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'Behold a Pale Horse'
This is a classic source of information, and its author was eliminated. He was assigned to beyond top secret projects in the U.S. Navy because - he believed - he had indicated by mistake, that he belonged to certain secret societies. This is revisiting the information revealed by someone who lost his life to get this information known.
Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in Top Secret government files since the 1940s.
Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests.
"I believe.......that a grand game of chess is being played on a level that we can barely imagine, and we are the pawns. Pawns are valuable only under certain circumstances and are frequently sacrificed to gain an advantage.
Anyone who has studied military strategy is familiar with the concept of sacrifice. Those who have seriously studied history have probably discovered the real reason we go to war on a regularly scheduled basis.
Before reading this book I advise you to play at least two complete games of chess. You must learn the rules THEY play by. You must realize objectively that some pieces are more valuable than others and that the king is the most valuable of all.
You cannot learn reality if you get caught up in the fantasy that "it's not fair." You must come to know that the ultimate outcome of the game is the only thing that counts. You were lied to when you were told that "it does not matter whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Winning in the world of the elite is everything. Indeed, it is the only thing. The power elite intend to win.
My research has shown, at this point, that the future laid out for us may be just about impossible to change.
I do not agree with the means by which the powerful few have chosen for us to reach the end. I do not agree that the end is where we should end at all. But unless we can wake the people from their sleep, nothing short of civil war will stop the planned outcome. I base that statement not on defeatism but on the apathy of the majority of the ....people. Twenty-five years ago I would have believed otherwise — but twenty-five years ago I was also sound asleep.
We have been taught lies.
Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be.
.........To remain apathetic is assured enslavement. To learn the truth and then act upon it is the only means of survival at this moment. To shrug off the information contained in this book and to disregard its warning will result in the complete destruction of the USA.
You will never get a second warning or a second chance.
Like it or not, this is it, stark reality. You can no longer turn your head, ignore it, pretend if s not true,say "it can't happen to me," run, or hide. The wolf is at the door." Bill Cooper August 1990.
Extracts from the first chapter of Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper
Lincoln went below. Geronimo and I began the unending task of sweeping the horizon from bow to stern, then the sky from horizon to zenith, and then back to the horizon from bow to stern. Again and again, and then a pause to rest our eyes and chat for a few minutes. I asked Ensign Ball to call for some hot coffee.
As he bent over the 1MC, I turned, raising my binoculars to my eyes just in time to see a huge disk rise from beneath the ocean, water streaming from the air around it, tumble lazily on its axis, and disappear into the clouds.
My heart beat wildly. I tried to talk but couldn't; then I changed my mind and decided I didn't want to say that, anyway. I had seen a flying saucer the size of an aircraft carrier come right out of the ocean and fly into the clouds. I looked around quickly to see if anyone else had seen it.
Ensign Ball was still bending over the IMC. He was ordering coffee. Geronimo was looking down the starboard sideaft. I was torn between my duty to report what I had seen and the knowledge that if I did no one would believe me. As I looked out over the ocean I saw only sky, clouds, and water. It was as if nothing had happened. I almost thought I had dreamed it. Ensign Ball straightened, turned toward Geronimo and said the coffee was on the way up.
"Ensign Ball," I said, "I thought I saw something about 15 degrees relative off the bow, but I lost it. Can you help me look over that area?" Ensign Ball turned, raising his glasses to eye level. I didn't know it at the time, but Geronimo had heard me and turned to look. He was happy that something had broken the monotony. I was just lifting the binoculars off my chest when I saw it.
The giant saucer shape plunged out of the clouds, tumbled, and, pushing the water before it, opened up a hole in the ocean and disappeared from view.
It was incredible. This time I had seen it with my naked eyes, and its size in comparison with the total view was nothing short of astounding."
This time I had three images from which to draw conclusions. It was a metal machine, of that there was no doubt whatsoever. It was intelligently controlled, of that I was equally sure. It was a dull color, kind of like pewter. There were no lights.
There was no glow. I thought I had seen a row of what looked like portholes, but could not be certain. Radar reported contact at the same bearing and gave us a range of 3 nautical miles. The range was right on, as the craft had moved toward the general direction that we were headed. We watched repeatedly as the strange craft re-entered the water and then subsequently rose into the clouds over and over again until finally we knew that it was gone for good. The episode lasted about10 minutes.
Before leaving the bridge the Captain took the camera from the Chief and instructed each of us not to talk to anyone about what we had seen. He told us the incident was classified and we were not to discuss it, not even amongst ourselves. We acknowledged his order.
