SOUND for this planet's transition out of evil. NEW TRACKS ADDED REGULARLY DOWN THE PAGE. . Best viewed on anything but Google



Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.


Even in the Bible, it warns about the banking system with the interest charged - usury, almost like a warning because this had happened before. In fact the Rothschild family make trillions of dollars each year and along with the other few families involved, were easily able to set up what was planned for the world population - and the world's wealth of course, because at this point, everything would have gone to them. There is technology far ahead of what we have and know about today, not just DEW, but space vehicles that can hover over cities and be invisible. It has been in use since the 60's but we only know the level we have been shown to exist. These people no longer control those, or the satellites, or the technology, apart from ground level tech. such as Mobile Directed Energy Weapons, not satellite directed.

When the system actually changes over from the horrors that are still being seen to be introduced, there will be a kind of de-briefing for the people who have been so brainwashed into what they see as reality. The world is now full of hate and egotistical opinions of self-importance and other attitudes which have been programmed. These all have to be de-programmed. Just look at how people behave in this world. They believe marriage and relationships are some kind joke or have no more significance than a night's out entertainment. This has produced decades, of single parent children who never had a stable family environment and probably were passed to the grandparents to look after while the single parent had to work. If you get the picture.

A source who worked in de-programming people for military intelligence has said the songs of a singer named Adam Ant, somewhere around 1980, were used for (some of the) de-programming. Adam had been thru the programming most of the pop groups had to go thru to become stars (The Beatles were programmed at the Tavistock Institute in London). Anyway, Adam broke free of the programming and used his music videos to help others break free from Mind Control (MK Ultra and Monarch). So of course, I have looked up Adam Ant and the music. I don't know how the de-briefing like this worked. The music is very much of its time, obviously not what we would listen to now, but it is extremely interesting that military intelligence used it to help people who have been brainwashed, de-programme. I think the bugle sound is part of it. It also seems to be in the words, but the source said Adam was very specific about what the videos were symbolically representing. Consciousness, compartmentalized consciousnesss etc I don't know this music, but I am looking now at 'Stand and Deliver' and I can see the use of the mirror, some of the wording "even though you fool your soul, your conscience will be mine" and also people standing without seeing what is happening. This is happening now. There were three specific tracks the source said are/were used for de-briefing and de-prgrogramming actual MK Ultra and Monarch cases. There is a short pdf on Monarch Mind Control 12 pages. (I haven't read it, it is just a reference). Here is Adam Ant. De-programming video-music.

Have decided to add a short video by a very well known person who was trafficked as in 'Epstein child trafficking' who spoke out about what happened to her, beginning to speak out in the 90's when she discussed things which most of us never had heard of before (I am only now understanding it was for real). Epstein was not just child trafficking but involved in satanic ritual abuse. It is a religion and they believe these things give them power. This is Cathy O'Brien. It has taken 30 years for people to listen and understand this is real. Many, many others also began to come forward and explain what this is about. The George Bush is Bush Snr. This is an old video, and she is much older now so maybe from the early 2000's. I just checked and the book "TRANCE-Formation of America" was published in 1995, and seems to be available as a pdf.

Only 22 minutes . Watch Video. This also mentions Mexico.


The 'Behavioural Programming' of the last decades.

For decades TV, pop culture etc has done a very successful job of breaking up families and trivializing relationships. As we move into a new future, where those doing this have now been replaced, most of us are going to have re-think what really matters, and what actually creates a happy life and peacefully, happy world. It is a re-education that takes us back to what should be, but had been taken away.

Using an article from the Russian News site covering Putin's talk to school children last Friday, President Putin recalled the history of his own family, telling students about his ancestors who lived through World War II. According to Putin, his grandmother was fatally shot by a Nazi soldier but, even as she was dying, she was still thinking about her husband and told Putin’s grandfather “not to cry” in order not to upset her in her final moments. 

“Do you understand the depth of these relationships between the ordinary people, this love?” the president said, adding that, even in the face of death, his grandmother was caring for her loved one. “How can we not take that for a model?” he added. Putin also said that all members of his family felt deep respect for each other and had a “strong inner culture.”  (RT News).


Since the 2014 Western led 'colour revolution' in Ukraine (the 'Orange Revolution') a small but long area along the unofficial borderlands between Ukraine and Russia has seen the unrelenting bombing of civilians living there, by Ukraine, because they wanted to be Russian not Ukrainian. They asked for Russia to help them. There was also a referendum where 95% of the people living in that border area and Crimea, voted to remain Russian. This border is the only area of 'Ukraine' about which there is a war.

The Manchurian Candidate (2004) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers Watch Trailer

2+ minutes.


The Mainstream Media's Role in Showing You What You Are to Think.

There is absolutely no question that our current world exists under Mind Control, but it is understood that a de-programming is taking place. That is why there is the Tucker Carlson interview with the man who alleged having sex and cocaine with Obama in November 1999. This is de-programming, as is the access to the information of Cathy O'Brien and Ally Carter and a great many others. It is why there is a President Biden and the introduction of insane policies, not just from Biden but from the WEF World Economic Forum (which is a private organization).

As always, all these things can be introduced and it would be far too late before the average person noticed what had been done. It is being played out as was going to happen, because without that the sleeping masses are so brainwashed, they would not believe it. Right now, they don't believe it and the majority that I see are not even aware of it, including the Higher Self person!

