The ART of the Experience.
Europe has people who are stylish, educated, chic and savvy. So too do Singapore and Malaysia. The people are interesting and good to be with.
There is a difference in 'classifying' people by style because they are considerably more relevant and interesting to be with, rather than classifying people by age groups! In fact all age groups across the board, are dull, not interesting, and usually not stylish! So style is a whole different way to view people. But that is not the thinking in the USA or in Mexico which is all about the practicalities of wearing clothes, living and eating! This is why there is a section added on Italy, and France and 'European' thinking.
If you go out to eat in Europe the entire experience is an experience - the food, the ambience, the service, the atmosphere, the conversation, and the ART of it all. So too if you go out shopping, or anything and everything..
The European ART of LIVING.
There is an excellent novel by Henry James written in 1903 which shows how much more developed, civilized, and sophisticated the world, specifically in Europe, was at that time. It is an embarrassment to see how backward, immature and regressed today's world is, not just in comparison, but in all ways. It is not necessarily an easy book to read, but is well worth doing so in order to see how much better the people of that long ago time understood romance, relationships, how to behave in the world and so on. The novel is 'The Ambassadors'.
The story is that a young man who is heir to an American fortune, now about 25 years old, had travelled to Europe several years earlier, where he met a French countess. She is about 10 years older than he is and they fell in love. As he hasn't returned home to America as expected, a relative goes out to England and then to France to check on what is happening. He meets various female and other friends of the son, who diplomatically and charmingly show him the French and continental way of thinking, or viewing life. This is preparing him to understand the son and the countess.
He finds the young man has become a changed person, far more mature, well mannered, cultured and a 100% improvement on how he was when he left America, and he has become all this because of his relationship with the countess. Obviously their liaison is conducted in discretion, as is the way of the polite society which equally understands that people fall in love. This was the way of the world in a highly developed and realistic, polite upper class society. Their relationship flourished and no-one was offended.
The 'ambassador' from America, a man, does not have the culture and style of the French. He is a stiff American who nevertheless is charmed by the French people who the son and the countess have asked to help 'pave the way'. He is eventually joined by the young man's mother, and despite how well mannered the French side are, and how greatly improved the son is, as well as how happy he and the countess are - while not saying that their relationship is an affair and they are in love - the Ameircans, especially the mother, remain hard and impolite, in no way accepting the countess - who is by the way, far superiour to what the Americans are because her manners never falter.
The ending was not the best, but the point is how advanced and mature the society was in those days, 1903, in understanding relationships and overall meaning the ART of how to LIVE.
That Standard of Developed Civilization was Deliberately Destroyed.
There is considerable misinformation about our history being churned out through youtube and other video entertainment sources.
This is ongoing and happening now. While we perhaps cannot speak for the calibre of higher level people in America in earlier times, we certainly can comment on the calibre of the 'gentleman class' in Britian.
The general standard was across the board, honourable men who lived their lives by a 'higher code'. They were extremely polite and diplomatic because that was the usual training provided by their once upon a time higher level, privately funded schools.
This is an absolute fact.
To verify accurate information on what life, manners and people were like in times a hundred and two hundred years ago, read the novels of the time. The authors reflected the world as they knew it. I have currently been reading the works of Somerset Maugham. around the time of the late 1920's (he passed away in 1965.) . There is the book mentioned above. The Ambassadors written in 1903. There is also the work of Jane Austen in the Regency times.
Charles Dicken's books reflected the times which in his works include the roughness of London in the mid 19th century. There are novels by the Hungarian Baroness Orczy 'The Scarlet Pimpernel', and French authors to consider, including Dumas's 'The Three Muskateers'. Read any number of novels written by quality during the actual times. The novels describe the buildings too.
It is also true that there were the opposite of 'honourable gentlemen' (and honourable ladies, and 'honourable' as a title bestowed on politicians and so on now does not reflect the reality! This has been a way used by the 'elite' for of destroying the higher civilization.) Queen Victoria's son Prince Alfred spent most of his time visiting whorehouses. her grandson the Duke of Clarence, who would have become the monarch who succeeded Victoria, was considered to be 'Jack the Ripper' and had some kind of medical condition of perhaps inbred madness.
