Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
What Happens When Your Country's Surveillance Agencies Uncover a Massive Plot for Treason?
What would you suggest they do?
Firstly, they decided to give you 'America's worst ever President - Joe Biden'!
At least a couple of decades ago, perhaps before 2000, the US secret military services discovered there was a plan to seize control of the planet by certain individuals. Treason in other words.
How could it be possible to override all governments across the planet? Simple, the world experiences a massive health scare. To make sure that all the so called 'right' precautions would be in place if such a thing happened again, the CDC and other health agencies would be given the authority to override all governments. Of course the CDC etc are not government agencies, they are private organizations created by those who had the plan! This is the treaty - to give health organizations the right to override governments - that United Nations have just been blocked from doing at this stage.
Because this treason was uncovered decades ago, information has been made available throughout that time, usually from naval intelligence. Also during this time they gathered mountains of evidence including film - analogue and old film not digital. Those behind the plan have enormous power and wealth as they have been syphoning off the wealth of the world for centuries. When people wish to join their ranks and serve the cause, or make their careers take off, they make deals, and what the people have to do has to ensure their loyalty. They have to do things, and what that is is filmed so it can be used as blackmail if they change their minds. There are also honey traps and other situations where people are compromised into complying. They (the 'good side') have all of that.
The plan was allowed to continue but the time to take them down began in 2016, and took off in 2017. All the 'head of the snake' was removed in that time, and all the stolen gold retreived. This all happened while it seemed like there was a perfectly normal if controversial presidency with Donald Trump.
In 2020 when the planned 'pandemic' was allowed to go ahead, the existence of the 'good side' was made known, but it was also fully known, that there would still be masses of people who would not believe it. The warnings about what was ahppening and about the 'death jab' was clearly made known. It was understood there would be people lost, but not in the numbers that would have been.
The entire plan was allowed to play out including the fall of America and the end of the dollar. This was allowed to play out to catch everyone involved in it - because they still thought the orders were coming from the 'top', and also so the masses of people would see what was happening.
So, from 2020 the plan went ahead. There was going to be an enormous crash of America and the world will have gone right up to the brink of WW3.
At this time now Donald Trump is currently in his 2nd term as president.
The military is in control and for the plan to play out they gave you "America's worst ever president, Joe Biden" !
I'll leave it at that for now. But be grateful, because the world is very soon going to experience what the 'dark side' had planned, but there will be a saving answer.
Previously not much was known about DUMBs - Deep Underground Military Bases -
and underground tunnels, wide enough to be a highway including one between jerusalem and the Vatican in Italy. Since 2020 the world has learned a lot about these tunnels, used not only for smuggling drugs and weapons, but also for human organs and child sex trafficking. (A topic covered in the film 'The Sound of Freedom'.) Recently one of the main hubs for this activity, and the production of bio-weapons and adrenochrome, was Ukraine, with a big operation to clear out and blow up these tunnels and their larger facilities, all underground. Some of these are where the children had been kept, often in cages. Since 2020, possibly before, these tunnels worldwide have been cleared out and blown up. Ukarine was a massive centre for this, and it was said, that clearing up Israel would be the last to be done.
The Israel-Hamas thing has already had 2 weeks of clearing out these tunnels, rescuing trafficked children, and blowing up the tunnels. That is usually when you hear about big explosions. It will probably take a while, but already 2 weeks into it while the rest of the world waits for a ground invasion of Gaza..
A question was asked about how these could be built secretly because there is so much waste gravel that has to be dealth with. The answer was that they have a machine which cuts through rock and instantaneous melts it to a glasslike finish. This was demonstrated. There are thousands and thousands of these bases, tunnels and cities beneath continents, under oceans, and in mountains!
Why the Clearing Out of the DUMBs and Underground Facilities?
The answer to that is because those who truly held all the puppet strings to running this world are followers of the Luciferian Religion - and it is a religion. If you know about Jeffrey Epstein then you know something of what all these so called 'elites' were into - Prince Andrew is one example of who made up this group. Their religion requires human scarifices - just as routinely occured in the meso-American world of Aztecs etc - and also Druids and pagans. They are satanists, the same as Madonna was presenting actual satanic rrituals as her stage show.
This religion was their religion. It involves pedophilia because they believe it is a choice for being 'attracted to the young', it is regularly homosexual, involves young boys and girls, plus they routinely drink the adrenalised blood of the young (adrenalised by causing immense fear in these children) it involves organ trafficking and a complete disregard that these children and people are actually humans. They eat some of them too, this is what 'spirit cooking' is. Singer Katy Perry has discussed eating human flesh, and actress Meryl Streep was very much into this.
Their 'business' has been everything illegal in existence, and they use the underground tunnels and facilities to do it. This is why they have been systematically cleared out, blown up, and children rescued since 2020. I saw one of the convoys of dark glassed buses that were used for these chidren who have been kept underground, from my window on the 26th floor of the same building I am at now. An entire convoy of such buses with police escort, transported at a point in the early hours of the morning, around 1 am.
I will be getting ready now, for the days when all communications will be down, no internet, and stocking up on food and water and some cash to get through which should only be a few days, 3, maybe 10, or some say prepare for a month. These events almost cover my 90 days in Malaysia.