When I write about 'programmes' that does not mean Mind Control. It means the stuff you have learned as a reality by which you identify yourself, that has happened in your life. It is memory and experiences. However, there is external programming which is Mind Control. That is via the mainstream media, the trusted news people on CNN and the BBC who nevertheless, have to report what the OWNERS of those stations want reported. It is just a fact. If someone has the power to shape how their millions of customers think, why wouldn't they do it?

It is very clear that we must be approaching a time when there are going to be some big things happening. Eventually it will click with the sleeping masses that Obama was not represented to the people as the person he really was - part of which is a coke sniffing, gay pick up in bathhouses - and yet that is the interview with Tucker Carlson. As also mentioned, there are issues surfacing now about the Obama chef who died mysteriously just when he was about to publish a 'tell all' book. That then leads to questions about the death of comedienne Joan Rivers.

The problem is how long it takes for the information to register in the brains of the 'sleepers' the endless numbers who are completely unaware. Being where I am in Mexico, in Puerto Vallarta, and meeting masses of tourists from Canada, North America, the UK and Europe has shown masses of people completely asleep. This is far more than I usually encounter. It was a big surprise to me when I first arrived here.

I have mentioned that a singer from 1980, Adam Ant produced videos to help people wake up from Mind Control. His music videos were used by British military intelligence, not just in 1980, but may still be used even today. Why would Adam Ant have done that?

Why would Adam Ant, a pop singer, have done that?

Adam Ant. Stand and Deliver.

So, currently, the world is right now in a de-programming.

Firstly, what was being done is actually playing out so people see that it is happening. If not, they would not believe it. At the same time, enormous amounts of information is being released.

We should be fast approaching the impeachment of Joe Biden. The man is such a criminal, including incest. This obviously leads to ties to other people who were represented to you as squeaky clean, nice likeable people. This should unfold soon, and will be epic.


De-programming from false information, behavioural programming, and life's programming.

It is obvious that those called the 'white hats' are now in the process of the 'reveal' we have been waiting for. There is a gentle easing into revealing the reality about Obama for example, as a kind of gentle mocking at present, but there is much more than this. It is paving the way for Biden's impeachment, and that is going to open a 'can of worms' like no other. It will lead to the contents of the son Hunter's laptop and onwards into the almost beyond belief. Therefore, fairly soon, the world is going to see things happening.

The real nature of the self is the SOUL, but that soul is living in a human body with a brain, and that brain can be targeted. So there has been a massive amount of programming of the masses in order for a few people - like those Obama worked for - to have complete control over the world. They are the ones who ran the banking system of lending money out for interest - called usury - and also printing out money that was not backed by anything, no asset value. This is how they destroyed people and gained possession of all their precious artworks, their land, their property and their businesses.

Programming also means the way reality is perceived to be. We are going to look more at programming and how to de-programme.

Part of the programming was the feminist movement. It was to make women irrelevant. For what then began to be seen as their value - this has easily been the last 40 years or so - can easily be replaced with a tranny, a robot, AI, or a blow up doll.

(The comments on 'respect' were inspired by the next observations.)

I only heard the work of the man making the videos that follow, recently. Hadn't understood what they were, but discovered they are interesting observations.

I think some of the comments are too crude for what I would usually show others,

but the intent of these videos is worthwhile. MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way.

These Memes of the Week are amusing and observant, and I agree with his comments about women!

The weekly videos can be found on and type in MGTOW Sandman in the search bar.

DOES HER BODY COUNT MATTER? - MGTOW. Told her fiance before marrying she'd only slept with one guy, then he finds out she used to go to orgies etc. Comedic comments, but very observant of today's world........ Video 10 mins.

MEMES OF THE WEEK #54 - MGTOW Comedy comments on Attitudes and observant of today's world etc. Comments Video. 10 mins.

Women taking half the man's earnings on divorce. Usual formula, get the man and have a baby quickly, get him to marry you, then the divorce later with all the perks etc.

MEMES OF THE WEEK #23 - MGTOW Video 9 mins. (A couple of good comments on this one.)

MEMES OF THE WEEK #53 - MGTOW Video 10 mins.


I wanted to provide an alternative and much nicer view of romance from 200 years ago, with Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'

with one of the best ever versions of 'Darcy' played by Colin Firth. This is the 1995 BBC version. Excellent manners, Its taken hours just to find this adequate clip to use. Its short and the point is it is a nice romance because at least they both respect what romance is meant to be.

Darcy seems an intolerable snob who dislikes the amusement of a country (aristocratic) dance, and even says within Elizabeth's hearing that she is not good looking enough to make him want to dance. He is then introduced to Elizabeth who has already decided he is intolerable. Elizabeth is the 'prejudice' in the story, while Darcy is the 'pride'. Having greatly antagonized Elizabeth with his apparent rudeness, he then falls for her but she is considered not at all good enough for a gentleman of his status. There are some funny scenes where he proposes (asks her to marry him) then says that, "against his better judgment etc" and as she still dislikes him at that stage she makes it clear he has said the wrong thing - which he doesn't expect because he is a 'good catch' - except Elizabeth doesn't care. In the end it is very romantic and probably the most famous love story in existence.

It's really hard to find a good clip but am using this because this is supposed to show a love story that is nothing like today's world. Elizabeth and Darcy have a great misunderstanding which eventually all works out. But no attitudes like today. Watch Video 5 minutes.

Isn't that much nicer?




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