Mostly those who do not have the level of 'honourable soul' that is being discussed here, do not understand, and do not respect what it is. They view it with contempt, and in fact, the current world we have is mostly represented by those of that level. As intended of course.
Winston Churchill the believed to be British hero of WW2 was not an Englishman. He was half American and his mother was a Jewish-Zionist woman and was part of the 'established ruling elite' of that world. A world of the 'Children of Cain' who may have lived in the Americas for several thousand years!
He was a serious drunk, usually too drunk to give his famous speeches, which were done by an actor and double who fulfilled those in his place. He appears to have been the name and the image required for the role. He replaced Neville Chamberlain as the British Prime Minister because Chamberlain had in fact established an agreement with Hitler for peace - and Hitler wanted Britain to work with Germany to remove the Zionist bankers. That is the reason he was replaced with - a Zionist!
Quite possibly he was a cabal agent in place as a 'British aristocrat' via the organized and planned marriage of 'Jenny Jerome' with an English nobleman,with the necessary credentials, ready to step into the role of PM. Just a few years before that, the British king had been effectively removed via his abdication because of his affair with an American party girl Wallis Simpson (who in private letters to her husband, did not want to marry the king.) Edward V111 actually seems to have been quite a good guy and was probably blackmailed into his abdication.
In the years leading up to WW2 it looks like a great many 'replacements' were successfully initiated.
The replacements were not the 'honourable ladies and gentlemen'.
However, if you want a more accurate reality of the type of people of earlier times, read the novels and papers /magazines of the actual times. It should also be kept in mind that the 'Tartaria' world in the Americas was the 'Children of Cain'. The word is not about 'Tartars' but look to a different 'eastern source' being Khazaria.
Today's world is the one intended by the cabal.
Today's consciousness and behaviour is the Luciferian consciousness.
The fashion industry is an example of no longer being about style, but about snobbery and 'labels', and about those who made deals with the cabal in order to achieve wealth and fame.
Many brands have been linked to pedophilia and satanism. Apparently "Victoria Beckham" is an 'established brand'. But it is not a good brand, and the person is common and 'lower class' - but that was also what made the Spice Girls the success they were. That was the image the cabal wants.
Beckham is the wife of soccer idol David Beckham who can be seen in photos with the one eye and the 666 symbol.
He was an okay football player who became an idol but probably made most of his fortune from product endorsements and modelling. Once the 'deal with the devil' is made the 'doors' suddenly open. The person suddenly becomes a well known person via soccer or other sport, via the pop music industry, and via reality junk TV shows. So long as they are 'celebrities' even though manufactured to be, then they can make the obscene incomes.
Victoria Beckham was a pop star, also with the 'deal'. Doors open for these people, as it was for Stella McCartney who is probably Stella Shepherd. Unfortunately most of anyone who is in the super high income bracket, including fashion designers, is because of the 'deal'. Most of them churn out junk level items with their name and logo on it - and people buy it because of that! "Victoria Beckham is a British singer, actress, and philanthropist who has a net worth of $450 million with her husband, David Beckham." Amazing how many of the ones who have 'deals' become 'philanthropists'! David Beckham is part Jewish and their now grown up children can also be seen in the 'one eye' and 666 photos. Here is an item from Victoria Beckham's currrent collection. It's the jacket top. link here. (It's not high end designer wear, but it is expensive ready to wear.)
But not all of fashion designers were originally those who 'made the deal' and fashion was once about quality and style.
This planet belongs to the 'true humans' who are now fighting for their continued existence and survival. Human DNA was mixed with monkey DNA in order to create a body which allowed or made possible, those who are NOT true human to incarnate onto this planet and take over. The planet has been in the process of being 'stolen' for its Living Energy.