The "Illegitimate 'Star-Grid'" and Astral Universe.This exists like an AI existence. The 'metaverse' that humans were being prepared for via the stage of transhumanism. This is why there is the insane agenda to merge human biology with AI. It is also why the Akashic Records exist. they are a magnetic data base, and unfortunately it is how the 'space brothers' exist. It is all a digital reality but with biological beings who are doing two things. One side is trying to convert human biology into digital, while some already caught in it from previous real life biological existence, are trying to find ways to restore their own lost biological existence - although how they are doing it comes under the 'stealing life force and codes' heading. Those who are not completely digital (which is being consciousness in a 'digital body' on the way to permanent dissolution of the soul) are those who have not yet gone that far, steal planets and people for the Life force to sustain their lost source. Those who are converting humans into a digital existence - as part of the route to permanent death - are a digital consciousness who have been able to be born into a biological body. The false grid and false reality is where 'channelling'comes from and is beyond doubt the main path most people are on. It will remain as a biological life after the coming 'planetary change' but is a little further on the way to its conversion. Unless the planet can be lifted out of its current cycle (wheel of rebirth) by the Higher and Greater 'Power and Glory'. but if that happened, the people would not be able to go with it, so it has to remain with the cycle. The expected Planetary Activation would be expected to cause a complete renewal of Earth and has to remove a big chunk of negative marked people to do so.The question is "how negatve is the negative which divides from the Earth's Awakening?" Negative is 'marked' through the obvious which is more than anything else, the 'misuse' of sex. It is lower chakra and negative enery. Also through activating Kundalini and a great many 'spiritual practices' - some of which we have shown you openly align into Polaris and most likely even the Grand Masters of this are unaware it was the 'left hand path'. It is through being a bad and uncaring person - but how bad and to what degree does that form of negative 'mark' a person? *If the 'white hats' and Trump etc are still part of an agenda just a different side of it, and if they do plan to merge humans and AI as stated by David Icke,but for the reason to stop AI taking over humans, the PLANETARY ACTIVATION which is expected imminently, will end all of that.
The Alternative Media Hijack Is Real - David Icke Watch 16 mins.
An 'out of body' experience does not prove you have eternal life......It proves you continue to exist outside the body.. .......It does not show you whether where that is, is a good place or an ultimately bad place.........../..There are two energy streams. One is 'Eternal Life'. The other is 'Life and Death'.
......Reincarnation does not prove 'Eternal Life'............. It proves you are reborn into this world. It also proves you had continuing existence after leaving the body at death..................... BUT it does not prove that where the soul went to was the Eternal Life System.....................................There are two energy stream recorded in Genesis. ....................................................This one is the Path of Duality, Life and Death, Good and Evil.
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