The planet is believed to be about to move into a different energy on its long cycle and that involves a polarity change
from the negative world it currently is to 'positive'. This seems to be not necessarily connected to the current military operation on the planet which has been clearing out and removing the corrupt system which had been running this planet. However, that may time in with the expected planetary change. This has been described as the 'dividing of the two paths'.
Thing is, hundreds of millions of people in the world have embraced and do live the Luciferian reality. That is the everyday programming that has been run from the negative which includes how people are brought up to see the world values, something which some people do step back from and question , but most do not. It is their level of consciousness, and that level is the negative path which is expected to be ending.
If this planet is indeed going to move into a much higher level of consciousness and 'better world', then none of these people can be part of it. If they were, it would not be a higher level and better world!
This means there can be only two alternatives - two paths ahead. The planet really is going to move up into a 'higher level' world and these millions and millions of people cannot be part of it.
Or the planet does not move into a 'higher level' world.
Those who are awake now know how widespread the religion of satanism has been on this planet. The Luciferian Government has been invisibly running the planet
and it had a very different world map from what we in this world have seen as the countries of this planet.
It's map has always been the zones. Of course the countries in those zones have not participated in being part of the zones, they have been their own countries. This current time was to bring the Luciferian Map into the open under the One Government of the New World Order.
It has been programming the world consciousness for that over the last decades, and you can be certain their 'Voice of God' Project was up and running before or by the 1980's. In the 1980's the western world saw an abundance of people 'channelling' other world communications. All of a sudden a vast array of very average people began being 'enlightened' enough to be communicating with 'God'. Yeah right!
Anyway, that was just one of the satanic 'people control' projects, just as the music industry with the Tavistock Institute and Laurel Canyon and so on, and the 'deal with the devil' recording contracts were also part of it.
So too was the behaviour that went with that. Like, say, from Woodstock onwards. You KNOW that Luciferian and satanic practices are about sex. Tou know that.
Ultimately its about changing consciousness to accept pedophilia, then homosexual pedophilia. and then move on to human sacrifice and blood drinking. It is in the other Jewish book the Talmud - the one most Jews do not follow - that the men are allowed to have sex with 3 year old girls. That is the reason the current attitudes that are not just today but clearly described in a book by Irish author Maeve Binchy written 20 years ago, are the way things are. Ireland as an example, with its wonderful Riverdance, and once a place with very pretty Celtic girls is now predominantly full of skanks and whores like everywhere else in the West! Call a spade a spade, a whore is a whore - and many continue that path to Only Fans et cetara (and what a good word 'skanks' is and the chance to use it!) Its not liberated, modern, or expressing yourself, and certainly not about 'equality'. Its about preparing the way for accepting pedophilia.
So we have schoolgirls dressed like they are in the first scenes of a porno movie. Here in Mexico it is a very short uniform skirt with knee length socks for the age group probably from about 12 to 17. They are the in training 'Lotlitas'. I believe the uniforms are the same in Australia and probably everywhere that they have uniforms. But school is for their education. It is not about picking up boys. If they want to be a Lolita they could do it out of school but not FOR school. But then school would no longer be the entry training for Lolitas.
It is all Mind Control and satanic programming BUT it is not a case of poor innocents who have been misled in this way. Despite the ages involved, they have gone on to embrace this level of consciousness and continued with it. They are not innocent bystanders and collateral damage. The girls who went to Epstein Island and other elite parties chose to do that and they did embrace what was involved. Too bad if they were only 17 years old, or 15, and dressed up like a model at an elite party. They went along with it. (For Ghislaine and co this was a really cheap way of procuring an endless supply of low priced prostitutes.)
For the record, I was offered a similar 'job' in with the royal family of the Nederlands (hugely satanic incidentally) it was 'glamorous' and it was clearly stated that I would have to be 'very friendly'. There was no way I would do that!
For all of it, it is their level of consciousness, they did do it, did go along with it, then maybe realized much later what it really was. This level of consciousness has long been in this world so before satanism really took control, they were still a low consciousness but were then being guided and taught from a HIGHER level of consciousness. Just for the record, there are girls who were brought up in and part of the satanic system, doing much the same as the parties, but they questioned it and if they could, they managed to escape. These are people to be respected for what they managed to escape, also that they recognized what it was.
One of the satanic arguments is that 'God created sex'.
God created a way that people would reproduce so the species would continue. They were intended to find the right partner, with the right qualities, and then reproduce.
The more important part was they were then intended to bring up that child in a responsible manner, in a secure family, with the right values that benefit the entire civilization - and its survival -so that the future generations were also going to continue as intended. It was also fully understood that the brain takes until around the age of 21 to mature. The current generation(s) are not more mature, and the brain has not somehow changed its stages of development. It always takes around 21 years to reach its intended maturity - not its reduced development that the satanic influenced world has.
We are approaching the 'Dividing into Two Paths or Realities'. Does that mean on the same planet? Or some other kind of division? It would be very beneficial if all those who are part of the 'lower development' who embraced the satanic lifestyle could be somewhere completely separated from those who wish to live in the HIGHER LEVEL consciousness. Once you stick the lower consciousness amongst everyone then it makes it very difficult to have a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS world. If you make the lower consciousness equal to those with Higher Consciousness then there is no chance whatsoever of having a Higher Level world! In fact, doing that - making it all 'equal' - is what the Luciferians did.