death hormone'. Yeah, Christening symbolically overrides that! That parasitic darkness already exists in there. Nothing in the Christian faith added it there.
Then when you are older you can choose to be baptized into the Living Waters. That is what it symbolizes. We all know the church was trashed and corrupted, but we can restore what it was supposed to be.
This work simply clarifies some details which were missing. It is not part of the Roman Church, and we have no idea what the 'American style bible ministries' are or how such a disgusting presentation ever evolved! I personally find it extremely offensive, but that is just an opinion. We are saying, we are not that.
We are not fooled by the 'Lion King' (someone's just done a video commenting on that) and we do not see Trump as representing himself as the Messiah! He is just a man who took on a job to help a military operation remove the evil control from this planet.
The planet does cycle out of and away from the 'dark forces' that real people are trying to take the Earth into - but they can't continue now, or try to do it again until next time round.
The planet is pretty much always going to be caught in this dilemma, that is why people aim to get off this fallen grid (Tree) and onto the Tree of Eternal Life Star-Grid. It is not straightforward to do that, but if you understand enough, you can do it, and you can stop integrating yourself into the false 'Tree' which does have a 'spiritual side'.
The current change of frequencies with the Earth is wonderful and good, yet keep in mind that it, the entire cycle, although it comes close, OVERLAPS with the Tree of Eternal Life but remains a different Tree to the one Earth is caught in.
The Earth has been existing in and travelling through the Demonic Realms,
also called 'dark forces'. Pop star concerts are part of taking people through a portal into the Demonic Realms. This has also been called the 'vallay of the shdaow of death' the 'realm of the dead' and the Left Hand Path which is the meaning of the Latin word Sin.
Original Sin
The Left Hand Path is the fallen star-grid, and the 'false path'. As humans are born into this world, their origin is in the Left Hand Path which is Sin.
We will provide missing details then you can work it out for yourself.
America has a problem.
The Reality is that the World is Full of People Like These in the Next Videos.
"In the wake of Tuesday's election results, some women frustrated by President-elect Donald Trump's return to the White House are using a centuries-old metaphor about women poisoning their husbands to channel their disappointment, causing a stir online.
The "Make Aqua Tofana Great Again," or MATGA, movement is a recent online trend in which some women 'humorously' advocate for "reviving" Aqua Tofana—a 17th-century poison used by women to kill and escape their abusive husbands..It is a deadly, undetectable poison used across Italy, gaining notoriety for its stealth and potency". Watch 2 mins.
There are masses of these women and some of the videos are literally advocating to commit murder.
Watch Video 1 minute
Most of those ranting and hissing into their self produced filming of this, are like this because of demonic possession. They are very funny!
Well said by the man hosting one of them "every person who is going to vote or reproduce should have an intelligence test first."
Here are some more new videos - the gift that just keeps giving!
America has a problem.
This was the temporary replacement for 'America has a problem'. It is FUNNY!
Lost the link for the original video but used this as a replacement. Have now watched this and its staying! Good.
This is Daniel commenting, witty, funny and observant, not just more unhinged nutjobs.
Internet comment : "The Elizabeth Warren bit with the Indian flute and the mountains.. ABSOLUTE GOLD" Yes, it is.
Take note of the female who talks about the 'Handmaid's Tale' in the video above. There are many people like this..
This does have to be seen
Yes, these people are for real. They have been brought up in a world that has taught them totally unrealistic values about themselves, their 'value' to men, and whatever the thought process that runs through their brains. This is what men are now getting as their 'partners'.Some of these do think they are a '10' and take a look at the dog who says she plans to 'seduce your husband' and note that this is how she thinks. There are some males in this too.
The video was removed by the person who created it.
Internet comment. "Regardless of who you voted for, these people need to be in mental institutions. It’s absolutely crazy."
More Trump Derangement Libtards.
The people in all the collections of clips these people produced themselves are complete lunatics, and also sirprisingly similar in the type of lunatic they are.
More Meltdowns.
Watch UNHINGED Woke Liberals Are Still MELTING DOWN After The Election
The section above can be accessed here. America Has a Problem !!