The Captain and the Chief left the bridge. Ensign Ball stepped to the 1MC and, pressing the override switch, announced, "This is Ensign Ball. The Captain has left the bridge. I have the conn." The reply, "Aye aye sir," quickly followed.
Those of us who had witnessed the UFO were not allowed to go ashore after we had berthed in Pearl. Even those of us who didn't have the duty were told we had to stay aboard.
After about two hours a commander from the Office of Naval Intelligence boarded. He went directly to theCaptain's stateroom. It wasn't long before we were called to wait in the passageway outside the Captain's door. Ensign Ball was called first. After about 10 minutes he came out and went into the wardroom. He looked shaken. I was next.
When I entered the stateroom, the Commander was holding my service record in his hands. He wanted to know why I had gone from the Air Force into the Navy. I told him the whole story and he laughed when I said that after putting off the Navy for fear of chronic seasickness, I hadn't been seasick yet.
Suddenly a mask dropped over his face, and looking me directly in the eyes he asked, "What did you see out there?"
"I believe it was a flying saucer, sir," I answered. The man began to visibly shake and he screamed obscenities at me. He threatened to put me in the brig for the rest of my life. I thought he wasn't going to stop yelling, but as suddenly as he began, he stopped.
I was confused. I had answered his question truthfully; yet I was threatened with prison. I was not afraid, but I was not very confident, either. I figured I had better take another tack. Eighteen years with my father and four years in the Air Force had taught me something. Number one was that officers just do not lose control like that, ever. Number two was that if my answer had elicited that explosion, then the next thing out of my mouth had better be something entirely different. Number three was, that his response had been an act of kindness to get me to arrive at exactly that conclusion.
"Let's start all over again," he said. "What did you see out there?"
"Nothing, sir," I answered. "I didn't see a damn thing, and I'd like to get out of here just as soon as possible."
A smile spread over his face and the Captain looked relieved. "Are you sure, Cooper?" he asked.
"Yes sir," I replied, "I'm sure."
"You're a good sailor, Cooper," he said. 'The Navy needs men like you. You'll go far with the Navy." He then asked me to read several piecesof paper that all said the same thing only with different words.
I read that if I ever talked about what it was that I didn't see, I could be fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned for up to 10 years or both. In addition I could lose all pay and allowances due or ever to become due. He asked me to sign a piece of paper stating that I understood the laws and regulations that I had just read governing the safeguard of classified information relating to the national security.
By signing, I agreed never to communicate in any manner any information regarding the incident with anyone. I was dismissed,and boy, was I glad to get out of there.
........The whole time that I was in Vietnam (Vietnam War) and especially on the DMZI had noticed that there was a lot of UFO activity. We had individual 24-hour crypto code danger that one of them could be captured at any time, we used special sheets that we used to encode messages for sensitive information.
UFOs, I was told, were definitely sensitive information. I learned exactly how sensitive when all the people of an entire village disappeared after UFOs were seen hovering above their huts. I learned that both sides had fired upon the UFOs, and they had blasted back with a mysterious blue light. Rumors floated around that UFOs had kidnapped and mutilated two army soldiers, then dropped them in the bush. No one knew how much of this was true, but the fact that the rumors persisted made me tend to think there was at least some truth in them. I found out later that most of those rumors were true.
......I had carried a Secret security clearance in the Air Force, and Secret was required for submarines. When I checked into the Fleet Administration Unit, I was asked to fill out papers for another clearance. I did as I was asked. I remember that one of the questions asked if I had ever belonged to any fraternal organizations.
I looked down the list, circled the **De Molay Society**, and answered in the affirmative.
...6 months later was asigned to ......anything that came under HQ-CR 44. I was asked to read and then sign a security oath,which I did. I was then told by Captain Caldwell that my security clearance had been upgraded to Top Secret, Q, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information with access authorized on a strict need-to-know basis.
He told me to report to the officer in charge of the CINCPACFLT Intelligence briefing.
...On the day that I learned that the Office of Naval Intelligence had participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and that it was the Secret Service agent driving the limo that had shot Kennedy in the head, I went AWOL with no intention of ever returning.
My good friend Bob Swan is the one who talked me into going back. Later, on June 1, 1972, the eve of my wedding, I told Bob everything that I knew about the UFOs, Kennedy's assassination, the Navy, the Secret Government, the coming iceage, Alternatives 1, 2, & 3, Project GALILEO, and the plan for the New World Order. I believed it was all true then and I believe it is all true now.
The artificial threat from outer space.
I must warn you, however, that I have found evidence that the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat from outer space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order.
I am still searching for the truth. I firmly believe that this book is closer to that truth than anything ever previously written. "
This book was published in 1990. I met Bill Cooper, and attended one of his talks.