Future Timelines, Sound Frequencies and Missing SOUND Frequencies. Future Earth, Future Consciousness, Lost Chord.
Origin of the Freemasons.The Kazarians aka Freemasons were kicked out of Greek operated Egypt, which was the later name of Khemalot, at the time of the Exodus, around 3,500 years ago This was also the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten and it is believed these early Masons, like those today, always linked their identity to a good source, to hide their own identity. The Khazarians are the identity recently revealed as the cabal behind the depopulation agenda and the CBDC slavery of those remaining. This appears to be what is happening now with the introduction of 'Tartaria'. The Tartars of Russia are by no means unknown. But it looks like the Kazak cabal are representing themselves to be these people. Certainly it was the Khazarians who had all the advanced buildings and civilization, as did the Anunnaki-Reptilians - all the same people who worship the 'goddess' because that is the negative polarity. The Romanov Russian royal family were not bad people.They were brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks in July 1918. The Bolsheviks were the ones behind introducing the Marxist-Communist Order which became the Soviet Union under Lenin. They were helped, and financed by the Khazarian cabal in America. The Romanov's were a mild husband and wife, four daughters in their teens Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and Anastasia and a young son who had a blood disease known as hemophilia. Their murder is one of the saddest stories in true history. They could have been given asylum in Britian but King George V would not allow it. This has to raise questions, that he would allow his cousins to be murdered in this way, because there was no other destiny for them if not given asylum.
There are many questions in 'Forbidden History'. The Romanov's wanted to remove the Khazarian cabal. Also, Hitler was trying to remove the Khazak cabal from Germany and defeat the Russians. The British allied with the Bolsheviks. Britain had been infiltrated by those of the cabal, and the biggest name seems to be Winston Churchill. Britain was not a bad country. It brought a very high level of civilization to much of the world. "The Judeo Bolshevik Jews in Russia under the leadership of Judeo Bolshevik Jew Vladimir Lenin and Commander and Judeo Bolshevik Jew Leon Trotsky exterminated 20 million Ukrainian Christian Kulak's during the Holodomor and 46 million White European Ethnic Christian Russians. The Bolsheviks took down the White European Ethnic Christian Russian Czarist regime in the most brutal way." Internet comment
The information of 'Tartaria' comes from some 'off planet source' and is false information that is really describing the Khazarians! It appears to also be the source currently discrediting the film The Sound of Freedom - after all they are ones who use these trafficked children for sacrifices and blood drinking. Tartaria is Khazaria, and its people were in Egypt then went to the Americas 3,500 years ago. Today's Kazakstan appears to be a very big chunk next to Russia on today's map - yet most of us know nothing about this country,and it isn't shown on the general maps of Russia. Look at this city, take the picture and magnify it. However, this is not the original Khazaria that led to the cabal and Freemasons in Egypt. In the USSR this was incorporated into the entire entity USSR. The Cabal Agenda 'began' in many ways, such as establishing the Federal Reserve in the USA.But also around the same time, it began by removing the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Then it removed the Russian Empire and established a Marxist-Communist government. It is a good idea to research Maxisim because it is a debased and offensive ideology. Following those two massive agendas completed, the world goes into WW2. Also during all this time Hollywood rose to prominence. This then led to today's world, ready for the final coup. This work does not find that the British were 'bad'. They were infiltrated and brought down by the cabal.
'Tartaria'.The 1800's was not all that long ago. They had beginning movies later in that timeframe which filmed major cities in Europe. Jane Austen lived at the beginning of the 1800's and Charles Dickens lived midway of the 1800's. France and Russia produced exceptional literature during that time, and Russia also produced exceptional music. There is no time link between the 1800's and the building of the pyramids. We all had relatives who lived during this time, who fought in WW1 (1914-18) who were born when Queen Victoria was Queen of England. There is a book and discussion running currently that says a great world civilization was wiped out in the 1800's. There may have been something that happened in the American continent but it was not worldwide. Or at least the UK, Europe, Russia, China and Africa did not experience this. Whatever this story is that is being told, it is not from this current Great Cycle, although might have been 12,000 years ago when the tectonic plates did crash into each other and push up mountain ranges. . WHAT IS THE TARTARIAN CONSPIRACY? Watch Video. However, those fleeing Egypt 3,500 years ago DID go to the Americas as the maps (portolans) existed. (The portolans were the world maps of a great seafaring civilization from before 12,000 years ago, including the land continent of Antarctica without ice.) They also went there after the Diaspora at the beginning of the last millennium 2,000 years ago. The ships of the Knights Templar sailed to the Americas throughout the next thousand years until the great crackdown on the Templars and execution of Jacques de Molay the leader in the 13th century. After that time, the victors of that event gained access to those maps and Columbus etc sailed to 'discover' the Americas. Those putting out this Tartarian story are hiding the existence of who these people really were, and also making them heros. Actually, it is really interesting that these 'builders' from ancient Egypt did go to the Americas. That was 3,500 years ago and does tie in with the existence of the Mayans, along with carrying out all their savage sacrifices and cutting out live human hearts. According to the video above these ones may have used mercury to produce their electricity. I wonder how many people who have come forward as the leaders in the USA are from families who have lived there for 3,500 years. It is a great disservice to the world that people in general are so incredibly uneducated. It means that those giving out information should not be from the ranks of the very uneducated. It comes from many sources but includes the 'Crowhouse' man. If we make this the basis for information then the world will never move forward to a higher state of being. Either there are examples of what is a 'Higher Way' to live on a planet like this, or there are no examples and people try to muddle through. It is a great disservice to the world that people in general are so incredibly uneducated. It means that those giving out information should not be from the ranks of the very uneducated. It comes from many sources but includes the 'Crowhouse' man. If we make this the basis for information then the world will never move forward to a higher state of being. Either there are examples of what is a 'Higher Way' to live on a planet like this, or there are no examples and people try to muddle through. The new phase of this planet is not a 'clean slate' where all people from the current consciousness can come up with ideas. A perfect formula for how a civilization and world can live in harmony and successfully already exists. It is what was targetted and corrupted - successfully - because people did not understand that formula. Let those who are advanced be that example, because if people just muddle through they remain mixed up and that means they can be controlled by the 'dark'. The world-wide-web really took off for everyone at the beginning of the millennium and the first things which became really obvious were the number of truly feral beings out there! people did nd said things in what they thought was anonymity. The next thing was how uneducated many people were. We wrote of the sopisticated architecture and schools 2,000 years ago in the Greek-Roman world of Ancient Palestine, and someone said they did not believe us. The irony is, this person probably does believe there was a worldwide Empire of Tartaria across the planet still existing in the 1800's. The world was not some backward undeveloped place prior to the birth of 'millennials' in the 1980's. What is also obvious is that the MK Ultra programming and brainwashing has been very successful and most from that era are a lost cause. They have no idea about relationships, they believe it is "just sex" which has no meaning. It is going to take a tremendous amount of work to help future generations find the way to a happy and meaningful life, mostly because they have the MK Utra'd freaks of recent decades as their parents. It is today's generation that has regressed.
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