Watch 30 seconds. *'Sadly' these are the ones who we will be losing with the new Trump changes!
Calendar AM. Anno Mundi
(Latin: "in the year of the world") abbreviated as AM or A.M., refers to a Calendar era counting from the Biblical creation of the world. Usually this designation is used by Jewish sources, which date creation to 3761 BC. Many researchers point to errors in this calculation.
In fact the Jewish one is AM3. There is also AM2 and AM1 which is considered to be the correct one.
They don't seem to affect the energy reality of the Earth's fallen cycle. Whatever the date, Earth is moving out of its journey through the 'Demonic bandwidth'.
This work does not use the term BCE - Before the Common Era - we use BC - Before Christ.
We also don't use CE for Common Era we use AD for Anno Domini - Beginning Year of the Master - because that is when the Star appeared/returned.
The time called Rapture which it is for some, and Tribulation which it also is for others,
may be yet to come and hard to pinpoint.
The work of the 'White Hats' is really the 'good side' of the Tree of Good and Evil energy stream.
As said the Star of Bethlehem did introduce the first signs of the higher level 'Tree of Eternal Life, but with the Earth's cycle it does still take many thousands of years to line up correctly with that, except that at that point the cycle always falls again.
This is why you have to do the necessary work.
There are also the Dragon Calenders.
These are the Red Dragon and White Dragon/ The Red Dragon is the 'dark side'. Also in English history there were the Pendragons and this became the Red Rose and the White Rose. There were battles for the kingdom. These were the House of Plantagenet.
We are 500 years into the 'Red Dragon. before this was the White Dragon which may have been for a 1000 years. If these are 1000 year cycles then we are in the middle of the Red Dragon.
The world before the Fall 12,000 years ago may have gone by the name Tartaria - the last time round. Tartaria gives the title of the Tsars.
Also the Roman Empire has not yet fallen.
The real thing which does indicate an 'end time' is the Pole Reversal.
Good enough video to introduce this topic? Not sure, but it is okay.
Watch 5 mins. Music. This does show you that there has been an op. behind what is happening and where it is going. The P. Diddy expose is showing what they are into, their 'religion'. FYI this 'religion' is not just about using toddlers children for their 'young energy' and blood, it is also a real thing that most require a daily diet of a human foetus to eat (seriously a thing) and they do like to eat their human sacrifices - and sacrifice is part of their ancient religion - and they also like to do this symbolically.
Usury in a Nutshell
NEW VIDEO ....... Watch 3 mins. Recommended.
The Bible introduces that there were giants on the Earth.
Were they the good guys or the bad guys?
Because Baron Trump is 6' 9" Donald Trump is 6' 3" (tall but not a giant!) Melania is around 5' 11" and Trump's daughter Ivanka is 6'. These are very tall people!
The replacement of The Beatles' Paul McCartney after he died,
appears to be a Jewish person who is a Freemason and a Luciferian.
His stuff is not the work of the much loved Paul McCartney, and the world lost the opportunity to have Paul McCartney's work.
Behavioural Programming as Part of the Previous World Agenda.
There are people who made their reasons for voting in the President to be that it was a woman, that she was of mixed race, 'of colour' and that she was married to a Jewish guy.
One TV presenter said the US was displaying 'cultural discrimmination' by not voting for Kamala.
No intelligent person would vote on reasons such as this!
Do they assume that ALL people are automatically basically the same thing and it is only a matter of colour, gender and race?
If you give this a little bit of thought you will see exactly what 'the cabal' was doing when they started the 'everybody is the same thing' type of thinking.
Now people who are not qualified for jobs (like airline pilots promoted because they are of colour or are women) and every low IQ person thinks they are being discrimminated against because it is their colour or because they are female or gay or whatever, and that is the reason they are not being made 'Queen of England' or finding a multi billionaire who should be choosing them.
Daily WORLD NEWS read here
SATANIC calendar. The dates are - October 31st and through to November the 5th or the 6th.
