Used as a topic
paste. It is also available in capsule form if you have trusted
A study published by
the University of Minnesota Medical School looked specifically at
Native American plant based healing modalities. Researchers
found that the sanguinarine in Bloodroot can “block
proliferation and induce apoptosis in a number of different transformed
and malignant cell types.”
Sanguinarine is
polycyclic ammonium ion. It is extracted from the
Bloodroot plant also known as the Mexican Prickly Poppy. It is
described as chemotherapeutic.
Studies discovered
that Sanguinarine,
in a dose-dependent manner, is effective on certain kinds of skin cancer
even when pharmaceutical drugs are not:
suppresses the growth of squamous carcinoma cells more effectively than
normal keratinocytes, and inhibits the growth of a number of multidrug
resistant cell lines,” researchers noted.
can be taken as capsules.
Although its cancer-killing effects occur
when it is ingested, taking too much internally can lead to burning of
the stomach, vomiting, vertigo, faintness, and dimness of eyesight.
Because of this, its
is advised not to initiate your own at-home protocol with Bloodroot
internally. It should always be administered under the supervision of a
qualified health care professional.
*As a therapeutic treatment it
should be purchased from reliable sources
like Alpha-Omega Labs in Bolivia (others with this name are not endorsed
by or connected to the actual company.)