This world is going to be in big trouble if the future is 'governed by the people' and it's a 'level playing field' as suggested by a RESET!
Now why would anyone say that?
Don't know about you, but I have never met anyone who has 'woken up'. I have met people who are awake, but no-one who was one of the 'sheeple' who then woke up. Of course there are some but not so many.
Thing is, these 'dark beings' who managed to get onto the planet while it travelled through the 'shadow of the valley of death' were going to imprison those who remained (15 minute cities) as the follow up next stage after their intended depopulation agenda to kill off most of the people first.
"The people" did not notice this was happening, they still haven't noticed, and those who considered themselves 'spiritually aware' also did not see it.
Even now, before the planet does shift in frequency, the Agenda 21/30 is being set up, Biden and other governments like the UK are taking all the tax papers contributions and giving it to immigrants and to finance wars. Some people are noticing this a bit, but most are not.
No-one of the masses was or is now, doing anything to stop this happening. Thankfully there are people in the right places who did see this and did do something about it.
But the general people missed it. They are mostly all still missing it. What does that say about 'the people governing themselves'?
In fact, enough people have begun to 'get it' because they reached the required 80% to move on. That is an Awakening.
This planet has been travelling through a 'realm of Illusion' a DREAM.
Most likely the people will experience a real 'Awakening' when the planet shifts frequency and moves into the events we are awaiting. Then they will wake up from the Dream.