. Sound Project - You owe it to yourself to have BETTER art, ballet, films, and music! Best viewed on anything but Google



Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.


The Americas was actually set up as the new land for the Canaanites who were thrown out of Egypt over 3,000 years ago.

They are the 'Children of Cain'.

The Americas has always secretly been 'Israel'. It has always been inhabited - by them - since the time these Luciferians were thrown out of Egypt. People who are worshippers of Satan. This work has covered, long before 2020 when more information came out, it has always covered how these people went to the Americas thousands of years before the 'official' discovery and play act of setting up a free America. (See the Tartaria and Khazarian section a little further down on this page.) The Knights Templar used to trade between the continents during the first millennium after Christ, also taking people across to move there.

As you know, the 'Deep State', the secret government, literally had its offices set up underneath Washington DC (and all across America, and the world!!) It was set up to become the 'new kingdom' after the world apparently supported Israel's current war, with Israeli soldiers on TikTok laughing at killing Gazan babies and children. In fact, most of us know that the Hamas attack was staged and have seen the Israeli soldiers standing by, doing nothing. It is very possible that Salt Lake City in Utah, which is considered to be the real 'Jerusalem' in the Mormon scriptures, is actually the real 'Jerusalem'.





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