Sept. 17th 2021.
Tartaria Video - scroll down to video on Tartaria. ... .
The Ancient EMPIRE OF TARTARIA and the
An ancient civilization powered by Water.
Water is also considered to be ether which may have been contamintaed when the 'ice rock' from a blown up planet landed here - making it a dark water known as eitr - both of which are pronounced as eter or aiter - and refers in some way to dark energy. Some of these systems/structures may well have still been in existence, but not operational, when America was colonized - after all, people had maps and went back to there.
The systems were Tors (Towers) generating power from water. They were operating 26,000 years ago, when there was a world war. 'Abel' was a Tor, as is the 'Cain' Tor. It is possible that even as Earth now enters its Ascension Phase - as it did 26,000 years ago - because of the Magnetosphere's/Magnetic Shield's significant reduction - the planet may become more 'etheric' or more ''spiritus'. This is closer to the correct, original status of the higher version of this planet. Closer to the 'Abel Tor' - although still part of the false Reality.
The structures of the original higher civilization were also not the same physicality as now, but the technology did exist in the same density as now for a very long time after the magnetic reversal had happened. Intentional or not, a mistake was made with using this technology which took this reality into a 'between worlds' light energy and dark energy status. This made it possible for demons from the dark universe (failed beings) to enter this reality.
The ancient world did not come to an end in the 20th century as some say, or the 19th century.
There are people alive now who were born early in the 20th century and can tell you the stories from their own grandparents. However, the world which was lost can and does have structures remaining that appear as fresh and new as current times.
51 mins. The Hidden Hand behind all of the global agenda and Luciferian religion. Highly recommended. Tartaria became China and Khazaria. Those who are even higher than the Rothschilds and Peyseurs, are the 'Grandfathers' of the Himalaya. The creation of Parallel Earth.
TARTARIA includes Khazakstan, and today's CCP-China, and the Indus.
The Hidden Hand behind all of the global agenda and Luciferian religion.
TARTARIA was wiped out long ago, but it returned as China and Khazaria near Turkey.
The name Tara can be confused with a civilization in Tartaria covering Siberia, Russia, and indeed if this existed 12-13,000 years ago, it certainly could have been a major near-North Pole located part of a global empire, and be connected to the name of the planet before it changed. Some of these may well have gone south when the pyramid explosion hit the planet, and become the Khazarians - the bad guys associated with the cabal. This landmass included Turkey (Boris Johnson's ancestry.)
.........."Tatar, also spelled Tartar, any member of several Turkic-speaking peoples ..... lived mainly in west-central Russia along the central course of the Volga River and east to the Ural Mountains. The Tatars are also settled in Kazakhstan and, to a lesser extent, in western Siberia."
Tartaria, as a vast Earth controlling empire, was not wiped out as some claim 'just over a hundred years ago'.
There was a massive explosion in that region in 1908 at Tunguska.
Just over a hundred years ago covers the time of the Russian Revolution for example. Also Rasputin, Napoleon's attempt to invade Russia in 1812, and even a boyfriend of mine whose grandfather was a Russian prince and they knew their ancestry lineage. Tartaria in the region of Siberia did end in the 19th century, but as an advanced empire which was long, long ago, it was not wiped out a couple of hundred years ago. But it did exist, and was lost, in a far more ancient time.
There are ancient maps which show the Earth landmass before the worldwide Flood - which was caused when the Earth's spine was broken and fell.
The Fall changed the Magnetic Fields and Created this World where a False Magnetic South Pole Rules.
The Bible also reports on a Flood event which if the dates are correct, happened at the time of Noah and his Ark, around 6,000 years ago.
Tartaria appears to have been a significant player in the fallen empire which used the 'Forbidden Energy'.
Historically we might see that it was divided between good and bad people.
The bad people became the Marxist-Leninist-Communists known as Bolsheviks, which is the same ideology of the Great Reset Agenda which began with 'Covid'. Communism has led to total control by government and as demonstrated by the CCP (model for the cabal's reset world) derive power and wealth by 'state owned/run capitalism' - in other words taken away from the people.
Some - of the same groups - became the inhabitants of Khazaria - now clearly connected to the satanic agenda and to the existence of 'vampires' and 'witches'.
The ancient area includes today's CCP-China, and the Indus.
Possibly a good side was involved in the 1908 event which appears to have used the current 'white hat' super weapon 'Rods of God'.
Some sources believe the empire was lost just before the 19th or 20th century
but this is part of Russia, and Russia has a long and known history.
This does include the Tartars and the Bolsheviks and those involved in the Russian Revolution.
The murder of the Russian Royal Family
is one of the saddest stories in history. Four very young women, a little boy, and their parents. It should not be assumed that all royal familes were bad. It is also likely they were connected to the good citizens in the empire of Tartaria.
The Bolsheviks were also descendents of the Tartarians, and they murdered the Russian royal family.
The Bolsheviks (Russian: Большевики, from большинство bolshinstvo, 'majority'), also known in English as the Bolshevists, were a radical, far-left, and revolutionary Marxist faction founded by Lenin.
It is disturbing that Britain's King George V, Queen Elizabeth's grandfather, did not provide asylum - refused asylum - for the Russian royal family.
However, Tartaria was not an empire in recent centuries. Sometimes people forget that for those from nearby northern hemisphere countries, we have connections from grandparents who remember their grandparents who remembered their grandparents etc which goes back to those times, and even before.
Also these northern hemisphere locations have the ancient historic architecture still standing,
buildings that are Tudor, but also much earlier castles.
There are also records of the history. History as presented by the Roman Church and pope, is several centuries after the Romans for example - and Roman architecture still exists, not only in Rome, but also in the UK.
History is not only recorded by historic records. It also exist in the literature, the artwork, the architecture and so on. Jane Austen wrote 'Pride and Prejudice' at the beginning of 1800's Regency time, and Shakespeare wrote in the 1600's, as examples. They are not part of a made up history.
There were no 'masses of children brought to Australia in the 19th century' to 'repopulate the earth after a worldwide mud flood' - and this is an incredibly ignorant thing to say (as a man in Australia has said!) Australia was connected to the Asian continent and the ancient kingdom of that region before the deluge that did wipe out the population of the world, in a war that ended around 12-13,000 years ago. It also has artifacts connected with Ireland. But Australia was not populated by colonists after a mud flood a few centuries ago, and the name Tartaria could have been connected to Tara.
It can be a surprise to those not familiar with a continent like Europe, to discover just how magnificently ancient its buildings are.
After visiting Krakow in Poland in 2019, I wondered why anyone would leave these beautiful places, like Budapest or Prague etc and go to Australia? Well, of course, the Iron Curtain and Marxist communism were the reasons, but that is no longer how it is - and of course Australia has some splendid beaches.
The 5th planet/plane was not a physical density planet but part of it was a lesser density than Earth is now as the planet Tara. It t had density and physicality because it was that world which used massively large masonry, to build.
That planet was located around the area of the Asteroid Belt where an explosion did leave a small amount of physical matter, and, it is reported, the planets Earth and Mars.
Based on the interesting content of the video, the book 'Tartar Treachery' may be of interest.
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