Looks like the world safely got passed the 'witchcraft power dates' and Trump won the US election without the fraud issue, which could still have taken place if there had been unknown cabal figures still hidden somewher and unknown. It looks like the potential nuke confrontation between Iran and Israel was there and 'ready to go' if such issues happened with the election. Probably no need for a 'shutdown' but that would depend on any remaining cabal, but things look to be clear. White hats won!
The world will really see a change after Trump is inaugurated in January. No more of the cabal's monetary system or 15 minute cities agenda. No more income tax.
At least in this respect the planet has moved smoothly out of the evil frequencies and into the beginnings of the positive,
The next important satanic date is the Winter Solstice. This was why the Roman Church made Christmas around the time of the solstice.
*However, for Christians it means a time to remember to behave towards everyone in the spirit of Goodwill and Kindness as a celebration of the time when the 'Star of Bethlehem' appeared - and the Christ returned DESPITE the pesky solstice (which celebrates their successful capture of the planet.)
It is not clear how 'dramatic' the Earth Change may be, but it is clear that things are changing.
The 'Tree of Eternal Life' Star Grid is not part of the 'Ages'.
Even with the Ascension and getting rid of the evil on this planet, the planet still takes 12,000 years to line up with the 'Tree of Life'. Of course there may be something else that steps in, otherwise there is not so much of a 'dividing of the ways'. But after 12,000 years the planet continues with the Ages of the Zodiac, and that is the next fall.
More on the 'energy stream' this planet is in, added further down.
Dec.10th. 2024
Paul McCartney
The last time Paul McCartney was seen in person was at a music award show early in September 1966.
A comment from someone on his death and replacement said this
"Does it really matter?
The music (fake or real Paul) was brilliant."
Does the life and the real legacy of the real Paul McCartney matter? How would it be if it was your life and identity, or of someone you loved?
Also on the podcast commenting on 'Rubber Soul' recorded in 30 days. It was not all written in 30 days. They put together pieces of existing stuff they had never completed.
So, the replacement Billy has 6 toes - but so does his daughter. Then we find he has a glass eye. Hmmm.
But the DNA is different and the fingerprints are different.
The date Paul died was September 11th 1966. This is a very signifcant occult-satanic date. That indicates the death was not an accident.
PAUL McCARTNEY is DEAD!! ...i just found out!!. MAY HE REST IN PEACE..but he died 60 years ago. Podcast.
The Beatles started out as a very real pub band who worked in Hamburg Germany. They never said they were great musicians but they had heaps of personality and energy. In fact they had heaps of likeability and charm. They were taken on as they were, and they did have to 'sign the deal' - but who in those days ever thought it meant what it did?
They certainly didn't and they did not want to play along. Both John and Paul were super, super popular but Paul was the one the girls loved.
Unfortunately, those behind the reason they wanted a band to 'take over the world' made Paul their sacrifice so he could be replaced by their man. This was how The Beatles became the tool for 'social engineering'.
After Paul died in a supposed car 'accident' John agreed to a replacement and so did the others, and in doing so they were screwed. They clearly hated Billy and also what they had to do. It does have to be mentioned that George was caught in the Luciferian spirituality side and got it wrong. As things turned out all the original Beatles were killed. Paul first, then John by assassination, but then also George.
The real story introduction, and the Tavistock Agenda 'Social Engineering'
The fallen Star-Grid does have other planets, inhabited planets, and suns in its network.
This planet is caught in that network which is an 'energy stream'.
You cannot conclude that anything is real until you get OUT of the fallen Star-Grid.
Previous for November - October 2024 continue >>
These are existing links. We do review these when able so that they can be updated!
NEW Continue to the next new page >> NEW July 20th There is now a new page which covers Fake News from the 'Alternative Media' sources. >> <<
Guidelines for Getting OFF the 'Wheel of Rebirth' and Connecting to the Eternal Living Source.
Earth Frequency Shift to a Higher Realm. . : . Dwarf Star. . : . 'Collision of Planets' .... Wake Update newsletter 2024 Continue click on the link on that page for the next part of that.