Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
The 2nd Energy Stream or 'Tree' in the Garden.
There has been a battle for this planet since the time of the 'cosmic collision' which knocked Earth off its axis.
It is not certain that the planet's cycle, which is currently 25,000+ years, has always been how the cycle has been. One thing is for sure though. From after the time the axis was damaged, this planet became attached to the energy stream of a different, and lower system of stars (connected with Canis). It is an alignment of the planet into a different energy stream, which could be likened to a different roadway system from the one it originally belonged to.
Once that happened, life was able to evolve on this planet from a different system.
Yet this planet had already evolved a Life System from the Eternal Life System the first 'Tree' in the Garden.
We hope the reality of the picture (and the problem) is beginning to become clearer now.
Ancient Freemason books go back to a history hundreds of thousands ago, or so the records claim. At such a time, these records describe a thriving society across the planet which indicates the Earth was at that tiem spending far longer time in the 2nd alignment than it is now.
Currently, the false alignment was entered around 12,000 years ago, dipped into the negative 6,000 years ago, and right now is about to ascend out of that. Even the positive side of the 2nd energy stream doesn't want the 'dark side' on this planet.
However, there may have been a time when the 2nd energy stream, (2nd 'Tree') controlled this planet. Despite that, Earth belongs to the 1st energy stream (the 1st 'Tree).
The first 'Tree' network is the Eternal Life System. The 2nd 'Tree' is finite. Earth did not belong to the 2nd energy stream, and those who were born into that still do not have 'Eternal Life'. The Eternal Source knows that, and created a way for those of the 2nd energy stream to get to the Original energy stream and thus achieve 'Eternal Life'.
The good side of the 2nd energy stream is a mixed bag of deceptions. These include well intended disceptions which are generally good people who are still part of the 2nd energy stream. There are also additional false paths and lures designed to keep people on the 2nd path. The good side knows enough to understand that the true objective is to get to the 1st path.
The current change of the planet into its Ascent - which is a normal part of its cycle - began around 2,000 years ago. That was the introductory phase of moving out of the "shadow of the valley of death", otherwise known as the negative reverse phase. This is why there was the Teacher Jesus and the beginning of Christianity. This is not saying that there were not good religions which existed prior to that date which aimed to keep to the guidelines for aligning to the 'Tree of Eternal Life', some did thier best, while waiting for the time when the instructions and guidelines would be restored.
As covered by this work, the Ascent is still the 2nd path, it is not the '5th realm' BUT it does begin to overlap with the 1st path, the original Eternal Life path.
After the current military opertation, which has worldwide co-operation, completes, many countries will be returning to being a Christian based country, as was intended for the republic of the USA, for the UK and Commonwealth countries, Europe and Russia and more.
This is what is required to make the change that the overlap presents, to move away from the 2nd stream to return to the original Eternal Stream
Social Engineering and the Agenda of the Tavistock Institute in the 1960's.
The entire agenda of the Luciferians was to discredit Christianity.
Part 2 Tavistock Institute and 'Social Engineering'.